Here is a place to VENT! No negative comments please.

Oh Renge, I sympathise totally. My gyno has basically told me the cure to my endo is to get pregnant! RAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Does he not realise I've been trying that for 9 months without success?!!! He also thinks cause he lasered off my endo during my lap that I shouldn't have pains and a swollen abdomen. But I do. And it hurts.
Not sure how to get rid of the pains, but am currently looking into herbal things, cause obviously I don't want pills either as I'm ttc!!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Renge, have you found anything that helps?... Have they looked into removing it? :hugs:

I had my surgery in May, but it did not help. I also had a rough recovery due to a post-op infection on my incision... which is still not healing correctly. I have been treating my pain and frustration and fatigue with yoga and tai chi. It can be hard at first (and still is, due to that random owwwwie when you move wrong), but it helps me relax and destress, which I think helps in dealing with any type of pain. Other than that, I just try to take every day as it comes - what else can any of us do? The doctors don't know enough about endo to treat us properly (any doctors I have met!) and the best we can do is help ourselves and each other as we take our unique journey's down the TTC path. :hugs: & :dust:
Ok so af is 15 days late, i could have ovulated later but we BD'ed on the 30th and the 2nd thinking nothing of it as af was due on the 5th but she never last period was the 5th of june ended on the 10 has been for a while now...anyway , a week or two ago i started using opks as pregnancy tests...i know a bad idea but i wanted to see what they would come up ( CB digital) but not the monday gone, the monday before (12th) i got a pos opk i thought '' this is weird since af should have been here on the 5th so he said ''ok'' then when we got into bed he said goodnight '' so i said to my bf, should we BD just incase and he said ''no it wont be any good etc etc your periods were due on the 5th etc etc '' like wtf .... so ive been testing everyday since then and they have all been bfn, and tonight i said i was probably ovulating then we should have BD'ed and he sai ''oh you were only doing them whenever to see if you were pregnant'' :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: ahem, is that the bloody point ???? i had a pos opk we didnt do it, :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: why are men so careless towards how were feeling...the past week ive been having pg symptoms, that was really convincing me, im still having pg symptoms but he just says oh your getting worked up wait for af...he doesnt know how annoying it is when we have no explanation for af going AWOL and yet everything points to pregnancy but yet my tests are doc wont do a blood test until ive missed 2 periods which will be the 5th of next month and my bf doesnt understand how frusterated i am or how upset i am .... i wasnt stressed out until today when i saw another bfn huh

I know the feeling. I am off of depo (last shot 7 months ago) and af has not shown since; however, I did O this month. We :sex: a good bit just in case I may turn up preggo and so far, I am 11-12 dpo and I have lots of signs of pregnancy but all bfn's. I am really frustrated because I want to be so bad. DH doesn't understand the extent to which this bothers me either. I pray he understands soon though. I guess its just a "mother's instinct" kicking in early for some of us. Dads just won't understand because they don't have that extra "sense of feeling" God blessed us women to have. I pray AF shows soon or I can get my :bfp: so I can feel some sort of hope again. Right now, I feel lost and stuck in one place. I need to be showed something please. Either the:witch: or a :bfp:. Its gonna happen for us hun. Stop stressing and everything will be fine. Keep me posted via this thread or PM because I would like to know your progress. Good luck and I am sending :dust: your way.
DH (35) and I (34) have been NTNP for a while, and TTC for only a couple of months so I really shouldn't be venting.
I'm still bloody well waiting for AF to show after having my implant removed and wish I hadn't believed the Dr when they said my fertility would return immediately after it's removal! Otherwise I'd have had it removed AGES ago. I just want to HAVE a cycle again so I can have some sense of rhythm.
I don't know whether to wish for AF to show and have a cycle, or hope she doesn't and eventually get a BFP! (I've been testing and all BFN so far).

