Here we go again...TTC #1 CD1. Who's in?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi ladies!
Wondered if anyone is in the same boat as me.
AF showed this morning and I'm gutted!!
All those symptoms I was having could have been mistaken for the real thing! But no, I'm guessing they're all symptoms I always get but cos I'm paying more attention to my body, it just makes me feel like pg Symptoms (not that I know what they feel like!)
Anyway, I'm feeling yucky and heavy! Bad cramps! Sore boobs!
Anyone want to share how they're feeling etc?
I'm on TTC cycle #3. Came off the pill in august.
Looking forward to getting AF out of the way and starting again! Fingers crossed!
Who's with me?
Hey! I am TTC cycle 3 too! Except I didn't come off the pill, I came off breastfeeding. Haha. I'm looking forward to getting AF out of the way too. I'm on CD3. I'll be your buddy! :D
That'd be so great! :)
How old is your little one?
CD2 and feeling a little cranky and i keep snapping at my poor hubby.
Really looking forward to getting AF out of the way.
How are you feeling today? :D
Hi! It's 1:00am here. Can't sleep. Haha. But technically that makes me CD4! I'm just like you. I can't WAIT to get AF out of the way. Heehee. I ordered opks so I think they will be here tomorrow. How long are your cycles normally? Mine are 30 days but last cycle was almost 40. That is why I bought the opks. Never had irregular cycles before. Little Lillian is 14 months. :)
Oh! And I wanted to tell you. This might be encouraging to you: when I came off the pill, I got preggo with Lillian on the 3rd cycle! ;)
That's really encouraging to know that about successfully conceiving on the 3rd cycle. I'm hopeful for this one! Hubby and I have agreed to give a really good go this month. The last 2 months we were trying but I don't think we BD'ed enough. So fingers crossed for a 3rd time lucky!!!! :)

My cycles are around about 28/29 days. I did have one cycle that lasted 34 days but I think I was Ill when I was ovulating which then made it late. That's was the first month of us trying and I thought I was pregnant with being 6 days late!!! :(

Cd 3 today and feeling a lot more positive! Feeling happier and less bloated which is fab!!
How long do your periods last for. Mine normally last anywhere between 4 - 7 days. The 7 day ones are killers!!

Your daughter has such a beautiful name! :) You did very well with breastfeeding if you not long came off? I would love to be able to breastfeed for as long as possible. I keep having dreams where I have a baby and then I and either still inthe hospital or at home but the midwife or my mum takes the baby and feeds it bottled milk!! I just remember flipping out!!

Hope you managed to get to sleep last night in the end.
OMG!! I used to have the SAME dream!! hahahaha! That is awesome! Well, it's not an awesome dream, but I have never heard of anyone having that dream before. I used to dream my mom would take her and give her formula and stuff, and I was always so mad because I wanted to strictly breastfeed her! It's so funny that we both dreamed our moms were the one to do it! I remember in the dream she never thought it was a big deal either.

Thanks for the compliment! Both for Lillian's name and the length of breastfeeding. I am proud to say that I BF for a year! It is very rewarding, but at the same time, it was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Unfortunately, I'm not exaggerating. :/ I'm sure it's easier for some women than others. One of the bad parts is that it put a halt on my fertility. I personally would not have minded conceiving earlier, but God has a plan. :)

My cycles are horrid. They last 7 days every time. The first two are always extremely heavy. I think over all I have heavier cycles than normal people, but I heard that means healthy babies! Haha. Could just be a myth. :p

I know what you mean about thinking your preggo. Like I said, my last cycle was almost 40 days! NEVER have I been that late. Last time I was even late at all, I was 2 days late and that's when I was pregnant! lol. I even had a blood test this time around. :(

But I am like you, I'm feeling very hopeful that this is our month! Can't wait to ovulate! :p
eeeeek!!!! I cant believe we have the same dreams! That is sooooo weird and really nice it's not just me that has strange baby dreams... very vivid too!!! I wonder what it means, if anything!!? Yup my mum thought it was fine to be feeding her/him whatever and I would have to mention something, she'd then say, "you're tired just rest and I'll sort the baby"

I have really heavy periods which are nasty! This one is hideous, but it seems to be dying down slightly! sometimes it dies down and then stops and then continues with that horrid yucky brown stuff for some more! :( I like the sound of heavier periods = healthier babies! :)

I'm feeling very hopeful too this month. Hubby is very on board this time round and its very exciting!

