Hi I'm New CD1 and in need of a buddy!


Aug 31, 2011
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Hello Everyone, My name is Kerry and I live in Glasgow. I'm married with two lovely daughters, Holly who is 41/2 and Anna who is 3.
OH and I would love to have a little boy. Got implant taken out in November but have been activly trying for 1 cycle now. After an excruciating 2ww AF arrived this afternoon after lulling me into false hope as she was a day late.

So confused at the momment as I had been doing ovulation tests last cycle but they said that I wasn't ovulating so I have bought a ClearBlue Fertility Monitor with the hope of getting a clearer picture of what's happening.

I am so worried that the Implanon has affected my fertility.

I would love a buddy to share the journey with...
Hi Kerry!

I am Helen, 30yrs, married and have 2 boys - Ryan who is 5 and Finley who is 3.5yr and we are now ttc no.3 like you :)

The :witch: got me today so I am cd1 and this will be my 3rd month ttc.

I got a bfp last saturday at 9dpo but obviously wasn't meant to be. I've either had a chemical or some nasty evaps on 2 ic's and 4 frer's :growl:

So onwards and upwards for september!

What are you going to do, if anything to help with your ttc?

Me, I will be using opk's again and temping/charting. I have a 30d cycle with ov on cd17 giving me a 13d LP. I thinking about trying soy to see if I will ovulate a few days early!! Talk about impatient!

I'm from the UK - Hampshire, right on the south coast.

Would love to go through this journey with you.

How long are your cycles normally?

Oh and my name is Helen - or Bells is my nickname my firnds use, so either is fine!!!

Hi Helen,

Thanks for posting. I checked for any replies about 10 minutes ago and was dissapointed not to have any. I was just about to turn off my compuer when I got your message so a big thank you.

My cycles are pretty regular at around 28 days although they can be a day either way. I was so dis-heartened with Af that I havn't done any temping/charting yesterday or today but now that I have a buddy I will defo start tomorrow. I will also be doing my ClearBlue fertility monitor as well as OPK's.

Can you tell me about the soy thing as I have heard it mentioned but don't know what it is about? Just been looking at pre-seed and conceive plus - do you have any pearls of wisdom on these?

It will be so nice to have someone to share this with. OH thinks I'm mad. He thinks we should just let nature take it's course... what does your think?

Kerry x x
Thats exactly what my hubby thinks too! They just don't get it! My hubby said to me that I am getting too worked up and stressed about it all. I'm not, just excited and excited to learn more about my body.

I didn't temp this morning, but will tomorrow and there after. Last month was my first month of temping so still quite new to it which is why I paid for the 3mth VIP thing. Have you signed up to fertility friend yet? Best way to record your temp as it works everything else out for you!

I haven't used any pre-seed or concieve plus, but I have heard concieve plus is better and is more sperm friendly. If it don't get my bfp this month, then I will give it a try.

Others have mentioned softcups to me too. They insert them after :sex: to help keep the little fellers where they should be for a while!

Soy is basically natures natural clomid and helps to regulate ovulation, and can bring ovulation forward a day or two. I've been reading about it today on the net and advice on here and most say take it on cd3,4,5,6 and 7 and then stop. Start with 80mg and then up it by by 20mg daily. Tesco sell it! It's quite expensive in the UK compared to the US. I was then advised that if it doesn't work to up the doses the following month, so start cd3 with 100mg and so forth, but not going above 200mg.

I'm being a good girl and taking my folic acid and also taking vit d supplements. Read on the NHS site that this is recommended now - 10mg!

Hi Helen,

I have checked out Fertility Friend today and I have joined. I get the VIP package free for 30days so will try it out first and see how I get on but it looks pretty good.

I also looked up soy. I only read one article and it was quite nagative so I won't be trying that this month but maybe next if I get another :bfn:

Because AF came in the afternoon I had to wait one day to set my fertility monitor as CD1 so officially I am CD2 today (although it is actually CD3 as AF came to visit on Wed Afternoon). Hope I'm not confusing you.