I totally agree with everything you are saying. Read the post I posted before this one and pretty much I will tell you and sympathize with you the same way as I did her. Good luck to all of us.
Thankyou for making this thread

Ive already vented tonight but still have some left in me. I am 10dpo and got a bfn today after having various "symptoms" was conviced again it was gonna be a bfp. OH doesnt seem to get why im so sad, he cant offer me any words of comfort which makes me mad, maybe i expect too much from him. He says all the time how he longs for a baby, we dont have any children together but he never does anything to help the situation, im the only one trying ive even made an appointment to see the doc on friday which he isnt interested in, i think he should make an appointment too but he thinks its all me. I had a bad mc a year ago at 12 weeks, went for my first scan excited to see the heart beat, havin told the whole world i was pregnant but when they scanned me they couldnt find a heart beat, i was booked for a d&c but i started miscarrying before the op, was v poorly and lost alot of blood and ever since then ive not been able to fall pregnant :( getting me down is an understatement

Rant over

OMG:hugs:! I want to cry after reading this. I can only imagine the pain you are going through. DH will understand in due time hopefully. I am 10-11 dpo and I too have a :bfn:. I don't think it will happen for us either. I am just upset today because of the energy and time I put into it and it seems like it is not paying off at all. We just have to keep our heads up and stay focused. Its hard but we have to do it hun. Sending you lots of :hugs: and I will be praying for you!

Thankyou hun, im still upset this morning as the atmosphere in this house is imense, i feel so alone here but im so glad there are lovely people like yourself who get it, i swear this site keeps me sane. Oh god im crying again, i think all this is making me a bit deppressed. I really hope that you get a bfp real soon, im praying for you, i know what you mean about all the energy you put into it, seems so pointless at times and as if you are banging your head against a brick wall. Our time will come :)

Thankyou for listening to me xx

Thanks for listening to me as well. It is people like you who give me hope to try again tomorrow also. I just pray to either get my :bfp: soon or that the :witch: shows. I need something to carry me over. I am 11-12 dpo today and I did not test today but I did test yesterday and no luck with that. I will test tomorrow morning and after another :bfn:, I may just give up for a while. At least that is how I feel right now. Keep you head up though and know that I am here. We should be friends so I can keep checking in on you :thumbup: to see how you are coming along with ttc. XXOOXX
I need a turn... I need to vent about OBs! They are stupid, insensitive, patronizing, and narcissistic! I was referred to an OB due to my endo, and she never remembered who I was or reviewed the chart before my appointments. She never took notes down, so always had to ask me why I can't take BC (it aggravates my migraines and makes me homicidal... turns me into a :devil: literally). And she kept talking about Lupron like it was a miracle panacea of endo, even though I said I didn't want to take it since I couldn't take add-back therapy (i.e. BC pills) and I wanted to get pregnant.

What REALLY got me angry (and made me seek out another OB) was that she said I was too young to get pregnant (I am 25), that the endo I have is too severe for me to get pregnant (even though she brought pregnancy up in my second appointment with her), and said a bunch of other nonsense medical "facts" that were not true because she didn't agree with my decision not to go on Lupron.

When I got to the next OB, she also tried to push me on Lupron... I told her I want to get pregnant and I am TTC and even if I wasn't, I don't want to take Lupron. She looked at me like I was stupid and crazy!

These women (they are both supposed to be women!) don't have endo. They would not take Lupron if they had endo and were in my place! Besides, I am TTC, and I want to have a child, so why would I take a drug that would make that dream impossible to pursue for the next year and a half or more?

:hissy: Now, when I do get pregnant, how the hell am I suppose to find an OB? :cry: Thanks for the rant everyone... :hugs2:

Are there not any other good OB's where you are? Maybe you should try calling around or speaking to people with similar problems like yours and see who they chose to give them good advice. Sorry things are not going too well for you. I pray you can get better help and that you can get your :bfp: soon to prove all the stupid OB's wrong and useless.
I am new to endometriosis so bear with me. I am trying to help out. I noticed on here that people with endo seem to be taking clomid and/or progesterone. Have you also tried any of these? Don't lose hope hun. When God is for you, no one or nothing can be against you. Keep your head up and you will definitely get through this. You are not alone. How long has it been since the surgery? I know someone who got preggers within 2 months of having it done.

Thanks for your kind words awaiting... Did some research on here regarding the clomid and progesterone. Everyone seemed to think it wasn't prescribed for the endo but maybe if they had other problems too.
Surgery was 2 weeks ago. Know it's early days, but everything is exactly the same as before I had it done. (same pains, same swollen belly)
We'll keep trying :hugs:

