Here we go again...TTC #1 CD1. Who's in?

Hey, maybe you are oving. I guess it does seem a little early, however, I have another buddy who oved on CD12. Her cycles are shorter than mine. She said hers are 26 days about.

I know what you mean about being jealous about your sister-in-law being pregnant. Mine is too! Yep, my hubby has a sister and she is 9 MONTHS preggo. So, I'm not really jealous about that, but.. it's exciting I suppose.

I'm not sure how long my cycle will be, but if it's 30 days like it normally is, I am officially fertile today. This is a little odd simply because we are going to the in-laws for a couple days. We are leaving tonight and I want to BD! haha. Oh well, I can't let that stop me.

I did start taking the opks! I started on CD10. They have been negative so far, but I think I heard that it's best to actually BD before oving so that's why I want to keep trying even though we are going to be at someone else's house. Is that rude? :/ I really really really hope you and your hubby are able to BD when you want. I would love to have a BFP buddy! (Assuming I will get one too)

I'm envious of my other buddy. She is in the 2WW!
I love that stage but HATE that stage! exciting but nerve racking!!

Luckily we can BD when we want.... I love it!
I have this thing about dtd in other peoples homes (cant do it) but we sometimes did it at hubby's dads house. I hate it, I always feel on edge! I keep telling DH shhhh.... be quieter! I'm sure its really quiet anyway but when you're there in the moment it feels like elephants stampeding!! :)
Given the circumstances.......GO FOR IT!! ;)
You musn't miss the chance....would LOVE a bump buddy!!

My cycles are 28/29 days, I always thought I Ov'd around about cd14/15 but now I don't know. Cramps are rather painful today, they come in waves. hmmm. I should just keep up the BDing and then I'm sure I'll catch it some how.... I hope!
Fingers crossed!
Yeah keep up the BDing! I know I am. I understand how you feel about being hesitant to BD at other people's houses. I am the same way. I feel like it's disrespectful too. Haha. I would feel weird if I knew people were BDing in our house! haha. But I mustn't let us visiting the in-laws stop me from trying! I will want us to be as quiet as possible top.

And hey! I noticed your signature. I must say I am jealous! Haha. We are TTC buddies too! :p Hopefully we'll be bump buddies too! Yay! How exciting. I always wanted to be preggo with someone, even if that someone is all the way in the UK. I would LOOOVE to visit there sometime. I've always wanted to go there. You guys have the coolest accents! That's the main reason I would want to visit. Hahahaha

I wish my cycle days were shorter like yours, but at least they come every month. I have a friend who hasn't had AF in 5 months! She isn't pregnant either. She's always been that way since high school and she is TTC too. I feel bad for her :( We should count our blessings. :)
Still feeling twinges down below, maybe i'm preparing for Ov as I am due to Ov according to FF on the 26th.

I started my temps this morning, Hubby was laughing at me thought I had a fever or something so I then had to explain... haha! Would be interesting to see what happens with my temps regarding Oving.

Signature has now changed!! ;) I really hope I can change that to bump buddies!!! That would be AWESOME!!!!!
I also really hope that THIS is THE month!! I do have a good feeling but I'm starting to have reservations about it not being this month! Something is telling me it won't happen. I cant see any reason why it couldnt happen but who knows!!!

I've been to the states twice when I was a kid! Always wanted to go there again! I've visited a few places in the states - Oregon, California, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas. They are the only places that I can remember.
I have always wanted to be preggo with someone too! comparing bumps, symptoms etc Makes the journey more exciting :)
I really don't think we have the most exciting accent! haha! I live very near the beach, right down on the south coast! It's gorgeous!
Sorry for the delay. We just got back last night from the in-laws. I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I thought I was getting close to OV, but my temp went back to 97.4 this morning. Yesterday morning while we were still there, it had went up to 97.7, the highest it's been since AF. Well, I guess that was just because of traveling or something because the line on the opks has been pretty faded every time I've taken one. I heard they are supposed to be as dark or darker than the control line. So either I'm not ovulating during AF, which I doubt.. (and hope reallllly bad it's not true), or I am just not close to ov yet.