How are you feeling today with AF? I'm feeling a little better in myself, getting less hormonal and less bloated but still eating like there is not tomorrow! Oh well, It's not a bad thing! :)
I'm not sure what those dreams mean. I know they used to get pretty crazy. It would be pretty random sometime as to who was bottle feeding my baby, sometimes it was people I haven't seen in years! Lol I don't think I had those dreams though until she was born, so it's interesting that you are already having those dreams.

AF is almost over, thank goodness! I have today and tomorrow and it should be completely done. I'm feeling so impatient this cycle. I'm feeling pretty great though, it's usually only for the first and second day that I feel awful. I am excited to start using my opks. I just pray I'm ovulating now.. it's been a few months since I stopped BF, but some people say it can take a while. EEEEE I'm so nervous. I don't know if I can wait through another cycle! Lol

How have you been feeling? Are you as anxious as I am? I feel like it's going slower than any cycle I've ever been on! haha
It does seem like it's going pretty slow this cycle! Cd5 and AF will be gone for good by the morning. Just got very light dry brown stuff now. :) so excited to get started!! Hubby seems very keen too, which is fab! I'm feeling very positive this month! Are you? I'm glad someone feels the same excitement! :)

That's very weird about that dream! I only seem to have baby dreams in the 2ww which is awful. I sometimes dream that I have had a positive test, sometimes have a scan and then the most vivid one is the breastfeedig dream with a room full of people etc.
I don't like them really cos I always feeling really disappointed when I wake up!!

I can't wait to be a mummy!! :D
I'm a nanny and I went to a playgroup today with the kids. Was talking to some of my mummy friends, I had made a comment about there being so many babies today! They then were telling me Oooh naomi's getting broody, another mum said to me just go for it, it'll be great! Haha! If only they knew! :) can't really tell them that tho! :)
I'm feeling really positive too! I'm looking forward to starting the opks! At least I'll get some sort of BFP that way without having to wait even longer haha. It will be so fun to go through this experience with a buddy! I'm excited for you to have your first! My hubby seems much more keen this month too so that makes me excited! CD7 for me, that means last day of AF! WOO finally! I feel like I'm getting some where, whereas before I felt like nothing was moving along.

Have you thought about how you would tell people if you got a BFP? I used to think about that for #1. Luckily for #2 it's easy, because we can just buy a cute little shirt for #1 that says, "Big Sis." Heehee. For the in-laws, we bought them bibs and had them open their gift at the same time. It was .... interesting.. haha. Don't think they were expecting that at ALL. They were very surprised but everyone everyone eventually became thrilled and now they all love Lillian. :)

You will get to have baby showers and stuff too! How exciting! :D
Im really glad I found this website! It's so great to have someone to share and understand the journey and experiences! Fingers crossed for out BFP's this month!!
AF has gone!!!!!! woohoo!!
Thats really great you feel as though you are getting somewhere, its always nice to know where you are with cycles etc.

Thought a little about telling people... havent figured out the right way yet tho!
I was thinking of sending a picture of the scan to some people (more like grandparents and auntie and uncles atc) to say please meet your first great grandchild.
My parents are taking hubby and I away for my birthday (march 3rd) to a place called centre parcs (in the uk) its a holiday park... its great fun, lots to do! I was hoping that if I was pregnant I'd be 7/8 weeks so I could tell my mum and dad then... If I can wait that long. I was thinking of making lunch for them, those alphabetti spaghetti (alphabet pasta shapes) and spelling out something like 'surprise' 'grandchild on the way' or maybe by them a little gift something baby like and to give it to them and see if they get it straight away. I dunno I could think of a million different ways but I'd probably end up just spilling it all out and telling them straight out!

That's really sweet what you did! :)

My friend who knows we are ttc, she is very keen to plan my baby shower!! :) She had the most amazing alice in wonderland tea party theme for her 21st! she had everything! Looked amazing!

Cant wait!
How are you getting on? xx

Great to know you have a friend to have a baby shower for you. I love baby showers! I also love that you are from the UK and some of the choice of words you use. I wish I had an accent like you do! :p Although I bet you think I have one. Haha.

