My LO is 4.5 months. As a newborn he had constantly needed to bf and although hard to keep up I fed on demand. After about 3 momths I decided to give him a bottle of formula for his bedtime feed. He took it really well and we continued this for a few weeks. Then, LO started getting fussy when I offered my boobs for a feed. I didnt know why this was happening and tried everything for him to latch on but no he didnt want to. I offered a bottle of formula and he downed it and slept for two hours. He was obviously hungry and didnt want to work at breastfeeding. Ive never been one to spray or leak so I guess LO has to work hard to get any milk out. Now he is refusing to latch on 3 out of 5 feeds. Hes fine during the night and morning but come lunch time onwards he wants a bottle. So im now in this situation where I'm bf, formula feeding and pumping to maintain a supply. I really want to breastfeed so how do I get LO to relatch and be happy?