I'm actually really happy that Flo has stuck around this month. 3 days is a record for me as I'm usually about 2 days. What with all the :bfn:'s on the OPK's I was concerned that I wasn't ovulating at all. I have been doing some research and found out that it is possible to not ovulate but still bleed as high estrogen levels cause breakthrough bleeding usually lasting 2 days. Apparently a two day period out of the blue (this only started for me since I came off Implanon, which of course reduces fertility while you are on it) is an indicator of low fertility.
I have been convinced during the torturous 2ww that I was infertile and the Implanon was to blame.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it....just don't know why the OPK's are always negative without so much of a flicker. Think I will give it one more month then go to dr's.

How are you getting on? Are you on day 2 or 3?

You said that your eldest son is 5. Has he started school yet?


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Sorry didn't reply, had such a busy day yesterday! Crammed in as much as I could as was last day of school holidays!! Ryan started school september last year so he is starting year 1 on monday. Finley is in his 2nd year of pre-school and will start Year R september 2012.

So today is cd3 - quite handy as my cycle day is matching the date of the month so easy enough to remember!

I was lucky with my opk's last month - well sort off! I borught some off ebay and when I started to get a line showing on them I started to compare them with some one step ones that I brought from Wilkinsons. And it was the Wilkinsons one that gave me the darker line than the control line, giving me my positive. My ones off ebay just about got to the same colour as the control line. This time I have brought some one step ones from Amazon (well, thats what the descritpion said). I will still probaby buy a 5pk from Wilkinsosn though and compare!! I also tested twice daily. Normally midday and about 9pm just so I wouldn't miss my surge. It obviously worked but I still think I had a chemical :(

Maybe try the CB digital opk's? At least you will get that smiley face when you're having your surge? Maybe use them in conjunction with your cbfm and hopefully you will catch your eggy!
Hi Helen,

Well, its CD6 and AF had bid goodbye for another month. Here we go on the roller coaster once more....I'm glad that you are here to talk to :hugs:

I have been temping and charting for the past three days and I have been doing all the stuff on Fertility Friend. My cbfm is fired up and ready to roll and I have a stock of OPK's just waitin' to be peed on!!!!

Was feeling quite down about the whole think but I am approaching this month with a re-newed energy :thumbup: :happydance:. At least I will get some sort of answer if I am actually ovulating or not but in the meantime I will do everything I can to get my :bfp:

:)sex: = :spermy: = :bfp:) - here's hoping....

It's pretty rotten that you had your BFP but I think you are right that you have either had a chemical or dodgy results. I was checking out some of the other forums today as I didn't know what FRER was and I saw that some of the results were ambigious to say the least. Hopefully this month will be the one for you. At least you have a decent idea when you ovulate so you at least have a good start.

Baby dust to us...

Hi Helen,

How are you getting on?. We are on CD7 today. My clearblue monitor showed 'high' fertility status today which means that it is picking up estrogen so hopefully that eggy is just round the corner (assuming there is one).

I have completed the course on Ferility Friend and got my certificate so I am officially knowledgeable on all things ovulation related.

I spent some time in putting my temps etc for last month based on the chart that ebay supplied when I bought the OPK's. FF said that ovulation was detected (prob due to a sudden temp drop) but said that it couldn't be confirmed as OPK's officially showed a negative result but it has made me think that I am in with a chance this month. Maybe my mind has just been working in over-drive and paranoia has taken over...I am so glad that you told me about FF as it has been brilliant. It, at least, has highlighted the different phases (follicular, luteral etc) and gave me a temp base to work from and the holy grail - a possible ovulation date.

I counted 14 OPK's left in my stash so I think I will follow your lead and test twice daily for approx 7 days. I was thinking CD10 - CD16. What will you be doing?

My eldest, Holly started school this year. Our school year starts earlier than yours so she has been going for about two weeks. When they first start they only go in half days from 9am-12.15pm but from Monday this week she has been in all day. The house is very quiet without her.

My youngest, Anna, started her pre-school nursery today. She was only in one hour today and will go in for one hour tomorrow and Friday then in full time from Monday next week so I will officially have 15 whole hours to myself each week. Hip Hip Hooray!!


Yep, cd7 indeed and boy I feel like it is dragging! AF only lasted 5d this month instead of 7 which was quite nice!

Just taken my last dose of soy tonight so hoping it may help...we'll see!

I will be opk'ing from cd10 and as soon as I start getting a good line, not quite positive, then I will test twice daily. I had 30 delieverd on monday so will use them for a week after ovulation too, just to make sure I did ovulated.

