I was prescribed 100mg straight off as my FS said that she didn't think i would be hypersensitive as i only have around 2-3 periods a yr.
I was happy they had given me 100mg as you can only take it for i think a maximum of 9 months i didn't want to waste months with 50mg for it not to work.
I haven't started yet as i had to wait for 6 weeks for AF to show naturally x
im on pills atm to make af to arrive n then il be starting, iv got pcos so im thinkin thats y iv been started on 100mg straight away, are u having follcle tracking xx
I am on my 3rd cycle of 50g clomid. I think if this cycle doesnt work then they will up me to 100g. Although my CD21 was fab at 106. so I think its just a case of me not catching the egg
Yup i get follicle tracking and blood tests. I have to ring them once i start and they will book me in. I have PCOS as well + every possible PCOS symptom
iv got pcos,, welll they say i do but the only sysmptom i have is the cycts, my hormone leels r normal etc,, iv got to call and get a scan on cd 10-12
wot cd wil u b taking ur clomid
sperm meets egg plan hun,, goggle it, its quite effective too nd easy to follow x
Well let me know when you start. If my AF doesn't arrive naturally i am going to ring the FS next week to get the app to go for the drugs to start AF but i have had some light spotting this morning so FX she is on her way xx
ohh well u may end up starting b4 me, iv got 3 more days left on the pills n then prob another 3 days plus for af to show so im hoping to be starting them next weekend xx
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