Herpes 1st pregnancy


Sep 8, 2014
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Hello lovelies,

I have been lurking for a while, trying to muster up the courage to post.

It's my first post and quiet sensitive too. Sorry if it turns out to be a long post!

I am 27 years old 13+4 with my mine and my husbands first child.

To set the scene I have had genital herpes for over 10 years now and I am getting concerned about the birth.

Over the last couple of years my outbreaks have been very frequent I think due to my demanding stressful job with the added commute into London. Since falling pregnant the herpes virus been present almost constantly which I was half expecting.

I have been looked after by an amazing herpes specialist at The Chelsea and Westminster hospital. He is always there to speak to, so I called him with my concerns. He told me if I wanted to opt for a c section then he can contact the obstetrician and request it for me. He advised that he does this for a lot of his patients as they often ask for his backing.

I have a obstetrician appointment in a couple of weeks regarding the delivery so I will see how that goes.

My problem is that I know my body and how it reacts to this virus and know the chances of me having an outbreak at the point of delivery are very high. I understand that the chances of my baby contracting neonatal herpes are low as they build antibodies because I've had the virus for so long. This still doesn't 100% reassure me.

Now I went to the toilet earlier (sorry tmi coming up) and I have such a sore outbreak that I just said to myself right that's it I'm opting for a c section I can't risk my babies life and health.

I am 110% confident that I will get a c section if I request one.

I just wanted to find out what you ladies would do in my situation. The risk is ridiculously low of the baby contracting it if I have an outbreak at delivery but is it worth the risk? My head says no it's not worth the risk at the moment. I'm feeling very upset today and generally rough. My husband is away with work the last week so he is not here to comfort me.

I also have an absolute sickening fear of someone be it friends/family finding out why I'm having a section if this is what I opt for. Only my husband and mum knows about this virus but she hasn't even twigged that there may be complications with birth and I don't plan on telling her the reason for a section either incase she slips and tells my sister/dad/any family!

I just can't afford for people to know because people do make instant assumptions, it's a very stigmatised virus and people need educating as to how a non big deal it is (except in pregnancy!) but that's another story for another day. I just don't want people finding out, nor my child when he/she is old enough to ask why I had a section!

Sorry for the really long post.

What would you do ladies?

I really look forward to any replies or even if you are currently in my situation.

Thank you xxx
I wouldn't worry about people assuming you have herpes just because you have a c-section. Women choose that method of delivery for so many different reasons. You do what's right for you and your baby and that's all that's important. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help!
I wouldn't worry with what people think lots of reasons for having a c-section and your baby may even take it out of your hands depending on position.

I think you may be worrying more causing another break out and then you'll panic etc etc much better if you are prone to stress to just have a plan formulated I'd say.

I had my emcs at C&W and they were fab! I love the hospital and part of me is sad I won't be delivering my second there as the team was so wonderful. I was also under consultant care there, again I had a fab experience!
You are so worried that I think c-section would give you peace of mind. They are very routine procedures. My co-worker just had one unexpectedly because her labor wasn't progressing well enough. My stepmother had (a scheduled) one with my sister when I was 11, and I never even asked her why. Research the reasons why they occur, and have a story ready in case someone butts into your business and you don't feel comfortable telling them to mind their own.
I wouldn't worry with what people think lots of reasons for having a c-section and your baby may even take it out of your hands depending on position.

I think you may be worrying more causing another break out and then you'll panic etc etc much better if you are prone to stress to just have a plan formulated I'd say.

I had my emcs at C&W and they were fab! I love the hospital and part of me is sad I won't be delivering my second there as the team was so wonderful. I was also under consultant care there, again I had a fab experience!

Thank you for your words. I won't be having my baby at C&W it's just where my specialist consultant for the virus is based. I'll actually be giving birth in Essex and the consultant has offered backing for me at the Essex hospital.

I'm so glad to hear your emcs went so well! You are also so right, it may even boil down to it and I need a section anyway depending on babes position!

Thank you x
I would have a csection if I were in your shoes. I don't think it would be worth the risk unless you could *for sure* prevent an outbreak at delivery. Is there a safe drug that can be taken before birth that can do this?
Thank you tulip.