My temps were all over the place last month and this time they are much more settled. I wonder if I wasn't taking them right as I am often half asleep when doing it! I took my temp tuesday morning and got a really high temp, but I don't think I took it right so discarded it and didn't record it!

The more info you put in FF the easier it is for it to recognise ovulation/fertile days etc. Last month it said I ovulated cd15, when I got my 1st +ve opk and i thought it was cd17 and as the days went on, and I was putting in my info, it changed it to cd17 too. I really like FF!

As for the family, Ryan is very tired from his first week back at school! Finley went back to pre-school yesterday, and even though it is only a 3 hour session, he has been very tired. I work pt - tues/wed/thurs so I love my few hours to myself on mondays and fridays. I get soooooo much more done around the house. Although, I do love doing the school pick up and hearing about the boy's day at school/pre-school. Hopefully when Finley starts yearR september 2012, I will have another little Griffith in the household to keep me busy!

I too am glad I have found you to talk too - smae cycle day, same country! Same time zone! As much as I love my hubby, he thinks i'm getting too stressed about it all which I really am not. He thinks by coming on here it's adding to the stress, but it's lovely to be able to share experienced with others in the same boat as you. Men just don't understand us ladies!


sorry I did not reply sooner but not much to report. Glad it's Friday cause this week has just been so exhausting. I'm looking forward to the weekend, although it will be a busy one. The girls have gymnastics tomorrow morning then my friends who have two girls, 3 yrs and 11 months are coming for a visit. The girls will be staying for a sleep-over.

Well it's cd9. My monitor is still reading as 'high' but I have a sneaky suspicion that it will remain like this throughout. I really have my doubts wither I am ovulating at all. I have been browsing for the last couple of hours about clomid. I actually considered for all of two mins buying some over the internet. Of course I wouldn't do it but I just want to know one way or another whats's going on. If I dont get my bfp this month I am 100% going to doctors. Although you and I know this is only my second cycle trying my notes say that I got my implant out in November last year so I can say that I have been trying since then. Although the threads that I have been reading today suggest that you have to be a certain BMI and that you won't get it if you already have children (which I accept), however I have been looking into going private.

My head is just so mixed up. I really really hope that
a)the OPK's are crap and giving a 'false' negative
b) if i'm not ovulating but it's just delayed due to implant and 'ovulation normality' is just round the corner...
c) everything is normal, it's all in my head and I'm just being paranoid

I think it wouldn't hurt to go to GP's and ask for a blood test to check my hormone levels. If you don't ask you don't get ...

Anyway, I'm gonna start OPK tomorrow. Can I ask you something? Do you leave your urine sample and test kit for 20mins to reach room temp?. Last month I didn't bother but I will do it this cycle as I am worried that this may have affected the result. I'm just so impatient when doing those things and used to PG tests which come up immediately.

Anyway, for someone who didin't have much to say I have waffled on long enough. Sorry about that. Perhaps I would be better getting on with less browsing and more ironing!!!

Going for a shower now and going to wait for hubby to come home :winkwink:

until next time, take care, Kerry x
Hi Helen,

What's going on with you? Any news?

I got an absolute shock this morning when I did my cbfm as it came back as a big fat PEAK fertility status - maybe I do have some eggies after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also did OPK and there was a faint line about half the strength of the control line but progress nonetheless.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and Tuesday. I'll be looking for a better OPK result and a temp rise. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Hope you are OK. Speak soon x x x x x

Well, nothing much to report for me...

Had a temp dip thursday, quite a bit below my normal range, then a temp rise friday followed by a small dip yesterday, but still above my normal range?! Then it shot up to the highest its been since cd1!

FF said I had ovulated on cd8, probably because of the temp dip making me 3dpo today...I then entered that I had a bit of watery cm and they changed it back to normal, so not recognising ovulation! I have no idea what is going on. All my opk's are negative - in fact only one has shown a slight line. Last month I had a fade-in fade-out pattern so it will be interesting to see if that happens this month. I really hope I haven't ovulated yet as we only :sex: on thursday and this morning (sorry if tmi)! I really want to :sex: but it was so military like last month whereby we just 'had to do it' for baby making sakes and even though we baby danced almost everyday, we still didn't get pregnant.

