Help please ... ovulation advice required!!


Got one, getting one!
Sep 3, 2008
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Hi ladies,

Im a tad confused about my ovulation this month ... can you help me pinpoint when you think it was?

Im on cd27 (previous cycles have been 60d, 45d, 39d, 30d)

Got a pos OPK cd24 but my temps are
cd21: 36.2
cd22: 35.6
cd23: 35.7
cd24: 36.1 (pos OPK day)
cd25: 36.3
cd26: 36.4
cd27: 36.4

When are you supposed to get a peak / dip in temps?

Also had fairly major ov pains on right side (I know I was ovulating on my left side last month due to scan) on cd's 24, 25 and today, cd27. Do ov pains relate directly to releasing an egg from ovary or fallopian tubes?

Does that mean I could be ovulating today even though my pos OPK was 3 days ago? All OPKs since have been a definate negative, and the one on cd 23 was medium dark (!!) so my LH surge must be fairly short and cannot have lasted passed cd24 evening.


Thanks for any info in advanced ... :hug:

Baby dust to all :dust:
from what i understand (i'm def no expert) you get your LH surge 24-36 hours before the egg is released.
This is the ideal :sex: phase - most fertile the temp drop also occurs during that 24-36 hours slot.

the LH surge is normally quite short - though it should last at least an hour i've no idea what the longest LH surge is.

Sorry that's all i have to offer - today is my first positive opk ever!
Thank you littlestar :hug:

Congrats on your first pos OPK - it was my first pos one too!!

Good luck and :dust: to you xx

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