Help Getting 8 Year Old to Sleep


4 on Earth, Many in Heaven
May 14, 2008
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My son is 8 and having a lot of problems falling asleep. Throughout his entire life, he's never been a great sleeper and I strongly suspect he's going to be like most of my immediate family (including myself) who are night owls and insomniacs. :wacko:

Recently, he's asked me for tips to help him fall asleep and I've told him to try deep breathing and counting, which is what I do most nights. That doesn't seem to work very well. I think he has a really hard time shutting down his brain and relaxing enough to be able to fall asleep. He has some issues with concentration and focusing during the day as well, so I think his sleep issues are just an extension of that.

As it stands, we do have a bedtime routine that he's been doing for years and he doesn't have a tv on or anything. He usually has a fan on, though.

Anyway, I'm looking for some tips and tricks that I may be able to try with him to help him wind down and fall asleep. Thank you :flower:
Does he have worries do you think? If so, these tend to come up when we have quiet time at bedtime and then stop us from sleeping. Giving him some quiet time during the day to tell you about anything that he is worried about (be careful it doesn't transform in to time to CREATE worries) where you have the time to tell him what you are going to do about those worries - even if it is just "That's not a worry for you, let the grown ups deal with that." could help.

Some kids just want 10minutes at the end of the day to talk through what has happened (good or bad) and what will be happening tomorrow, like a kind of verbal filing and sorting so that things don't go round and round in a jumble.

If he is truly an insomniac, going to bed too early will only make things worse. However over tiredness is equally a cause of insomnia. You need to find the optimum time when he is tired but not overtired, which might take some experimentation.
Sorry it took me so long to reply - we've been really busy visiting family. Thank you for your responses. To answer the questions -

I don't think his trouble sleeping is actual anxiety. He doesn't seem to be worried about anything. He just seems to be thinking about random things. He is like that during the day as well - always asking questions and curious about absolutely everything. For example, some of his nighttime questions include things like "If I have this type of pokemon and I have to battle this other type, who will win? What if this, that, or the other thing change? Then who will win?"

Once he's asleep, he normally stays asleep. It just seems to be an issue with relaxing and falling asleep.

We've tried different bedtimes and it doesn't seem to make a difference much. Although, I've noticed if we try to put him to bed before it's dark out, it'll take him even longer to fall asleep. However, unless it's been a bad day where he's really overtired or something, we normally have him in bed around when it gets dark.

I have considered trying guided meditation for him. Would you have any suggestions or where to start with that? I really don't know much about it. Another idea we're considering is having some classical music playing.

Thanks again everyone :flower:
I have no idea where to start with it... But it would help give his mind something to focus on and help him practice pushing the other thoughts out of his mind so that he can more easily drift off to sleep. It is something that wouldn't be a quick fix though. It would likely take practice.
Have you tried a fan?
My children sleep a hundred times better with a fan going, on low, as it drowns out all the other noises, like my husband and I talking or the also gives them something to focus on as they are falling asleep.
It works for me too actually...:blush:
I was going to post a similar thread for my 5 year old, although his isn't trouble falling asleep it is staying asleep: he wakes 4/5 times a night!

I'm going to pinch some of these suggestions and I hope your LO gets a good night sleep soon x
Thanks again :)

I'm going to start looking into the guided meditation and see if we can find something that works well for him. We'll have all of August to practice before school starts again, so hopefully by then we will have a good idea of how to do it and we'll know if it's effective.

He does have a fan on in his room, but it doesn't quite seem to be enough. I tried that first, because that's the only way OH and I fall asleep, so I figured it might work for DS, too. Unfortunately it doesn't work as well as I hoped it would.

DreamCatcher - I hope some of the suggestions work for your DS, too.
I know it might not work but have you thought about white noise? I know most people think ots just for babies, but I always struggled falling asleep and it's helped me so much. I think the silence used to keep me awake, and the fact my thoughts were going round my head, with the white noise I focus on that and quickly drop off. I just tried a few types out on YouTube and left my phone open next to my pillow.
Have you tried a diffuser or some relaxing music at night for him? I know for my son it helps him relax and sleep. Or have you tried giving him melatonin? It may help him get to sleep.

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