Have a guess what ?question pg3


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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I'm pregnant after being 12 days late 7-10 negative tests i eventually get a positive this morning!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

My FMU i got a positive and i done another test about an hour ago which was still positive!:happydance:

I can't believe it, from my dates i'm 6 weeks + 2 days and my due date is 01.01.2008!!! new years day!!!!:headspin: :headspin:

So no partying for me !!!!
aaaww thats great news u have 7-10 negavtives i have 3 negatioves and 12 days late still
fantastic!!!!wishing u healthy+happy pregnancy xxx
I'm pregnant after being 12 days late 7-10 negative tests i eventually get a positive this morning!!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

My FMU i got a positive and i done another test about an hour ago which was still positive!:happydance:

I can't believe it, from my dates i'm 6 weeks + 2 days and my due date is 01.01.2008!!! new years day!!!!:headspin: :headspin:

So no partying for me !!!!

Congratulations! I was getting deja vu as my due date was new years eve last year!! You will be BnB's first 2008 baby!
hiya yeah i got 7-10 negatives it was so frustrating so i know how you feel!

keep testing i've my fingers crossed for you!

I'm just over the moon at the min :cloud9: i do hope i go into 2008!
Your only 1 half weeks behind me & Layla :dance:
Arrr Fanks everyone i'm still on :cloud9: but it's started to settle in now:happydance: :happydance:
hiya yeah i got 7-10 negatives it was so frustrating so i know how you feel!

keep testing i've my fingers crossed for you!

I'm just over the moon at the min :cloud9: i do hope i go into 2008!

jesus it will cost me a forturne all the best for ur next 9months
congratulations that is fab news :) xx

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