It's interesting, I have a couple of buddies whose AF started after mine, but they have already ov. I never thought having long cycles would be a bad thing! But now it definitely is. FF thinks I will ovulate on Thursday, so hopefully it will be tomorrow or sometime reallllly close to that. Opk today was faded and temp is back to normal. We may still BD tonight since we gave it a break last night.

What is new with you?
How was it at the in laws? get much BDing done?
I'm not 100% sure on how temping works at the mo so wouldn't be able to say whether thats normal or not. I'm on my 3rd temp this morning. 1st - 36.3C, 2nd - 35.4C and 3rd 35.3C (dont know what they work out to be in fahrenheit.) And i'm not too sure about the drop whether that is normal or not.

FF seems to think Ov day is today. hmmm... I'm not too sure. I've had backache and cramps for the passed few days so really could have been anytime from then.
My boobs have started twinging every now and again!
Well I know Ov is definitely on the cards for me this month because of these symptoms!

I REALLY want this month to be the month!!!!!
I'm not too sure how to show you my chart but i'll send you a link for the page which i think you'll be able to see and then see what you think.
Why is TTC so bleeding difficult!!
lol forgot to send you the link hehe
Hey! We had fun at the in-laws, and yes we BD. It was kinda weird. Glad to be BDing back in our own home. haha. I'll be glad once TTC is over too because I would prefer NOT to BD at the in-laws. heehee.

I tried clicking on your link but it took me to my chart. Weird. I want to see yours though so if you figure it out, let me know. And if I figure out how to send you mine, I will do the same.

I had a scare tonight. I noticed spotting! It was pink and stained under clothes. It wasn't heavy or anything. I had never spotted before. It's really unusual for me. I was frightened that it was a random, extremely early AF! I quickly ran online and did some research. It looks to me like it was something called "ovulation bleeding" (which I have never heard of). It supposedly happens just before ov!

Anyway! It looks to be a good thing! All the opks have come up negative but I am feeling hopeful for tomorrow and the next day! We definitely BD tonight too! Crossing my fingers for a dip in temp tomorrow morning! I'll let you know then. I always check my computer in the morning. :)
I'll try and sort that link out and see if I can get it so you can see.
Took my temp this morning and it had gone back up to 36.1.

So when you oblate, does your temp dip or spike? Cos maybe that dip was me Oving! If that's what its suppose to do. Still very new to the temping business!

Maybe that is a good sign and that everything is normal etc. I haven't had any spotting.
Feeling as though AF is going to show today even though I'm on cd 15. Feel hevy, crampy and backache. Very weird!! So I don't really know what day I'm on if any DPO. Will just have to wait I guess whatever!

What was your temp this morning?

Glad you were brave enough to dtd and the in laws- I'm always very weary about doing it at other peoples houses. We used to do it at my FIL but only cos his bedroom was the other side of the hallway in the house. ;)

Hope your temp behaves itself for you this morning. :) xx
I'm still very new to the temping business too. The way I understand it is.. your temp drops right before ov, and then spikes the day of? And I think ultimately if you've conceived it is supposed to be generally higher for the rest of the cycle.

That is so odd that you are having AF symptoms! I am not spotting or anything today so that's good. It means that wasn't my period. I would have guessed I am oving today but my silly temp was 97.3 (it's average is 97.4). So I don't think that's quite big enough of a drop hah. I will still take opks later and we'll likely dtd tonight too. Well actually, I know we will because I don't want to risk anything.

How will you know if you oved? Just going by temps? This is my first cycle to try the temps too. I'm hoping I can tell that I oved because of the opks. FF thinks I am ovulating today but *I* don't think I am. Hah. I'll let you know what the opks say later.
FF seems to think I OVd yesterday. My iPhone app seems to think it on the 29th.
I don't know how I'll know, I guess we'll just keep having to dtd so we're safe. It's confusing. Will have to see what my temp is tomorrow and whether it stays the same or not. Hmm. Will have to do a lot of guessing work.

