Hi I'm New CD1 and in need of a buddy!


So how has the 2ww been treating you then?! Have you had any symptoms?

Me, I'm cd24 - got my positive opk and clear blue digi smiley yesterday so waiting for ovulation now and cross hairs on FF. This cycle has been much longer than normal and quite annoying especially as I shoul have been getting af this coming Friday!

So apart from that, nothin else to report.

Can't believe you're 11dpo! That has flown by, but probably not for you!!!

Much :dust: and love to you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Hi Helen,

I firstly, must say SORRY for not being in touch for the past week.

The last time that we spoke I was at 11 dpo or something and to be honest the dissapointment of getting another :bfn: really hit me hard. I din't expect to feel that way and I didn't see those feelings coming at all. When I got the bfp I guess I kind of got myself into some sort of downer and I couldn't really pull myself out of it for a couple of days. I just couldn't face going anywhere near my computer. I'm sorry for being such a rubbish buddy as I have abandoned you during the phase where you really need somebody. Please accept my sincere apologies for this.

When I got my :bfn: last month when I first added my thread I really needed somebody to share the misery with and I thought that I couldn't bear to go through the 2ww alone again so it is so surprising to me that when it came around again this month that I just wanted to hide from the world.

Anyway, AF arrived on schedule on Wednedsay do I am now CD3. I have made a doctors appointment for Monday at 2.45pm to discuss if I might not be ovulating.

I could really use some good news so I hope that you have some news for me. I am dying to find out what's going on with you.

Sorry again,
love Kerry x

Well been to the docs today. Have to say she couldn't have been more rude if she tried but on the up side she is going to do a hormone blood test on day 21 to check my levels. She refused to discuss any further and said that if there was anything to discuss she would refer me to gynae. She said that they usually want to wait 12 months before they intervene and it nearly choked her to day that I was nearly at that stage.

So, CD6 today. Where are you in your cycle?. Hope you are preggers! It feels so long since we last spoke. I hope everything is good with you.

Love and babydust (if it's needed) x x x x
Hi Kerry,

Please don't apologise - sometimes you do just have to switch yourself off and turn away from all the ttc 'stuff' including BnB. And I am sorry that the :witch: got you and that you have been feeling the way you have :hugs:

I too had a visit from the :witch: on friday so today I am cd4.

At least we are cycling together again and can help each other through this month. I have high hopes that we will create out lil' pumpkins :)

I am temping/charting again (although FF didn't recognise ovulation last month, so I did an override one af showed), opk'ing (found Wilkinsons brand are definitely the best!), using conceive plus and i'm also going to try softcups to keep the little :spermy: where they should be for a few hours. Can't hurt trying!

What did your docotr say? I hope they were some help. I guess you probably are ovulating, or you wouldn't be getting af.

The whole ttc thing is such a mind game. I never had this problem with my youngest son. He was conceived first time round. I imagine it's because I wasn't doing al the ttc stuff - opk'ing, temping, charting etc. If I don't get a bfp this month, i'm going to stop it all and just go with the flo and see if that makes a difference.

Much love and :dust: to you

x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Just realised that as I was writing my above post you were posting hence the odd question of me asking what your doctor said!

Hopefully having the bloods drawn is the first step to finding out what is happening with your cycles and how strong you are ovulating. At least they are doing something and the 'call' has been logged now.

Hello Helen,

How have the past couple of days been for you? How are your temps, OPK's looking for this month?

My temps have been pretty static around the 97. something range which is normal. Had a nice big dip on CD11. I'm not sure if everyone gets a dip so I feel lucky that I get a heads up.

My friends took the girls for an overnight stay last night which was great - had a nice lie in but unfortunately missed the window to do my cbfm. I had two days of High so I think, had I of tested, it would have been a peak today. Last months ovulation date on FF was CD13 so I think I'm nearly there. This month has just flew by.

I decided not to do OPK this month but will do them next month again if I need to. I have tried to find the Wilkinsons ones that you have been talking about but can't seem to find them, do you know if they can be bought online?

