

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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I think i will have to put my heating on tomorrow, its got so cold here today!

I love this time of year, i went out in teh back garden to put something in the bin and the smell of the air hit me, cold, crisp, bonfirey. could of stayed out there all night.........but i was cold lol

I love it :D

me toooooo, soooooooooo excited, i love love love it.....
(((snowball fight)))
Ohhhhhhhhh so do I!!!!

The colder the better, and I know exactly what you mean by the smell of the air, cold, crisp and bonfirey........it is lush innit! :happydance:
ooh I'm getting so excited :happydance:

I love this time of year too, the cold and the long dark winter nights all snuggled up by the fire...ooh I'm so giddy.

I put the heating on for 1 day last week but the living room radiator packed up which was the one room we spend most of the evening in. Typical.

Charm X
I love autumn the best but i do love the smell and feel of a summer evening when the sun is setting.
Corrr I think it is to do with medication and the pregnancy, but I couldnt even think about putting the heating on yet, I still have a fan on when in bed, even tho I am covered up :lol:
lol i kicked the covers off all night and pulled them back, and pushed them off...get the picture....
I hate this houe when its cold - My fridge is in the conservatory which is colder than outside LOL

Can't wait to move!
I put the heating on 3 last night cos the house was sooooo cold...
Have never put it that high before, normally the 2 houses either side heat ours lol!!

Graham's said we can go to Delamere Forest today with the pooch (thanks to the helpful persuasion skills of Jo!!) So crunchy leaves and cold air yay!!

HayleyB said:

Graham's said we can go to Delamere Forest today with the pooch (thanks to the helpful persuasion skills of Jo!!) So crunchy leaves and cold air yay!!



I have tried to put our heating on but the bloody pilot light keeps going out :x
I am sooooooo cold ( think of nikki in BB!!!!)

Think am gonna have to get it serviced, never had it serviced yet :oops:

gonna cost me loads isn't it?
im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing, had teh heating on all night and all day its been so cold here today :(

time to dig out my woolie pj's i think but at least it meanswont be long till teh snow wooooo hoooooo

sorry im a big kid when it comes to snow :lol: :lol:

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