Those are really clever ways to tell your family. I like the alphabet idea. You'll have to definitely let me know how you choose to do it. We only told our close family right away, but didn't tell our friends until after the 1st trimester was over. We just wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be any.. you.. know.. the big M word.

I think you will love being pregnant. People will want to touch your belly though sometimes, but I never minded much. I never had morning sickness or anything too unpleasant either. My back hurt toward the end, but it obviously wasn't that bad because I'm doing it again! Heehee.

It's funny, I have a friend who knows we are TTC, but no one else knows. The plus of being a friend huh? :) So how long have you and your hubby been together? Where did you guys meet?
I'm excited for all the pregnancy things. Im hoping I dont get too many symptoms. I just cant wait to see what it feels like! To go through the whole process. :)

If you didnt have where you came from in your little information box to the left, I probably would have said I think you are from the states :) The funny things is, is I can't tell I have an accent.... Its something we do unconsciously! What words did I use? funny! :)

I sure will let you know, I must get there first, I just hope hope hope this is the month! Poor hubby couldnt 'go' when we did the dance last night or today. It was weird, we tried every position but nothing worked for him. He said he didn't really know why he couldnt go but he said he may feel pressure but unconsciously. just that I am excited for this month. He is really keen to keep trying tho and he wants to give it a go tonight AGAIN! lol. I can se how it must feel slightly pressuring. I havent pushed him at all, I think if I did pressure him we would have a 3 year old now! haha!!
We have spoke about this and I said we shouldnt think about it as making babies..... we need to chill about it, take our time, make it more romantic! He finishes work at 8pm tonight so I think I will do something nice for him and then see what happens.

How was your labour and stuff with lillian?
Hubby and I have just had our 6 year (of being a couple) anniversary 11th jan!
We got married july 31st 2010.... Was amazing! I still look at our photos all the time! :) Dont think I could ever get bored of them!
I lived in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) for 3 years cos of my dad's work (he's a singer) I came back with my family when I was 16. I got a part time job in a cafe in a supermarket. I was with someone when I started there (he lived in lanzarote haha, how that was ever going to work!!!) but when that broke off, My hubby now took the opportunity to get the ball rolling. so over the next few months we became closer and closer, then couldnt have a day without seeing each other and I dont think we've had a day apart since (maybe the odd one or two).
How about you? I love hearing these stories! :)
I love hearing these stories too! Hehee. So what gave ME away from being in the states? That obvious huh? :p I can't remember the words you used, I know "straight away" is a popular one. :p

Sorry to hear about the baby dance. :( I think being romantic about it will definitely help, and I'm sure doing sweet things for him like you are going to do certainly won't hurt. :D

I was blessed. My labor with Lillian was very well. I went in at 9:00 Sat. morn and she was born at 6:45 that night, so not *toooo* long. I had the epidural which made the process not bad at all. It was the recovery after she was born that was harder than the labor, haha. I tore though, and had to get stitches. That was probably the worst part.

My hubby and I met through a mutual friend. His friend liked me at the time, though I didn't know it. I mean.. I guess I could have guessed I suppose. His friend invited me over to his friends house to play games and hang out. Well Timothy (my hubby) was a roommate there at the time, we hit it off right away. :) Although over the summer he did have another GF. But after that was over he hasn't looked back since and we are happily married! We got married Oct. 17th, 2008. I toooootally know what you mean about looking at wedding pictures. I did the same thing! It's true they never get old, I still get happy when I see a picture of us that day.

Best day of our lives!
Absolutely the best day of our lives! It's such s shame that it goes so quick. All that planning for the one day. It's a shame that it doesn't last 2 days or something :) or be able to do it all over again every year, the dress and all! :)

Well last night didn't really happen :) when hubby had got home from work we had dinner and put a movie on. (dinner with schmucks). We had snuggled under a blanket etc. When the movie had finished it was quite late and cos I had to be up early in the morning we were both really tired and wanting to go to sleep :( so I set my alarm for 15 minutes earlier hoping that maybe I could arouse him and wake him up nicely but even I couldn't wake up straight away. I really struggled and so did he so that one went out of the window too. Oh well he and I both have tomorrow morning free so hopefully we can make things work then. Starting to feel as though it's not gonna happen this month.
I'm not starting my fertile time until Monday apparently so I'm not worried too much. But we'll have to start doing something soon :)
He was telling me that he felt bad for not being able to 'go'. I told him he didn't need to worry and we will just chill out about it and make it more special each time.
Actually today I'm starting to feel the desire to 'do it' more which is good, so this is when we need to start getting busy ;)

Your labour with your DD sounds like a treat! :) I'm looking forward to the whole process pregnancy and labour! (call me crazy!!!) well apart from the possibility of tearing... Makes me want to cross my legs at the thought of it!