Had a few pinches on my right ovary so far. (it's 14.49 here) Does that mean anything?
Do you know exactly what it feels like when you ov? I sure don't cos it's been 4 days worth of cramps now. Hah!

Keep up the BDing and cover all bases!
Grrr... my temp was 97.4 again today. I'm beginning to really hate that temperature. lol I'm still going to take opks later. I really thought today might be the day. I mean, I had mid-cycle bleeding and everything. That's supposed to be a sign that ov is on its way. Maybe tomorrow will be the big day.

I mean.. surely I will ovulate right? We didn't BD last night. I just kinda lost my motivation since I knew I wasn't oving. But tonight even if all signs say I'm not oving I still want to try. I am CD17, a day past when FF thinks I should ovulate. I have noticed however that since I stopped BFing my cycles have been long. As you know my last one was like 36 days! So maybe it is going to be long again and my ov date will just be later.

How are you and your symptoms? I have none. I have heard and experienced myself pain in one of my ovaries during time of ov so maybe that is what you are experiencing too. That's about the only ov symptom I've had before.
Fingures crossed for ovulation!
this BDing is tiring but it'll be worth it in the end!! I'm up for it! Still got a good feeling about this month. If you look at my chart and see all the BD's there is no damn reason why I shouldn't get my BFP this cycle!!!

I'm still not sure whether I've ov'd or not but we are still going to BD just like you guys too just to make sure We havent missed it!

Not had any cramps today which is good... felt a little bit nauseous this morning which seemed to disappear somewhere in the day.
Really don't want to symptom spot but it sure is hard not to!!

So neither of us know if we are in our 2ww or not then!! grrr!! That is rather annoying about your temps, I have my fingers crossed you are going to get your temp dip tomorrow!!

What time is it now where you are?

How are you today? x :)
Hey. I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I'm just feeling kind of discouraged, you know?

It's 2:47pm on a Sunday right now as I write this. My temp still has not made any significant changes. No real dips or rises.. all of my opks are still coming out negative.. and I'm on day 19 of my cycle. :( I can't shake the thought of me not even ovulating out of my head.

However, I still have hope. Here is why: as I said before, ever since I stopped BF my cycles have been a lot longer. They used to be 30 days and last cycle was 36. I assumed when making my chart that my cycle would have gone back down to 30 days by now, so that's what I inserted how long my cycles were.

Well, today it hit me! What if my cycle this month is still the extra long 36 day cycle?? So I changed my normal cycle day from 30 to 36 and likewise, it changed my ovulation date as well! It changed it to Feb 1st-5th or something like that. So, if that is the case, then I haven't passed it yet, which means there is still hope!!

*Sighs* I really hope that is the case.. I really thought this month was going to be the month and I didn't have any REAL doubts about it. But now, there is a small bit of it inside and I don't like it. :(
That's a real big shame you haven't ovulated yet!!
My fingers a very tightly crossed that you ovulate very soon!

Is there such thing as not releasing an egg some months? I have heard it somewhere before but never knew whether it was true or not! I hope not cos if we don't get our BFP's this month we might not release an egg next month and then it's another month gone!

I can see how you are feeling so discouraged! I so would be too!!

There is someone I was speaking to today and she is on cd114!!!! unbelievable!
It's so unfair the things our bodies put us through sometimes!!

This could still be our month! Hang in there!!
:) xx
Hi there how are you doing? Ok so a few things have happened since I last chatted with you.

First of all: here is my chart.

I dipped yesterday and was so excited! I took opks twice that day and they both came back BBBBBBFN. Not even close to positive. lol I was thinking, "Oh well. I'll take my temp tomorrow and see if there was a rise."

Well, I woke up at 6:30am to go pee. I went to pee and when I came back I took my temp. Well, after lying there debating it for 15 minutes. hah. Anyway, so it was 97.1 (the same temp the dip was the day before). I was pretty bummed but I went back to sleep.