You are right. I do think its quiet nosey of people to ask why a section was offered but then some people are clueless when it comes to etiquette! Unless it was my best friend or sister, I would never ask!
I would have a csection if I were in your shoes. I don't think it would be worth the risk unless you could *for sure* prevent an outbreak at delivery. Is there a safe drug that can be taken before birth that can do this?

Hi knobby,

Thank you. Yes there are preventative drugs I can take from about 30 weeks. However, like everything in life there are no guarantees and sometimes they can be as good as smarties. I guess it depends on how the body reacts at the time.
If it were me I would opt for a c-section, but of course only you can take that decision. For me I think the extra stress of worrying about an outbreak before delivery*and possible consequenses would not be helpful when needing to relax and prepare for a safe delivery. It' very good you have a doctor who can help you!

As for people being nosy and wanting to know the reason for the c section I would probably say the baby was butt first and not talk about it any more.

Good luck with which ever path you choose! :)
If I was in your position, I'd opt for c-section, just for the piece of mind to make sure baby is safe. As for other people, it's not their business why you opted for c-section. You can just say it was a decision you and your doctor came to, or as a pp said, baby was breach and wouldn't budge.
As the other ladies have said. Don't even worry about what others think. Let them assume whatever they want.

If I were in your shoes, I would go for the c-section.
Personally I would have a section for my own peace of mind. If anyone asked why I would say that the baby is breech or that I have placenta previa (a placenta covering the cervix and a no-no for a vaginal delivery) and congratulations on the pregnancy x
I'm not diagnosed. My tests came back negative. But I do get sores so I treat them as that (though not with medication as they won't give me any!) and I had, and will have, a vaginal birth.
As your history with HSV is a long one, I honestly don't think you have any concern in a natural delivery.
Even if you have an outbreak when you go into labour, the risk of passing it to the baby is really low. Your doctor can prescribe aciclovir 4 weeks before you're full term to stop any outbreaks. Also, even if u have an outbreak while in labour you can be put on a antiviral drip, and the baby can have a course of antiviral mess after birth.
I also fine EPO helps me and I plan to take that at full term anyways so hopefully that will stop any sores.

Medically, I don't believe you need to have a c section at all. But obviously you do what you feel more confortable with. And no one needs to know why, you could simply say baby is breach and no one would batt an eyelid.
I'm not diagnosed. My tests came back negative. But I do get sores so I treat them as that (though not with medication as they won't give me any!) and I had, and will have, a vaginal birth.
As your history with HSV is a long one, I honestly don't think you have any concern in a natural delivery.
Even if you have an outbreak when you go into labour, the risk of passing it to the baby is really low. Your doctor can prescribe aciclovir 4 weeks before you're full term to stop any outbreaks. Also, even if u have an outbreak while in labour you can be put on a antiviral drip, and the baby can have a course of antiviral mess after birth.
I also fine EPO helps me and I plan to take that at full term anyways so hopefully that will stop any sores.
Medically, I don't believe you need to have a c section at all. But obviously you do what you feel more confortable with. And no one needs to know why, you could simply say baby is breach and no one would batt an eyelid.

Thank you Carlyjade. It's great to get different views. Did you have an outbreak at delivery stage? Sorry to sound naive but what is EPO?

if you say baby was breech no one would even question it! congratulations on your pregnancy!
Not to butt in, but epo is evening primrose oil. Its a common supplement that females take for a variety of reasons. I used it to help my body produce cm while I was on clomid, which is notorious for eating up any fertile cm a woman may produce.
Also, I have the virus as well. My husband does not. My breakouts are far and few between (maybe once in the last year), but am going to ask for a c section regardless if I have an outbreak or not. I do not want there to be the slightest chance my baby has to deal with this as well.
I also have HSV, and delivered my first vaginally with no complications. However, I was on prophylactic Valtrex from 34 weeks to delivery. Is this an option for you? If yes, try it. If you are actively in a outbreak at delivery, C section is the way to go. But if it is controlled, there is no reason you cannot deliver vaginally if you wish to do so. I will be taking it again starting at 34 weeks with hope of a vaginal delivery, but will not hesitate to have a c section should I have an outbreak past 38 weeks or enter labor with an outbreak. I'd say it is a good thing to gather information now, but you have time to explore your options, and think about what you want to do.
Congrats on your pregnancy and dont worry about what others think. I would opt for the csection if you are worried. We dont need added stress as a preggo lady:)

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