Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

Manda, I'm so glad the midwife visit went so positively. If you're ok to share, I'd love to take a look at your birth plan.

Welcome mariew and LolaAnn. This group is great - I'm sure you'll find it super helpful and supportive. I'm planning a dry land birth at home. I'm pretty sure I'll make use of the bath/shower during labour, but we're not having a birth pool. I imagine our little boy will be born in our bedroom.

In regard to placentas, I would love to plant it and grow a tree over it, but we rent a flat, so unfortunately don't have anywhere we could do this. Perhaps we might get the opportunity for any future children.

I'm also in definite nesting phase. I don't think I've ever cleaned so thoroughly. :p

I am 37 weeks today, and I feel fabulous. :) I feel physically great, so positive and excited about the birth and meeting our baby, and so completely loved and secure and in love with my husband, Peter. He really is the best. Yesterday he told me how proud he was of me - how well prepared I am and my commitment to bringing our baby into the world as naturally and peacefully as possible and my aim to be as present and mindful as possible through the whole experience. :cloud9: I am so thankful to be married to such a wonderful man.
Here's the hypnobirthing info for the midwives I mentioned before.

How You Can Assist the Woman using HypnoBirthing
Thank you for taking the time to learn about how you, the obstetrical care provider, can work with the HypnoBirthing family.

*This family will appreciate your efforts to keep the room quiet and the lights low.

*Women practicing HypnoBirthing often do not move around much. Allow her to relax comfortably in whatever position she chooses, unless medical conditions warrant otherwise.

*When she is in hypnosis, she is very receptive to suggestion. For this reason, please avoid references to pain, medications and procedures. Be assured she will ask for analgesia or anaesthesia if she feels she needs it.

*Please refer to 'surges' or 'waves' rather than 'contractions' and 'birth or birthing' instead of 'labour'. Instead of 'pain', refer to 'pressure' that she may be feeling. If you wish to help her with visualizations, deepening of her hypnosis, etc. ask the birthing companion what words and phrases she prefers to us.

*She is accustomed to respond to her companion's voice and touch by deepening her state of relaxation. She will pay little attention to other voices when she is in hypnosis. You may wish to speak to her birthing companion when information needs to be conveyed.

*Encourage her birthing companion to stay close to her, and use the techniques taught in the course to deepen her relaxation as needed. He or she may need to be reminded to become more active in keeping her relaxed, and try alternative HypnoBirthing suggestions as labour intensity increases.

*When her dilation is complete, allow her to continue deep relaxation until she spontaneously feels the urge to push. She has been taught to 'breathe her baby down' with the release of air, rather than Valsalva pushing to the count of 10. Please do not loudly cheer her on or tell her to hold her breath and 'push, push, push'.

We hope you enjoy helping this family with their HypnoBirthing experience.
Well, what a fantastic day!!
My MW arrived and was wonderful :) she was very kind, saying how lovely the house and garden are and what a lucky baby to live in such a nice area.
Bubs heartrate was good, and my fundal measurement was spot on, which is fantastic, as I've been measuring ahead since about 28+wks!!
My BP was good and urine clear.....and we're on for a HB!! Woohoo!!
We filled out the risk assesment and she talked me through everything. It was so great and I am so bloody excited!!
I showed the MW where we were thinking of setting up the pool (in front room, in front of the fireplace) and she just kept saying how lovely it will be :)
She was very pleased I had the Clary Sage and other oils ready and seemed fully supportive of the EPO capsules and said the Raspberry Leaf tincture should be fine, just start with .5ml or 1ml if I could.
We are going to collect the pool this eve and ecerything just seems so right. It's all falling into place now.
She also said baby has 'really' dropped, infact she was taken aback by just how low I now am (yippee!!) and she thought the thick clear discharge I had yesterday sounded very positive!!
So, all in all, a great visit :)

Hello to all the new ladies too :) xxxx
Now that I reread it, I'm not sure I'll bother including it. I think I've already covered the aspects that are important to me in my birth plan. :-s
Well, what a fantastic day!!
My MW arrived and was wonderful :) she was very kind, saying how lovely the house and garden are and what a lucky baby to live in such a nice area.
Bubs heartrate was good, and my fundal measurement was spot on, which is fantastic, as I've been measuring ahead since about 28+wks!!
My BP was good and urine clear.....and we're on for a HB!! Woohoo!!
We filled out the risk assesment and she talked me through everything. It was so great and I am so bloody excited!!
I showed the MW where we were thinking of setting up the pool (in front room, in front of the fireplace) and she just kept saying how lovely it will be :)
She was very pleased I had the Clary Sage and other oils ready and seemed fully supportive of the EPO capsules and said the Raspberry Leaf tincture should be fine, just start with .5ml or 1ml if I could.
We are going to collect the pool this eve and ecerything just seems so right. It's all falling into place now.
She also said baby has 'really' dropped, infact she was taken aback by just how low I now am (yippee!!) and she thought the thick clear discharge I had yesterday sounded very positive!!
So, all in all, a great visit :)

Hello to all the new ladies too :) xxxx

Woohoo! That all sounds fantastic. :happydance: Yay for positive, supportive midwives.
LolaAnn, I am also planning a dry land birth. We have got a massive 6ft bean bag for labour which can be utilised for sitting, lying and kneeling positions during first and second stage. I didn't want a water birth because our flat is limited in space and if we had a pool I would have to stay in the pool and deliver there however I felt during labour. I will probably spend a lot of time in the bath, but I wont be stuck there.
Hi LolaAnn,

We are planning a dry land birth also. I'm sure i will be in and out of the bath for most of labour, but for the birth i would prefer to be on all fours, most likely in the bedroom.
Here's the hypnobirthing info for the midwives I mentioned before.