Then, at 8:30 was when I woke up, ready to get out of bed for the day. I took my temp then and it was a whopping 97.7! That would make it a .6 degree rise! I am of course, uncertain as to which temp I should chart and go with. I ended up charting the high one because that's the one I want to believe. I still think it's extremely strange that I got bfn on all my opks. It makes me think that maybe I haven't ovulated yet. I guess we will see the next couple of days if my temp is still high. I might set an alarm to make sure I test at the exact same time every day. My average temp time is about 7:30am.

Anyway, how are you? You have ovulated for sure right?
I am pretty sure Ive Ov'd. I had all the pains and i think a temp drop. if you have a look at my chart (link in my signature)I'm hoping my temps show me something exciting!

Your chart looks good it you knew when you were due to ovulate! Thats very weird about that temp drop you had yesterday, you would think it was for sure ovulation but if the opk's are showing neg.... very odd!!!

I would have also gone with your second temp as the first one you took when you got back into bed might not have been accurate as your temp might have dropped anyway when you got out of bed.

Feeling a few little things today but I'm sure they're normal symptoms for me this time of the month.
Ive had twinges in my boobs, kinda feels like theyre burning at some points.
Ive had some pains in my tummy today but again it could be anything.

I really dislike symptom spotting!! Its really hard not to though! :)
I'm glad you o'ed. I still haven't.. no positive opks and my chart is.. well, interesting. I thought maybe for a second I had, and I had a rise, but the next day it fell again instead of continuing to rise. You can click on my chart again if you want to see.

I'm starting to feel kinda depressed. :( Hubby and I have got into a few arguments. It's my fault really, because I'm just down and taking it out on him when I shouldn't be. I can't imagine your friend who has a triple digit cycle. I guess I should count my blessings. At this point, I just want AF to go ahead and come so I can start over. I feel like CD22 which is what I am now is too late to ovulate. By the time you read this, I'll be CD23. I took an opk tonight and still negative.

So how many dpo are you?? Are you still having early pregnancy symptoms? ;)
I'm really sorry to hear what you're going through!
Hubby and I have had a couple of little arguements due to me 'taking things out on him'. It's hard cos we are going through all the hormonal changes each month and when something like TTC is stressing us out it doesn't help!

I hope something happens for you very soon!
Have you any symptoms or anything going on at all?

I'm 8dpo today (I think) my temps doing some funny things, hasn't got a cross hair yet so it's still a little confusing. I think I ob'd on cd 14.

Yesterday I had some really bad pains all over my tummy but mainly in around my ovary and uterus area. They came every now and again, like pinching and like a stitch. Sometime, even this morning I feel a pinch in my right ovary! Sometimes quite painful where I flinch.

My boobs feel like they are burning inside. Starting to get more sensitive.
I hope all these little things are bot my body playing tricks and are actually early pregnancy symptoms. Still got a fair way to go til testing.

Where you TTC Lillian or did she come as a surprise?

That's weird, cos it looks like you OVd on the 20 th but a negative opk. Hmm!
Now let's just hope your temp stays up or behaves itself.
HEY!! Guess what?? I'm sorry I haven't written. We took a drive and went to the in-laws because my hubby's sister had her baby! I got to hold him a few times and it must of triggered something (or just coincidence) but I noticed some CM today on the drive home when I stopped at a gas station, so I thought, "Hmm.. I'll try not to get my hopes up." WELL, when I got home, I took an opk (like 5 minutes ago) and it was positive!!!! I couldn't believe! There ARE such things as positive opks. I thought for a while maybe I got a defective package, or worse, I'm just NOT ovulating! We are both so excited! Hubby is excited too because he wants another one after seeing his new nephew. He is also excited about BDing a lot the next week. How are you? I'm so happy and I'm not even pregnant! Haha.

I just had to tell you so I rushed on my computer and wrote this post. :D

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