Just finding it a bit frustrating as I just don't really know what to do. I want to :sex: as it's obviously our best chances, but don't want to overdo it - think I might just :sex: every other day and be done with it. arghhhhhhh :wacko: !!!

Fantastic news about your cbfm! I am going to purchase one if we still haven't concieved after our 6mth of trying. Just make sure you :sex: lots so you don't miss your egg!

Been a busy weekend of childrens parties and trying to clear out my kitchen cupboards! Feeling very tired now :sleep: and definitley gonna make sure I am in bed after the X Factor. Been a good wife and mum and have the packed lunches made and uniforms ironed and hung up ready for the morning!

As for the opk question, I test on fresh urine - if you leave urine to sit for too long it crystalises and you can get inaccurate results. I have some medical knowledge from my job and the fresher the sample for any type of test, the better results! My opk;s are just kept in a drawer which is normally about 18oC , so room temperature.

My fingers are crossed for you chick and here is lots of :dust: from the South of the UK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Great to hear from you. I bloomin' love FF it has been the best thing. I am/was a bit wary about things lke cbfm and a bit sceptical wither or not they actually analyse anything or rather just predict based on day counting (if you know what I mean) but FF really seems to interpret everything and I like that it readjusts itsself when more info is available.

I know what you are saying about the nookie thing. Last month was a nightmare and like you, we felt that we were just going through the motions (one reason hubby was adament that we shouldn't be doing all the OPK stuff) but we have been doing well so far and have managed to have some every day so far. We are having to be creative about ways to 'occupy' the kids (as we are usually too knackered at night). When we got the peak reading this morning we told the kids that they were having their bath after lunch - they were so confused as to why I was insistent that they go for their bath immediately.... might use the bath idea for the next couple of days - it sure beats the towel-over-the-top-of-the-door-to-jam-door-shut trick (never the best method of keeping the sproggs out for early morning loving).

I always do uniforms on sunday night too but I'm just so tired that I havn't done them yet. I've got plenty ready though so I'm going to leave the rest to tomorrow. I always record X Factor and watch it after the first hour to avoid the adverts but it is beddy byes for me after that.

Talking of X Faxtor, I am a huge Take That fan. I have always been hopelessly devoted to Markie but isn't Gary looking HOT! I'm loving Kelly Rowland too!

Lots of Love from a very rainy Glasgow x x
To keep our boys entertained, we stick the Wii or Xbox on!!! Then we never get disturbed!!! How creative we are!!! Reading your post did make me laugh out loud and put a smile on my face :rofl:

I am a huge Take That fan too and my goodness, I agree, Gary is hot! Phew! I was really lucky and got to see them in concert twice this year! Didn't get to go to their circus tour as I couldnt get tickets but this year both my friend and my sister got them lol! They were fantastic and have some awesome pictures of them - some fab ones of Gary close up!

I have to say I am really enjoying the X Factor :) I wasn't sure about the new judges when I first heard who they were going to be, but I really do like them and take it all back!

How are things today? Not much to report today other than cbfm still showing 'peak' but the leaflet says that it would do that if one 'peak' day was detected. I'm a bit confused though as OPK was negative. Yesterday showed a faint line so not positive and I was convinced that today it would be stronger but it's not to be. Not sure what's going on there.

Because of the 'peak' reading I was hoping that my temp would show a dip. When I took it this morning I had a squint at it in the darkness and I thought it said 97.13 which would have been perfect but when I double checked it this afternoon it actually said 97.73 which has been about what it's been all week. So no dip for me - maybe tomorrow.

Based on FF analysis from last month I am due to ovulate tomorrow but I'm not sure how reliable it is as I couldn't temp for two days after my obvious dip last month. FF said that ovulation was detected but could not be confirmed as no temps recorded for two days after supposed ovulation. (I put in the stats retrospectivly from my paper chart that I got with the OPK's). If I had known how vital it was for confirming that ovulation has actually taken place then I would have given it more priority.

Been talking to hubby today and we have decided that if there is a problem with my fertility then of course I will have to speck to doc to fix it but as far as conceiving another wee bambino we have decided not to go down the route of medical intervention (clomid, private clinics etc). We are blessed to have what we have got. A wee boy would be nice though. It sounds a bit morbid but I like the thought of the girls having a man around when Darren and I are gone.