Just keep your head up sweetie. Be strong and let me know how your progress is coming along. I would really like to know how it works out for you. Sending you lots and lots of :hugs:.
Me too!
Compared to a lot of you lovely ladies and many others outside this forum I am very lucky because so far i dont think i have a reason that may delay me in getting pregnant. However, other people (family and a few friends) seem to think I may well have a problem and they are so negative. The negativity is with regard to my age and conceiving (i m almost 37 trying for our 1st and newly married). It makes me worry about it sometimes when maybe i dont need to. I just wish people were more positive about it. Its like they dont realise that I know the percentages of likely conception and we are making steps to get there!! So I just brush it off now if anyone asks if we are trying/brings up the topic!
It makes me think "right I'll prove em wrong",but sadly i havent yet, but working on it.
thanks for listening xx

That is pretty much the reason why I haven't told anyone. People are so simple minded, rude, and arrogant these days and will say almost anything to get you down. We can do this hun!
So glad there is a vening place...I am so sick and tired of all the people who keep telling me to "stop trying and it will happen"! WTF! I only wish it was just that easy. Or the darn people who say you have been blessed with 3 why would you want another?? UMM excuse me cause I am a great Mom I love my kiddos and my dh doesn't have any of his own. If it was so easy to get a sticky bean for everyone there would be no need to FS, clomid, IUI or IVf. I have had 3 mc since NOv and I know I can fall pregnant but can't seem to get past the 6 week mark. So unfair. And then there is my dh's cousin wife who just got back from deployment where she cheated the whole time and now they are back together and she is pregnant and wants to do nothing but whine about what horrible timing this pregnanct was!! UGH Do you have no clue at the gift you have been given?? Then she wants to whine that I never spend anytime with her since I have found out she is pregnant well its because I can't freaking stand to hear about how miserable she is. I mean come on. Really. UGH My dh gets mad at me cause I have no sympathy for her. Why should I??I would give anything to be pregnant and have ms and be tired all the time. Its a privilege to carry a baby don't act like its a death sentence!!! Oh gosh sorry ladies. Rant over :(
Ok so af is 15 days late, i could have ovulated later but we BD'ed on the 30th and the 2nd thinking nothing of it as af was due on the 5th but she never last period was the 5th of june ended on the 10 has been for a while now...anyway , a week or two ago i started using opks as pregnancy tests...i know a bad idea but i wanted to see what they would come up ( CB digital) but not the monday gone, the monday before (12th) i got a pos opk i thought '' this is weird since af should have been here on the 5th so he said ''ok'' then when we got into bed he said goodnight '' so i said to my bf, should we BD just incase and he said ''no it wont be any good etc etc your periods were due on the 5th etc etc '' like wtf .... so ive been testing everyday since then and they have all been bfn, and tonight i said i was probably ovulating then we should have BD'ed and he sai ''oh you were only doing them whenever to see if you were pregnant'' :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: ahem, is that the bloody point ???? i had a pos opk we didnt do it, :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: why are men so careless towards how were feeling...the past week ive been having pg symptoms, that was really convincing me, im still having pg symptoms but he just says oh your getting worked up wait for af...he doesnt know how annoying it is when we have no explanation for af going AWOL and yet everything points to pregnancy but yet my tests are doc wont do a blood test until ive missed 2 periods which will be the 5th of next month and my bf doesnt understand how frusterated i am or how upset i am .... i wasnt stressed out until today when i saw another bfn huh

I know the feeling. I am off of depo (last shot 7 months ago) and af has not shown since; however, I did O this month. We :sex: a good bit just in case I may turn up preggo and so far, I am 11-12 dpo and I have lots of signs of pregnancy but all bfn's. I am really frustrated because I want to be so bad. DH doesn't understand the extent to which this bothers me either. I pray he understands soon though. I guess its just a "mother's instinct" kicking in early for some of us. Dads just won't understand because they don't have that extra "sense of feeling" God blessed us women to have. I pray AF shows soon or I can get my :bfp: so I can feel some sort of hope again. Right now, I feel lost and stuck in one place. I need to be showed something please. Either the:witch: or a :bfp:. Its gonna happen for us hun. Stop stressing and everything will be fine. Keep me posted via this thread or PM because I would like to know your progress. Good luck and I am sending :dust: your way.

I had one depo injection, going back a few years now, but It took me about 7 months to get my period back. I had the coil removed in June, and I really thought I was pregnant, but all BFN :cry: I now haven't a clue where I am in my cycle. I haven't been ttc long, and things will happen when they are supposed to, but I hate being in limbo, and not knowing where I am,as I feel out of control. I don't chart etc, as it isn't for me. My last period/ bleed was the 19/6/10. Started off with brown cm on the 17, and progressed to watery blood on the 18th and very heavy bleading on the 19th, and back to light bleeding/spotting on the 20th. Just soooooo confused !!!!!!