I am due my day 21 progesterone test on CD20 so I will call for an appointment tomorow morning. My surgery is usually quick with appointments (even though I'm only going to see the nurse) but it will be another thing of my list.

Unfortunately my neighbour Sheila, who I am very close to, lost her husband Alan to cancer last Friday (the 30th) and it was his funeral on Friday. It has been a really sad time and I have been trying to support her as much as I can. I have been trying to concentrate on her and, not to be selfish, but it has helped me really chill out about all the ttc stuff. Alan, had been diagnosed about 18 months ago and fought till the end. Around 6 months ago, Sheila and Alan were interested in swapping houses with me and my hubby but as Alans health deteriorated quite quickly the move had been postponed. I spoke to Sheila today and she has said that she wants to move sooner rather than later. She is talking about swapping this month as she doesn't want to be in her house for christmas. So we will be going to sort out all the paperwork next week. I think we may be moving at the end of the month!

Gotta go now. As usual I have recorded X Factor to avoid the adverts but I am going to watch it now.

Hope everything is good with you.

love and babydust, Kerry x x x x

Hi Helen,

How are you?. I have not heard from you for ages, I hope that you are OK.

My youngest, Anna, jumped on my laptop a and smashed the screen so I had to send it off to get repaired so I've been cut off from the virtual world. I didn't realise how much I relied on my computer until I didn't have access.

I am on CD 19 and 5 dpo. Ov was on day 14 this month. Got my day21 progesterone test tomorrow. I'll let you know how I get on.

Hope everything is OK,
Love Kerry x
Hi Kerry,

Sorry I haven't replied sooner, been quite busy in and out of work and just been knackered!

Me, I'm cd17 - got a smiley face on my digi opk yesterday and another today along with a very positive opk strip! So hopefully I will ovulate tomorrow :)

I have been using conceie plus and softcups - little cup hinges that sit over your cervix. Thy are used for collecting menstruation fluid but people use hem to keep the little swimmers close to their cervix so they don't 'fall out'!! They are pretty good and you can leave them in for 12 hrs. And it's nice not having a 'wet patch' anymore :rofl: !!!

This is my first month trying them but if I don't get a BFP this month, I will defo use them again and will buy a bigger pack size!

I hope the tww I being kind to you? Let me know how you get on at the dr's tomorrow. At least they are drawing bloods off you :)

Gutting about your laptop. But when you have little ones, there's always a danger!

Much love and :dust: to you xxxxxxxxx
Excuse any typo's - I'm on my iPhone an the autocorrect is so damn annoying!
Hey Kerry,

Hope you are well? How did your blood test go?

FF gave me my crosshairs today making me 3dpo which I agree with, so I am now officially in the 2ww.

That's all for now really!

x x x x x
Hi Helen,

Oh how you make me laugh - the wet patch. It's a bloomin' nightmare isn't it. All this ttc stuff isn't very glamourous is it....

Glad that you got your eggy safe and sound this month, we just need to keep our fingers crossed that it has been joined by one of your hubby's little guys!I've got my fingers crossed for you. Hope that the 2ww is kind to you. How are you feeling about it so far?

Waiting to hear from docs. I did have an apointment for tomorrow but I can't make it so I will have to make another. I'm 9dpo at the mo. I don't think I will be testing until next week. I'm of to a conference in Dundee this weekend so that gives me a good excuse not to test. If I can I will try and wait until Tuesday when I will be 14 dpo. FF has a test date of the 28th but that is my birthday so I don't want to do it then just in case it is bad news.

Sorry this message is so short but I have a million things to do.

Have a good weekend and I'll let you know how I get on early next week. Can't wait to hear how you are doing.

love and lots of babydust,
your Scottish friend, Kerry x
Hey Flower,

Well, 4dpo today and I'm doing ok...! Feeling quite positive and upbeat about it all! My temp rose by quite a bit again this morning and I hope it continues to do so! My chart is under my ticker if you want to have a look.

