I'm glad this was the first thread I stumbled upon on this forum.
I'm in a similar situation. We're both almost 26, we need at least three months notice before we can start TTC because of some pills that he's on. I've been very open about children and how important they are to me, and thus far, I have waited for him and for us to be in a better place. We've been together 6 years, and there's no reason now why we shouldn't TTC, but he's so unsure of it. As much has he says 'do what you want' and 'I'm not bothered' I really don't want to push him, but at this point I'm not sure if he might need a little nudge.
People I've opened up to about this have always said that 'men are never ready till they hold the baby' and maybe thats going to be the same for him, but I mean it's a thin line to walk with something so important and life changing. He's not saying no any more like he used to, but he's not excited about it either, so I dont really know where to take it.
I'm sort of talking about us both stopping our pills in the new year, and I'm going to see how he reacts nearer the time, and see if he actually does willingly. But at this point im fully expecting to be in the WTT forums for quite a while.
I'm sorry I have no real advise, but the only bit of advice I can give you is to keep talking about it. I've spent a lot of time scared to bring up the topic, and I already regret not putting my foot down more about how I felt and how important it felt to me.