Hi just moved from 1st Tri :) due in march 2012..anyone else?

Hello, sorry not been on for a few days.
I will have to be check for gestational diabetes as it is in our family. Would rather not though, but i don't know what they do over here to test!

Good luck to those moving, i hope it goes well!!

Tomorrow is my V-Day! xx
sunflower- i hope your test goes easy for you

i have to start going every two weeks. just had my appt today and have to go back in two weeks for my next appt and gd test. oh well, will be happy to get it over with.
sorry you will have to make going a regular thing, i hope it isn;t going to be too stressful for you x
its not really stressful. i just like to stay in my pj's most days. and of course i dont want to do my hair and make-up if i dont have to. i hadnt gained any weight up to this point. at my appt today i found out i have gained 6 lbs in the last month lol. i knew i felt bigger!

does anyone have anything packed in the hospital bag yet? i already have almost everything i need even though there is still a couple months left :haha:
I have no idea what i need to pack in my bag...:haha: I will do mine as soon as i am confirmed a c-section which is 99% likely (4th jan)!

V-Day :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:Wohooooooooo i am glad I can finally say that!!

Well Monkey's due date is 16 weeks but c-sections here will be one week before so 15 weeks :wacko: scary, good scary but scary none the less. I have wanted this since i was 4 (aparently i even chose my wedding car when i was 4 haha) and for it to actually be happening i still cannot get my head around!

Yay for putting on weight :thumbup: I lost 20lb during Hypermesis and have now put 20lb back on so i am at my start of pregnancy weight which is a bit weird :haha: I am not sure if 20lb is a lot to have put on though :blush: but i don't care, so long as he is healthy, that is what happens when you are pregnant (which it seems most pregnant woman fail to realise happens! :dohh:)
i dont think its much of a concern how much you put on as long as baby is healthy. i usually put in over 60 lbs and the dr's here never say anything.

how are you feeling today sunflower?
Very tight skinned and worn out but apart from that i am chipper. My winter Maternity clothes have been turning up today now they stock this season!! Only had summer maternity clothes until now so have been very cold lol.

How are you? x
im ok hun. got all the chores done so far and one baby down for a nap. next one is ready. will have two loads of laundry to fold here in a few and still have half a day of home schooling to do. i got good sleep last night but feel tired for some reason.
Omg i havent even started thinking about hospital bag...although from everything i read it more like hospital suitcase! As how do u prepare when u have no idea what u will need??

I need to get some winter maternity clothes...insane how much the temp has dropped in the week or so...Sunflower - have you had snow yet?

Can i ask what u ladies will do if it snows dec/jan time...do u recko u will still brave the journey to work or take a day off?
hey all,

sorry been off for a while packing for my move tomorrow :) so exciting!!!

Mummy bean ive not had any snow yet in leicester but i think we will be soon! I handed my matB1 form to my employer today so need to start thinking about maternity leave soon! how scary lol! any of you guys know when u will take it?

So far iv gone another 2 weeks with no bleeding :) had midwife yesterday and baby girl is still breech so little bugger is still adamant on using my cervix as a trampoline :( not the nicest feeling lol!

Sunflower- hope you are well, I feel like ive put on loads lol but im kinda lucky its all front at the moment :) starting to see weird shapes form in my belly now lol and little baby hiccups more often :)

Blessedmomma- i bet your such a busy lady lol i dont know how i would manage 6 kids lol your amazing :) ha ha are you having anymore?

Was everyones babies planned??

mummy- we had snow yesterday and a light dusting today. not enough to stick around. im glad i am a stay at home mom, i am pretty clumsy without being pregnant. im sure i would fall plenty if i went out. i hope you dont get hurt if you do go out in the snow this season!