Men don't see ttc in the way we do. Oh is really relaxed about it all, and thinks I stress too much, but really I don't think they understand how emotional it is for us women.

Thank you for starting this thread x :hugs: to you all. :flower:
People who moan about how long it's taking them to conceive when they're on their 3rd-4th cycle wind me up something rotten :lol:
Thankyou for making this thread

Ive already vented tonight but still have some left in me. I am 10dpo and got a bfn today after having various "symptoms" was conviced again it was gonna be a bfp. OH doesnt seem to get why im so sad, he cant offer me any words of comfort which makes me mad, maybe i expect too much from him. He says all the time how he longs for a baby, we dont have any children together but he never does anything to help the situation, im the only one trying ive even made an appointment to see the doc on friday which he isnt interested in, i think he should make an appointment too but he thinks its all me. I had a bad mc a year ago at 12 weeks, went for my first scan excited to see the heart beat, havin told the whole world i was pregnant but when they scanned me they couldnt find a heart beat, i was booked for a d&c but i started miscarrying before the op, was v poorly and lost alot of blood and ever since then ive not been able to fall pregnant :( getting me down is an understatement

Rant over

OMG:hugs:! I want to cry after reading this. I can only imagine the pain you are going through. DH will understand in due time hopefully. I am 10-11 dpo and I too have a :bfn:. I don't think it will happen for us either. I am just upset today because of the energy and time I put into it and it seems like it is not paying off at all. We just have to keep our heads up and stay focused. Its hard but we have to do it hun. Sending you lots of :hugs: and I will be praying for you!

Thankyou hun, im still upset this morning as the atmosphere in this house is imense, i feel so alone here but im so glad there are lovely people like yourself who get it, i swear this site keeps me sane. Oh god im crying again, i think all this is making me a bit deppressed. I really hope that you get a bfp real soon, im praying for you, i know what you mean about all the energy you put into it, seems so pointless at times and as if you are banging your head against a brick wall. Our time will come :)

Thankyou for listening to me xx

Thanks for listening to me as well. It is people like you who give me hope to try again tomorrow also. I just pray to either get my :bfp: soon or that the :witch: shows. I need something to carry me over. I am 11-12 dpo today and I did not test today but I did test yesterday and no luck with that. I will test tomorrow morning and after another :bfn:, I may just give up for a while. At least that is how I feel right now. Keep you head up though and know that I am here. We should be friends so I can keep checking in on you :thumbup: to see how you are coming along with ttc. XXOOXX

Thankyou hun :) how do we become friends? im sorta new to this site and not sure how it works properly yet! I got my af yesterday, started with what i was hoping was gonna be implant bleed, was fooling myself, in agony today but feel a bit better knowing whats happening. Got docs tomorow to sit and discuss all of this, i think i will feel better after that. How are you doing????? any tests today? wishing you all the luck in the world, and hopefully we will both have some major celebrating to do v soon, hope you have a lovely day x
Oh Renge, I sympathise totally. My gyno has basically told me the cure to my endo is to get pregnant! RAARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Does he not realise I've been trying that for 9 months without success?!!! He also thinks cause he lasered off my endo during my lap that I shouldn't have pains and a swollen abdomen. But I do. And it hurts.
Not sure how to get rid of the pains, but am currently looking into herbal things, cause obviously I don't want pills either as I'm ttc!!!!!! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

Renge, have you found anything that helps?... Have they looked into removing it? :hugs:

I had my surgery in May, but it did not help. I also had a rough recovery due to a post-op infection on my incision... which is still not healing correctly. I have been treating my pain and frustration and fatigue with yoga and tai chi. It can be hard at first (and still is, due to that random owwwwie when you move wrong), but it helps me relax and destress, which I think helps in dealing with any type of pain. Other than that, I just try to take every day as it comes - what else can any of us do? The doctors don't know enough about endo to treat us properly (any doctors I have met!) and the best we can do is help ourselves and each other as we take our unique journey's down the TTC path. :hugs: & :dust:

Thanks Renge :hugs:
The lap didn't help me either and stomach is ridiculously swollen! Currently looking up herbal remedies and a friend is going to try a reiki and reflexology to help x
I'll try anything! x
The lap didn't help me either and stomach is ridiculously swollen!