FF has me testing on Halloween of all days!!!! I may cave and test next wednesday which pus me at 10dpo, but I really want to hold out. In August, I got a bfp at 9dpo, but it turned into a chemical and thats why I really want to hold out till af is due so I don't have the heartache. That way if af does arrive, then I wouldn't actually know if I was pregnant anyway.

Yesterday I was peeing loads, like every 3 hours which is very unusual for me. I thin 3dpo was too early for any pregnancy signs/symptoms, but definitely noticed it!

Had a few pains in my boobs, mainly on the outer edges. Only lasts for a minute or so, and today I have a slight sore throat and stuffy nose. I just hope i'm not coming down with anything. I don't think I am as I feel pretty ok and full of energy, despite feeling a tad tired.

I am on hols as of sunday for the week. Keep me posted on how you are doing as I will have internet access, but not everyday, and I will keep you posted.

On a plus side, my evil, in considerate, ignorant neighbours are moving over the next few days, as I found out earlier. I just hope they are gone and out of our lives by the time we get back. No one in our street like them, and unfortunately we are their immediate neighbour so have bared the brunt of most of their inconsiderate behaviour. So thats's good news for me! They say things come in 3's so hopefully that wil be me and you getting our bfp's this month?!

Stay positive and try not to worry.

Lots of Love

x x x x x x x

Got to share my news. Did a pg test last night and there was the faintest of lines. When I say the line was faint I think I am being a bit optimistic as it wasn't so much of a line as a pink smudge if it was held up to the light. It is not worth posting the photo as it wouldn't pick up.


did another this afternoon and there is defo a line. It is still faint but it's there. I can see it without squinting. I want to be excited but I can hardly believe it. I am going to do another tomorrow morning with FMU and see how that one comes out.

Hope that you are having a lovely holiday.

Love, Kerry x x x x x x x x x
Omg! How blooming exciting for you! Please please please keep me posted! But it definitely sounds like the start o your :bfp: yay!

Me, I'm 8dpo - not feeling too hopeful tho :( feeling Pre-menstrual and quite irritable :( but saying that I've had tingling boobs and a few sharp stabbing pains on my lhs, lower abdo that stretched round to my hip.

Just going to have to ride the next few days out and see if the witch arrives...

I'm so excited for you!

Much love x x x
Hi Kerry,

Hope you are well? So how is things.......

Me, witch came bang on time today :(

So on to month no.5 of ttc no.3

Not doing anything this month - no temping, no opk'ing, no softcups or conceive plus. Going to give it all a rest and chill out, relax and go with the flo.

That's about it really from my end!

Hope you have some positive news for me :)

X x x x x X

sorry to hear about the :witch:.

I think you are right to give it a rest for a month. Everybody says that when you are ttc it is best to try to forget about it but I personally hate it when people say that because it sounds too cliched but I also have to admit that it is probably true.
I am strictly on the side of science rather than fate so my ttc jurney was ruled by the belief that as long as the :spermy:'s are swimming and your eggys are ripe then who needs luck which was frustrating when I got :bfn:'s as I couldn't understand why as I did all the right things on all the right days :winkwink: but I think ultimately it's mother nature is calling all the shots.

I haven't been in touch since last week as it's been a bit of a whirlwind time for me. Since I last messaged I did another test on Wednesday and another on Friday and both were :bfp:.

Of course I am over the moon but I am also feeling quite cautious and a wee bit aprehensive. It's stil very early days and I'm just going to sit out the next few weeks before going to the doc's. It seems like such a long wait to find out if everything is OK. I lost my first little baby at 8 weeks but had no pain or bleeding so I didn't know that I had miscarried until I went for my booking in scan at 13 weeks. It was my first little baby's 6th anniversary yesterday. I like to mark the anniversary as the date they would have been born. I don't do anything special but I take a few minutes to think about what could have been and if I'm honest I usually feel a bit silly about doing this as it's pretty much unnessary. When I first lost the baby I was so scared that I would forget that I forced myself to mark the occasion with a mad 'thinking ceremony' but the baby is often in my thoughts and it's daft to feel pressure to mark it in someway but it makes me feel less guilty.

