

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Who has started putting there heating on now?

I have noticed its getting really cold in the evenings now, but im still trying to hold out as long as i can before putting mine on.

We have pay as you go gas and elecy meters and i hate seeing how much money we use! lol

as you know I had mine on yesterday, bloody freezing! plus Im waiting for my dad to insulate our loft becuase it gets so cold in this house! whack it on I say nothing better than being all cozy and warm!
Lol our heating has been on for weeks! I have Raynauds syndrome so I have the place like a furnace wherever possible. Electric blanket goes on an hour before i go to bed :D

Granny Greyhips Steph
I have had tostart putting mine on xxx
Hell yeah! Been on for ages.

In fact I have a battle with OH turning it off in summer. He thinks the thermostat will sort it all out which I suppose it will. Isn't it more expensive to have it on even if it's on a thermostat and never actually comes on? :?
It's been SO cold in my house! the worst about mine is the conservatry has no heating in it yet my fridge, freezer, washer & dryer are in there & :cold: Think I'm going to leave the dryer pipe in there & turn my tumble on for 5 minutes every now & then :rofl:

Gas is SO exspensive though at this time of year right through to god knows next year :(
We also took it on weeks ago :cold:

...but - at least - this afternoon there is no need to heat - we have 22 degrees Celsius and this strange yellow ball in the sky could be the sun (sorry I cannot remember how she looks like) :dance:

Been on and off, but sometimes I have my WINDOW open lol cos its to hot PMSL im weird hehe
stephsnugglebuggle said:
Lol our heating has been on for weeks! I have Raynauds syndrome so I have the place like a furnace wherever possible. Electric blanket goes on an hour before i go to bed :D

Granny Greyhips Steph

what is raynauds syndrome hun ?
Basically poor circulation to the extremitiesm its my hands and feet that get it all teh time and my nose gets freezy cold sometimes too...bed with socks on :p
:roll: just asking becuase I always have cold feet, I live in my bed socks I love them, and I have cold hands and fingers especially when Im on the computer for some reason. Think Im just nesh!

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