I know the swollen stomach... I looked about 6 months pregnant after my lap and the swelling is still trying to go down! :wacko: The first OB I had who did the surgery said I had no endo left, but she didn't go anywhere near my intestines or colon or anywhere else past my uterus/ovaries. The stuff gets everywhere.
The lap didn't help me either and stomach is ridiculously swollen!

I know the swollen stomach... I looked about 6 months pregnant after my lap and the swelling is still trying to go down! :wacko: The first OB I had who did the surgery said I had no endo left, but she didn't go anywhere near my intestines or colon or anywhere else past my uterus/ovaries. The stuff gets everywhere.

Was your stomach swollen before too?.. Mine was and from the side look about 6 months preg. Same now. Gyno said it was straightforward. Think that's his way of saying he thinks he's sorted it. IMO it's still there, or something is.... They might have missed something. x
Thankyou for making this thread

Ive already vented tonight but still have some left in me. I am 10dpo and got a bfn today after having various "symptoms" was conviced again it was gonna be a bfp. OH doesnt seem to get why im so sad, he cant offer me any words of comfort which makes me mad, maybe i expect too much from him. He says all the time how he longs for a baby, we dont have any children together but he never does anything to help the situation, im the only one trying ive even made an appointment to see the doc on friday which he isnt interested in, i think he should make an appointment too but he thinks its all me. I had a bad mc a year ago at 12 weeks, went for my first scan excited to see the heart beat, havin told the whole world i was pregnant but when they scanned me they couldnt find a heart beat, i was booked for a d&c but i started miscarrying before the op, was v poorly and lost alot of blood and ever since then ive not been able to fall pregnant :( getting me down is an understatement

Rant over

OMG:hugs:! I want to cry after reading this. I can only imagine the pain you are going through. DH will understand in due time hopefully. I am 10-11 dpo and I too have a :bfn:. I don't think it will happen for us either. I am just upset today because of the energy and time I put into it and it seems like it is not paying off at all. We just have to keep our heads up and stay focused. Its hard but we have to do it hun. Sending you lots of :hugs: and I will be praying for you!

Thankyou hun, im still upset this morning as the atmosphere in this house is imense, i feel so alone here but im so glad there are lovely people like yourself who get it, i swear this site keeps me sane. Oh god im crying again, i think all this is making me a bit deppressed. I really hope that you get a bfp real soon, im praying for you, i know what you mean about all the energy you put into it, seems so pointless at times and as if you are banging your head against a brick wall. Our time will come :)

Thankyou for listening to me xx

Thanks for listening to me as well. It is people like you who give me hope to try again tomorrow also. I just pray to either get my :bfp: soon or that the :witch: shows. I need something to carry me over. I am 11-12 dpo today and I did not test today but I did test yesterday and no luck with that. I will test tomorrow morning and after another :bfn:, I may just give up for a while. At least that is how I feel right now. Keep you head up though and know that I am here. We should be friends so I can keep checking in on you :thumbup: to see how you are coming along with ttc. XXOOXX

Thankyou hun :) how do we become friends? im sorta new to this site and not sure how it works properly yet! I got my af yesterday, started with what i was hoping was gonna be implant bleed, was fooling myself, in agony today but feel a bit better knowing whats happening. Got docs tomorow to sit and discuss all of this, i think i will feel better after that. How are you doing????? any tests today? wishing you all the luck in the world, and hopefully we will both have some major celebrating to do v soon, hope you have a lovely day x

So far, I've convinced myself that I am not. I am now 13 dpo and since day 11 I have not tested. Sick of seeing the bfn's. I will go add you as my friend so it shows up on your portal when you log in. I am doing fine hun and YES we WILL get our bfp's soon.
So glad there is a vening place...I am so sick and tired of all the people who keep telling me to "stop trying and it will happen"! WTF! I only wish it was just that easy. Or the darn people who say you have been blessed with 3 why would you want another?? UMM excuse me cause I am a great Mom I love my kiddos and my dh doesn't have any of his own. If it was so easy to get a sticky bean for everyone there would be no need to FS, clomid, IUI or IVf. I have had 3 mc since NOv and I know I can fall pregnant but can't seem to get past the 6 week mark. So unfair. And then there is my dh's cousin wife who just got back from deployment where she cheated the whole time and now they are back together and she is pregnant and wants to do nothing but whine about what horrible timing this pregnanct was!! UGH Do you have no clue at the gift you have been given?? Then she wants to whine that I never spend anytime with her since I have found out she is pregnant well its because I can't freaking stand to hear about how miserable she is. I mean come on. Really. UGH My dh gets mad at me cause I have no sympathy for her. Why should I??I would give anything to be pregnant and have ms and be tired all the time. Its a privilege to carry a baby don't act like its a death sentence!!! Oh gosh sorry ladies. Rant over :(