I went to see the TT fellas on tour too. I made sure I got my tickets by queueing overnight (it was my third year camping). Last year I made the front pages of 7 of the national newspapers by being the first in the line (I queued for 27 hours) and the date the tics went on sale was my birthday. Got interviewed for local radio and local television. Oh me and my celebrity status.....

Never did the uniforms today (lazy so and so) but just so tired. Got plenty hanging up so I will do them tomorrow.................

:laundry: :dishes: :hangwashing: :iron:

Babydust and much love, Kerry x x


well more -ve opk's for me. Did one at 11:30am and another at 7:30pm. Have quite a bit of ewcm so hopefully will be ovulating soon. Had a few light cramps, mainly on the lhs at about midday so wondering if my left ovary will be releasing?! Just have to wait and see.

Going to make an effort and :sex: everyday so we don't miss the egg. Had another temp dip this morning, the lowest it has been so it will be interesting to see what it does over the next few days and see what FF thinks - glad I subscribed to the VIP package once my 30d had run out as I love the way it analyses everything.

Loving the whole Take That thing!!! And why not talk about your celebrity status and moment of fame! We al have them! Mine was being on bbc1's 'Vets in Practice' quite a few times hahaha! You're talking over 7 years ago but hey, it was BBC1!!!

I would love to have a little girl, but I am pretty sure that if we do concieve no.3 then it will be another boy which is fine. I know them well, the games they like and have all the boys toys at the ready! plus hubby can take them all fishing whilst I enjoy peace and quiet! Hubby would love a daughter, probably more than me. But he also knows if we have a daughter I would make us bankrupt with all the clothes and girly things! Like you I am very lucky to have such two wonderful boys and musn't forget that if this never happens. I know I can get pregnant (and quite easily) so it's just a waiting game now.

Hope it's not too windy in Glasgow - it's been quite bad in the south of England. Can't count how many times I have had to put the lid back on the sandpit today! Has a concrete slab on it now! Managed to get my :hangwashing: dry without it blowing off the line though!

Love and :dust: to you xxx
Hi Kerry,

How you doing? Me, still no +ve opk and yet I gotone on cd15 last month so feeling a little down that it hasn't been the same. Got my hopes up which I probably shouldn't have.

Having lots of cramps and backache still. I am just praying this is my body gearing up to ovulate.

My temps were looking so good and now they are all over the show! I had another dip this morning, this one being the lowest temp of this month. I'm not doing anything different either. I am hoping it will creep back up now and stay up! I wonder if the dip this morning is me ovulating....

Hi :hi:

Hope you arel keeping well?

Well cd19 today and i'm still waiting for my +ve opk...they are getting darker so hoping it will be soon. Just changed my ticker to a 35d cyce as that was what my July cycle ended up being so wondering if this could be the same! Still :sex: daily and hubby is happy to oblige, so at least there will hopefully be some :spermy: ready and waiting! In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo 'Just keep swimming, just keep swimming'! No more cramping but still getting days of fertile cm so it's still a waiting game for me.

My temps are slowly getting back into the normal range again so hopefully when I do ovulate I will be able to see a clear pattern on my chart even if I don't get a positive opk.

I've decided that if I don't get my bfp in October then I am going to use the cb smileys (opk's) and concieve plus to help us along the way and stay STRESS free!

Hi Helen,

Sorry that I have not posted for a while but I have been feeling really crap. I'd love to say that it is in an early preggers sort of way but I think I'm just really tired.

Not much to report. Cbfm still at low which is to be expected. I am at 11 dpo. Temps still in high range. Have done two pg tests both were BFN's. I did one at 7dpo which I wasn't expecting to be positive but it settled me down within the painful 2ww. Did another yesterday at 10 dpo and this was negative also. I am going to do one tomorrow morning then if this is negative I will leave it for a couple of days. AF should be due about wednesday so I guess either way I will know by next week but I don't think it's looking good. Boo Hoo

How are you getting on?. Has your eggy showed up yet? Your last post said you were feeling 'amazed' , how so?

Sorry for the short post but will be in touch soon.

Love and lots and lots of babydust to you
x x x x x x x x

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