collette- we trust in the Lord to decide how many children we will have. so we dont know if we will have more or not. we dont do anything to prevent them and we dont officially ttc either. im not sure if i consider our LO as planned or not. i mean we are always in the frame of mind that we could get pregnant again and definitely see each of them as a special blessing, but we dont do all the things like keep track of cycles or anything to try to make it happen. i guess God planned them :winkwink: we are busy with our kiddos, but i wouldnt change anything :cloud9: yay for no bleeding for 2 weeks straight!!!!! i hope it stays away. ouch with the breech munchkin jumping around in there! im not sure which way mine is in there, but some of his kicks/punches/pokes hurt
I would love a huge family but after having fertility treatment with this little one not sure the large family will happen lol! i was one of 4 children and it was nice being bought up around lots of people, not sure the DH wants any more after the stress of this little princess lol he feels like he cant do anything to help! xx
poor guy! i think my DH has learned just being there is help enough. you two have been through a lot. :hugs: i was 1 of 4 too. i always wanted 5 but never thought i would get there. my mom is 1 of 8 and dad is 1 of 11. so im really used to big families
We haven't had any snow and we aren't due any before Christmas. We best not get any and if we do i hope it isn't enough to lay as i have too may different hospital appointments to go to that i don't want cancelled!
I have fallen over in the snow the last 2 years so i am banned from leaving the house if there is any white stuff anywhere. The annoying thing is more the footpaths as they are compacted snow for ages after the roads are cleared..try walking on them with crutches haha!
I am not fit for work anymore so i thankfully this year do not have to worry about work and weather. I have been off since beginning of Feb this year and i actually get to enjoy the run up to Christmas without staring out the window in an office hehe.
Our baby was planned. I have wanted children since 4 years old. Aparently i was planning my wedding then too and even picked out my wedding car! My Husband finally agreed that we could try for children and gave me a 'start date' haha and so i came off the pill for 2 months prior to that and we became sex free to avoid any accidents plus it meant i could have a couple of normal cycles as i had been on the pill for 14 years :-S
Bam first cycle of trying it works and we were amazed as i had prepared myself that it could take more than a year, so you can imagine my shock when i had 12+ pregnancy symptoms a week before i was due lol. Our baby is certainly a gift from God, he gave us the perfect time to try because of various circumstances, my health etc so i truly believe we were meant to receive Monkey and not another sweet angel waiting for a set of parents.
We would love 4 children, if we could pre order as it were we would love a non identical set of twin girls and 2 single boys. But we would be happy with whatever we were blessed with to look after and nurture as all babies are blessings :-)
I am just so glad it was my turn finally as all my friends kept getting pregnant and it was hard having to wait for my turn. x
Collette Happy move day :-) i hope it goes well and DON'T overdo it!!! xx
Happy Vday yoshi :) and alette :)

Blessedmomma- One of my friends had in incompetent cervix diagnosed at her 20 week scan, they stitched her immediately! Then at 23 weeks and 5 days ahe stated getting lots of pain! she went to the hospital TWICE in one day and they sent her home sating she had an infection! 8 hours later her waters broke and she went into full labour and gave birth to her little girl Izobel, The midwifes just told her that she was too early to try and save her! my friend just held her baby girl until she stopped breathing! Makes me so angry. Over here they will give you an abortion up to 24 weeks! so the government WILL pay for a mum to KILL a baby at 24 weeks if she decided that she dont want it! but they will NOT pay to try and save a baby if a mother gives birth early! even if the baby doesnt survive at least they tried and im sure parents will know there is a possibility of the baby having health issues! the government think its wrong if the baby has possible health issues but its not wrong to murder a baby???????????????? our system over here sucks i tell u!

Hope everyone is well, mummybean- when are u moving! we must be crazy moving so close to christmas and expecting a baby lol! xx

OK that is so wrong! If that was me I would be freaking out big time, and so would my family!
Snow hasnt arrived yet, but the tail end of that storm in Scotland seems to have turned up...serious wind and rain!

Well things only just getting sorted now with the house, so looks like we going to be moving on the22nd Dec - so no xmas this year =(

Collette - Good luck with the move - no heavy lifting. Bet you excited to start nursery once settled?

Baby wasnt planned exactly, had been a bit lazy with taking the pill and might have missed a couple over the summer...and well now i am nearly 25 weeks. But still really happy and cant wait to meet him.

Not sure how many kids i want - prob 2/3 but who knows what life has planned.

Oh my ^ that story so sad...have to say the limits for abortion never even crossed my mind until i fell pregnant now it not even something concievable. I hope your friend is ok.

Any one completly impatient to meet LO...it getting to exciting (also i am fed up of being preg.)
So I had my test today and almost everything is good. The only thing is my iron is low.
yoshi- if they did that in US im sure people would be suing like crazy! i cant imagine them not doing everything they could if baby was born alive, no matter how early. so if your iron is low, are they concerned you might be anemic?
They didn't say anything like that. They just said I need to try and get more.

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