I don't think it's bad that someone got rid of their cat when they got pregnant. Apart form the hair and the fact that they just love to sleep in all the babies things, they go in their tray, shit, piss, kick it over and then jump on the same work tops you are gonna make your babies bottles on. Nice.
lol, did i offend someone cos i got rid of my cats?? i didnt just abandon them by the way, i gave them to a lovely friend who owns a farm, who has time and space for them, i still go c them!! xx
Some people don't realize that giving them to a new baby free home is sometimes the most unselfish thing to do for them because I honestly can't imagine that any cat would want a toddler pulling their hair and tail and annoying them like most kids are going to do eventually! (unless you have hawk eyes and super human reflexes to stop them) lol It's kind of unfair to force it on them if there are better options. I bet your cats are super happy living on a farm!
When my oldest was born my youngest cat flat out hated him and was miserable with him living in the same house as her. I think the crying upset her the most but she really just didn't want him in the same room with her ever. Best thing I ever did for her was find her a kid free home. It just wasn't her thing and it wasn't fair for me to force it on her.
I have play dates here for 0-24 month olds. My cats have learned they can move faster than toddling kids lol.
To be honest my two are fantastic with kids, the young kids that come round are fascinated with them and just want to pet them, and for the most, the boys lay down with their bellies in the air and allow it. When they've had enough they either go up stairs or sit on top of their cat tree where the kids can't get them.
Mine very rarely get on the kitchen side, (training with "The hand of God" aka the water spray bottle haha) Hand of God because they don't know where the hell that jet of water comes from ) and before I make bottles I always wipe the side down anyway, I'd do that regardless if I had cats or not.
As for litter, they don't really track it, I just sweep up the little bits that do daily.
I guess it's just everyone's individual preference to as what they are willing to put up with. I don't think there's any right or wrong (well unless they are dumped of course!) in this kinda situation, you gotta do what is best for you and your family and if re-homing is that (albeit a sad thing) then so be it.