We haven't had any snow and we aren't due any before Christmas. We best not get any and if we do i hope it isn't enough to lay as i have too may different hospital appointments to go to that i don't want cancelled!
I have fallen over in the snow the last 2 years so i am banned from leaving the house if there is any white stuff anywhere. The annoying thing is more the footpaths as they are compacted snow for ages after the roads are cleared..try walking on them with crutches haha!
I am not fit for work anymore so i thankfully this year do not have to worry about work and weather. I have been off since beginning of Feb this year and i actually get to enjoy the run up to Christmas without staring out the window in an office hehe.
Our baby was planned. I have wanted children since 4 years old. Aparently i was planning my wedding then too and even picked out my wedding car! My Husband finally agreed that we could try for children and gave me a 'start date' haha and so i came off the pill for 2 months prior to that and we became sex free to avoid any accidents plus it meant i could have a couple of normal cycles as i had been on the pill for 14 years :-S
Bam first cycle of trying it works and we were amazed as i had prepared myself that it could take more than a year, so you can imagine my shock when i had 12+ pregnancy symptoms a week before i was due lol. Our baby is certainly a gift from God, he gave us the perfect time to try because of various circumstances, my health etc so i truly believe we were meant to receive Monkey and not another sweet angel waiting for a set of parents.
We would love 4 children, if we could pre order as it were we would love a non identical set of twin girls and 2 single boys. But we would be happy with whatever we were blessed with to look after and nurture as all babies are blessings

I am just so glad it was my turn finally as all my friends kept getting pregnant and it was hard having to wait for my turn. x
Collette Happy move day

i hope it goes well and DON'T overdo it!!! xx