I must say people and men who cannot sympathize with what you are going through will just act like that. It will get better soon for you though. Some people just don't know how to count their blessings right that's for sure. I would be elated to be in her position too. I totally understand where you are coming from and it is not like it is something to easily conceal. We are talking about our feelings here. People just need to GET A GRIP.
The lap didn't help me either and stomach is ridiculously swollen!

I know the swollen stomach... I looked about 6 months pregnant after my lap and the swelling is still trying to go down! :wacko: The first OB I had who did the surgery said I had no endo left, but she didn't go anywhere near my intestines or colon or anywhere else past my uterus/ovaries. The stuff gets everywhere.

Was your stomach swollen before too?.. Mine was and from the side look about 6 months preg. Same now. Gyno said it was straightforward. Think that's his way of saying he thinks he's sorted it. IMO it's still there, or something is.... They might have missed something. x

My tummy was swollen before too, but the swelling would usually go down a bit with my cycle, but after the surgery it just stayed that way and it has been very slowly going down.
Endo implants can be so small, I don't think doctors have any right saying they "got it all" after a lap. They can't know how far it spread or if it was hiding behind something they didn't bother looking at! Thinking about all the organs in the abdomen, and most of all the intestines (think about how long and twisty those are! :wacko:), it has to be easy to miss little spots of endo when all the drs are doing is looking with a small camera.
The lap didn't help me either and stomach is ridiculously swollen!

I know the swollen stomach... I looked about 6 months pregnant after my lap and the swelling is still trying to go down! :wacko: The first OB I had who did the surgery said I had no endo left, but she didn't go anywhere near my intestines or colon or anywhere else past my uterus/ovaries. The stuff gets everywhere.

Was your stomach swollen before too?.. Mine was and from the side look about 6 months preg. Same now. Gyno said it was straightforward. Think that's his way of saying he thinks he's sorted it. IMO it's still there, or something is.... They might have missed something. x

My tummy was swollen before too, but the swelling would usually go down a bit with my cycle, but after the surgery it just stayed that way and it has been very slowly going down.
Endo implants can be so small, I don't think doctors have any right saying they "got it all" after a lap. They can't know how far it spread or if it was hiding behind something they didn't bother looking at! Thinking about all the organs in the abdomen, and most of all the intestines (think about how long and twisty those are! :wacko:), it has to be easy to miss little spots of endo when all the drs are doing is looking with a small camera.

I know. Part of me thinks they might have just found the endo easily on the outside of my uterus and bladder and then got rid - job done to them... Can't remember if he said it was anywhere else, but don't think they've sorted it. :growlmad:
I've got some venting to do...

Hubby and I are TTC. We aren't telling anyone, and if I do get pregnant, i don't think I will want to tell anyone then either! My family will not be supportive, I'm sure of it, and I don't quite get why. Maybe they think I am too young? I'm 24, yes, and already have a 10 month old, yes, but I'm also married, own a house, and provide a pretty great life for my child and step daughter. I am 100% devoted to my family, and absolutely can't wait for that BFP! I want to be one of those people who can do a big suprise "I'm pregnant!" and everyone is happy for me, but I just don't see that happening.

Well boo on them.... and PLEEEASE let me get that BFP soon!!
I'm with you, Janesworld. I'm TTC, but not telling a soul who isn't in the immediate family, no way. The only ones who really knows are, my OH, my children and my doctor.

Basically because when I brought up the idea a few years back with my girlfriends, they all looked appalled, shocked and blurted out, "Oh no way! You are far too OLD to even consider trying!" OK, I'm glad I didn't at the time since the marriage I was in fell apart completely. And I m/c so didn't want to try again after that.

However, now things are completely different. I am in a stable, splendid relationship, the children I have are behind me 100%. I am a GREAT Mum and I want to give my man a child, as he doesn't have one of his own. WE want a child that represents US. He adores my children and is a splendid father to them, I just this this would complete us, somehow. I think you all know what I mean by that. I have this longing to have a child in my arms.

Thank you for this. I will keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. xx
(Now, let's all get knocked up! And I don't mean someone waking us up in the morning!)

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