try not to worry to much, when i was around 6 weeks i had the same thing and OH went deep, i got so scared but had no cramps or clots, the next day i popped into hospital just to be safe and they gave me a scan and everything was fine, cervix was closed and strong heart beat, she said that because there is an increased blood flow to the vagina and uterus in pregnancy that if u have deep or vigorus sex sometimes it can burst some blood vessels in there and cause slight bleeding she advised me to not have deep or vigorous sex during pregnancy and me and OH have stuck to that and changed our but i havent had it again so i take it she was right about the vessels bursting, i would get a check anyways hun just to put your mind at ease and just to make sure everything ok, dont panic and just rest until tommorow, if bleeding gets heavier ring hospital or go in for check up x x good luck hope u ok x