To make matters worse, my friend who conceived this month (by accident) on the exact same date as me has just texted me to say that she has lost her baby :angel:. I'm really sad for her.

Gotta go, but I hope to hear from you soon,
much love, Kerry x
Hi Petal

How you doing? Feelin ok?

nothing to report my end except I'm cd12.

Love Helen xx

I'm OK. Not much to report either.

Fertility Friend had plotted my ovulation date as CD13 for August and September with an ovulation dip on CD 10 for both cycles. The October cycle had ovulation as CD14 but again with an ovulation dip on CD 10 so I think that I conceived on CD14 last month which was the 11th October. Technically, that makes me 6wks+4 today. :wohoo: Looking back I can't pick out any reason why I wouldn't have conceived in August or September but now that I can look back I can say that maybe it was all the house move stuff which took my mind of ttc. I think back to when we first spoke and how absolutely convinced I was that I wasn't ovulating. Although I was ttc for 3 cycles I never once had had a positive OPK. I wonder what was going on there? I never did OPK's on ttc cycle3 so maybe I wasn't ovulating in August and September and maybe my eggy was only good in October - who knows? Maybe it was no reason at all and maybe it was all the babydust you sent me.

I have been thinking about you quite a bit. I wasn't sure if I would hear from you as you said you were easing up on the ttc stuff for a month. Are you doing anything at all? So how are your cycle lengths working out? What do you think your ovulation date will be this month - or should I not ask...:ban:?

When I signed up for b&b I never really thought through what would happen if my buddy conceived before I did or how I might feel if it was me first. I have actually been feeling a bit guilty about getting my BFP which (I know) is mad but I think it is natural when you share a journey that has the same outcome for both parties it is inevitable that there will be some kind of feelings there. So how do you feel about things? I would understand if you just want to chat to your other TTC buddies.

:hugs: Gotta go now babe cause I've got :laundry: to do.


Kerry x x x x x x x


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Hi Helen,

Happy New Year! Hope you and your family had a merry crimbo.

I got your friends request a while ago and I tried to action it straight away but I'm not sure if it worked (got the circle timer thing for about one second then nothing). I thought the change might have changed the screen or something but nothing. I then left it until today and the same thing has happened so I'm not sure if it has actioned or if it's something I'm doing wrong. Who knows. Did you get something to say the friends request had been accepted?

It has been so long since we last spoke, although in many ways it doesn't seem like long at all. I think it has been about 8 weeks but I have had so much on my plate that time has just flew in.

We went to Lapland the 7-11th december which was totally amazing and since then I have been so pre-occupied with christmas... to be honest I'm glad it's all over. the kids go back to school on Monday the 9th. 4 days and counting...

So, how are things for you? I can't wait to hear what you have been up to. I'm sure you have got lots to tell me.

love, Kerry x x
Hi Kerry!

Happy new year to you and your family and it lovely to ear from you :)

So how ate you doing? How far along are you now?

Me, onto month no.7 and just waiting to ovulate now....

Despite two months of easing off, nothing happened. All of my ttc buddies are now pregnant/newly pregnant and to be honest it's been quite hard. It's just been a killer for the last few cycles see af show up. I have literally sat on the loo thinking 'why me, when's it my turn'. I know 7months isn't really that long in comparison to some women, but I conceived first time with my boys so I just don't know why it's not happening now.

Ive been on and off of here over the past few months, keeping an eye on what's going on but not getting involved so much. It's lovely to see so many people getting their bfp's but like I said above, it makes me sad too :cry:

I had a reading done by Gail - she thinks I will conceive as late as feb 2012 and it will be a girl. I'm kind if ok if I don't conceive this month as I have that piece of thread/hope to cling onto but also know it may be bull, but if I get a bfn on my feb cycle I will be gutted again.

So that's about it really!

How is the house now? You all settled ok? So the girls know about baby yet?! To little mummies in the making I can imagine!

Lots of love xxxxxx

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