That poor who invites you round to his house probably thought he was in for a chance. How did that guy and his roommate (now your hubby!) get on after that? But great for you 2 now though as you're a married couple with a beautiful DD and stepson :). Like happily ever after almost. Xx
Wait. o_O We don't have a stepson. O_O We just have Lillian. My friend and my hubby got along just fine after we started dating and stuff! He even came to our wedding. :) He's a great guy, still single though. Very sad. He never asked me to be his girlfriend or anything like that.. oh well, maybe he was taking it slow. Not sure.

That's such a shame about you and your hubby, I think you guys are on the right track though. Don't give up! What CD are you? Today is 8 for me, I think I said that already. Haha.

I am feeling more and more positive as each days comes along that this will be the month. I can't imagine now if I do not get a BFP. My hopes will be completely crushed! I will probably cry. haha. A friend and I brought Lillian to the mall today and let her crawl around and play in the play area. It is so fun to watch her interact with other children. I am convinced she is going to be a great big sister. She's great at sharing and very gentle and cautious.

Don't worry about if you tear or not, I wouldn't have known that I tore if he didn't tell me. I really couldn't feel much of anything but a little pressure. I will definitely get the epidural again. :)

I think the next pregnancy will be much easier. The first time around I didn't know WHAT to expect, I had never even been in a hospital or ever had surgery or anything at all so I was scared. haha But it's not so bad :)
GEE!!!! I'm really sorry!! I was getting in a muddle! goodness me, I feel like such a fool! apologies! Haha!

Thats really good news about your friend. And even better that he came to see you get married! :)

You'll be pleased to know (haha) it worked this morning! Success!! So today is day 9 for me, we are on the same day. That's really good! I am also feeling very positive this month! I really couldnt imagine not getting my BFP this month either! WE MUST GET THEM!!!! That's one down side of feeling positive! Can never win can we!

I have never had surgery or ever ben in hospital either so I think it'll be quite daunting to go in when I give birth but I'm hoping that will be the only time I have to go in to hospital! (touch wood) :)

I guess its a good thing that I am not put off it in any way :) I'll probably change my mind a week before due date hehe!!
Hey! It's okay about the stepson thing. We both saved ourselves until marriage so no possibilities there. :p

I miscalculated! I'm actually on CD10 today! I'm excited because now I am going to start using the opks, although I'm not sure what time of day is best to use them. I'll have to figure that out.

The hospital is not so bad, the scariest part was probably just getting the epidural, and the possibility of getting a c-section! I definitely don't want to do that ever! I will cry if I do, and besides that just be really scared haha.

The recovery, as I said, is the hardest part. At least it was for me. However, the recovery in the hospital is great! They bring you food, help you with your baby, teach you to breastfeed, bring your medicine to you. :) Then all of your family is coming to visit bringing balloons and gifts and stuff. It's fun! :D Your poor hubby though, at least mine, had to sleep in a fold-out chair.

I can't wait! I am getting closer and closer to O day! So are you! I will feel like BDing 5 times that day! Haha just kidding
Sorry for my delayed reply. We went to stay with hubby's brother and wife for the night. It was lovely. She is expecting which im rather jealous about! she is 9 weeks tomorrow. So well and truly in the morning sickness stage! She hasnt fully relaxed yet about it. She says that when she has the scan she'll probably relax about it and it'll feel more real for her! I'm really excited for her and looking forward to a niece or nephew! :)

Have you started using the OPK's yet?
I've been having a few pains in my ovary area and a lot of lower back pain. I'm on cd11. My sister in law seems to think I am ovulating, I didn't think it happens to early for me,but maybe being more in tune with my body maybe this is it. But I haven't had any CM yet. I'm a little bit confused to be honest!

We have only successfully BD'd twice so far and unsuccessfully 4 times. I'm worried that if I was Ov, that we would have missed it this month :(
I do feel like BDing it a lot!! Hopefully tonight is another lucky night for us.

How are you and how was your weekend?

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