here's an update for u..can't believe it...


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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hi girls,

well as u know i commented couple days ago about a positive opk whilst still bleeding, well out of curiosity i did a pg test and it came up strong positive which was obviously strange, cos i'd had the mc according to epu on 14th march. anyway, went to bed after the pos pg test and woke up tues morn in agony. got up and dressed just thinking it was still mc oain, tried to go to work but couldnt walk, so called epu and told them about the pg test and they said it shouldve been neg by now and to come in. went in the afternoon, they did scan and realised i had ectopic, and tube had ruptured! so got prepped for theatre there and then and they have removed tube and baby. said my other tube and both ovaries healthy but i am gutted. i told them at first scan i hadnt miscarried as i only lost small amount of blood, but they said uterus was empty so that meant i had. even tho i pointed out i was in pain down right side, they said as i had already had child it wouldnt be ectopic. so i feel gutted and cheated, and the past two days have been very traumatic! i am goin away for a week to a caravan wi dh and kids, will have to take it easy but the break will be good. xx
poor you! So sorry you are having to go through this and that this wasn't diagnosed weeks ago!
Take care of yourself!x
Oh hunni! How awful for you! Enjoy your break and take it easy xxx
So sorry about yr loss hun! Time is definately a healer tho and just take yr time until you feel strong again! x
oh hunny! i'm so sorry this has happened! that is awful xxx
So sorry hunni Ectopics do suck really bad. Thinking of you.
Im so sorry, must have been awful having to go through all of that, and the nurses should have investigated an ectopic!

I hope some time away will help you xx
I can't believe that you have had to go through that. How negligent of them to not check for an ectopic when they told them you had pain.

I hope you feel physically better soon hun. xx
aww hun i cant imagine what you are going through massive hugs im so sorry for your loss xx
hi girls,

well as u know i commented couple days ago about a positive opk whilst still bleeding, well out of curiosity i did a pg test and it came up strong positive which was obviously strange, cos i'd had the mc according to epu on 14th march. anyway, went to bed after the pos pg test and woke up tues morn in agony. got up and dressed just thinking it was still mc oain, tried to go to work but couldnt walk, so called epu and told them about the pg test and they said it shouldve been neg by now and to come in. went in the afternoon, they did scan and realised i had ectopic, and tube had ruptured! so got prepped for theatre there and then and they have removed tube and baby. said my other tube and both ovaries healthy but i am gutted. i told them at first scan i hadnt miscarried as i only lost small amount of blood, but they said uterus was empty so that meant i had. even tho i pointed out i was in pain down right side, they said as i had already had child it wouldnt be ectopic. so i feel gutted and cheated, and the past two days have been very traumatic! i am goin away for a week to a caravan wi dh and kids, will have to take it easy but the break will be good. xx

You doing ok Kazimotto? I'll been thinking of and praying for you. Had an ectopic years ago and it's a very weird and painful feeling, particularly when they don't realize it right away. I hope you can relax a bit on your week away surrounded by people who love you. I did have one friend with ectopic 2 years ago, and she got pregnant again 3 months after, I believe, and now has a little boy who just turned 2. I don't know if that's any consolation to you at all, but wanted to let you know you're not alone. :flower:
hiya hun i went through a similar experience although i was actually diagnosed with ectopic they performed a tubal abortion and saved my tube but my hormone levels continued to rise was told they had left some of the baby in my tube and that it was growing. they gave me methotrexate and week or so later i was rushed into theatre with a ruptured tube and the second op they removed my tube. i have so many questions and feel so angry i have had to endure all this. when i phoned epu saying i was not right they dismissed me and told me it was side effects from the methotrexate and was constipation and god knows what would of happened if i had not followed my instincts and gone to a&e. if you need to chat pm anytime as i know the feeling of anger and pain. i still get upset and have a mental breakdown when the witch shows her face. i would take some time to get your head round everything that has happened and sending you big hugs xxx
:hugs: I hope you can have some relaxation and healing time while you are away.
What a terrible experience. Just goes to show that we often do know best about our own bodies. Hope you have a calm and relaxing weekend, you deserve it.
thanks to all u lovely ladies, i agree, we should trust our own instincts first. i KNEW i hadn't lost that baby in the first bleed, and i also knew i was getting pg symptoms when she told me i wasnt, isnt it terrible that in this day and age we still have to risk life out of pure laziness, all they had to do was listen and do an extra scan. anyway, my dh said we should take it further but i have heard so many stories of it happening to others, so sadly this is the way it is. i will enjoy my week away, and will be back on here hpoing to enter a new tww in the near
thanks to all u lovely ladies, i agree, we should trust our own instincts first. i KNEW i hadn't lost that baby in the first bleed, and i also knew i was getting pg symptoms when she told me i wasnt, isnt it terrible that in this day and age we still have to risk life out of pure laziness, all they had to do was listen and do an extra scan. anyway, my dh said we should take it further but i have heard so many stories of it happening to others, so sadly this is the way it is. i will enjoy my week away, and will be back on here hpoing to enter a new tww in the near

firstly i'm so sorry for your loss and to have it happen like that is just awful. :hugs::hugs:
Secondly, i think you should take it further, if everyone thought that this treatment is just the norm(and it sound like it is) then it becomes acceptable to treat people like this. Please take it further so that it might not happen again. If everyone says but thats the way it is then nothing will change. Please Please do soemthing, you shouldn't have lost your tube because of their incopitence (spelling?) think of it like this when you finally have a baby if its a girl would you like her to have to go through what you went through?? Maybe if someone before you spoke up it might not have happened to you.:nope:

Sorry for such a long post and i'm not trying to upset you but if we can stop it happening again to someone else it will be worth it.

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