How You Can Assist the Woman using HypnoBirthing
Thank you for taking the time to learn about how you, the obstetrical care provider, can work with the HypnoBirthing family.

*This family will appreciate your efforts to keep the room quiet and the lights low.

*Women practicing HypnoBirthing often do not move around much. Allow her to relax comfortably in whatever position she chooses, unless medical conditions warrant otherwise.

*When she is in hypnosis, she is very receptive to suggestion. For this reason, please avoid references to pain, medications and procedures. Be assured she will ask for analgesia or anaesthesia if she feels she needs it.

*Please refer to 'surges' or 'waves' rather than 'contractions' and 'birth or birthing' instead of 'labour'. Instead of 'pain', refer to 'pressure' that she may be feeling. If you wish to help her with visualizations, deepening of her hypnosis, etc. ask the birthing companion what words and phrases she prefers to us.

*She is accustomed to respond to her companion's voice and touch by deepening her state of relaxation. She will pay little attention to other voices when she is in hypnosis. You may wish to speak to her birthing companion when information needs to be conveyed.

*Encourage her birthing companion to stay close to her, and use the techniques taught in the course to deepen her relaxation as needed. He or she may need to be reminded to become more active in keeping her relaxed, and try alternative HypnoBirthing suggestions as labour intensity increases.

*When her dilation is complete, allow her to continue deep relaxation until she spontaneously feels the urge to push. She has been taught to 'breathe her baby down' with the release of air, rather than Valsalva pushing to the count of 10. Please do not loudly cheer her on or tell her to hold her breath and 'push, push, push'.

We hope you enjoy helping this family with their HypnoBirthing experience.

Wow Nat - this is fantasic!!!! Thank you so much for posting it!!
Well, what a fantastic day!!
My MW arrived and was wonderful :) she was very kind, saying how lovely the house and garden are and what a lucky baby to live in such a nice area.
Bubs heartrate was good, and my fundal measurement was spot on, which is fantastic, as I've been measuring ahead since about 28+wks!!
My BP was good and urine clear.....and we're on for a HB!! Woohoo!!
We filled out the risk assesment and she talked me through everything. It was so great and I am so bloody excited!!
I showed the MW where we were thinking of setting up the pool (in front room, in front of the fireplace) and she just kept saying how lovely it will be :)
She was very pleased I had the Clary Sage and other oils ready and seemed fully supportive of the EPO capsules and said the Raspberry Leaf tincture should be fine, just start with .5ml or 1ml if I could.
We are going to collect the pool this eve and ecerything just seems so right. It's all falling into place now.
She also said baby has 'really' dropped, infact she was taken aback by just how low I now am (yippee!!) and she thought the thick clear discharge I had yesterday sounded very positive!!
So, all in all, a great visit :)

Hello to all the new ladies too :) xxxx

Glad you have had such a fantastic appointment hun :happydance:

Celesse, I am in a flat and I think I will be having a dryland birth too but with the use of baths every so often. Our flat is rented so I would be in big trouble if I got any water on the laminate flooring, as it would lift :wacko: I will bring our mattress into the lounge. Will get lots of candles, and incense though and what is this clary sage oil for babyhaines? x x x
So glad you've had a good appointment BabyH!!! :happydance:

Thanks for the hypno-blurb Nat - I'm going to incorporate it in my plan too. :)

I love, love, love how positive everyone is about their birth plans in this thread. It's the way it should be. No fear :)
I have a few of aromatherapy oils for labour including Clary sage. Clary Sage is an aromatherapy oil which can be used to induce labour and has also been found to reduce the need for pain relief in labour.

My aromatherapy kit includes:
--Cotton wool balls for single drop top ups
--Flannels for compress
--Candles and burner
--Massage base
--Bath oil base
--Medicine pots for mixes massage and bath oils

The oils I have chosen are:
--Clary Sage
--Neroli (light)

I'm also thinking of picking up some Ylang ylang and Jasmine. I won't use all of them in labour as I don't want to over load my senses, but can mix and match depending on what I feel like. The peppermint for example is recommended around transition and pushing as it gives a bit of a boost!

If anyone else is thinking of getting and bunch of aromatherapy oils I got mine from https://www.oils4life.co.uk/ which was defo reasonable price and quick delivery and nice oils.
Forgot to add I will probably stick to compresses and cotton wool balls towards the end of labour so the baby is not overwhelmed when she comes out.
I just did a quick search on Aromatherapy oils for labour and this site came up,https://www.naturalchildbirth.co.uk/aromatherapy.shtml if you scroll down to the bottom a bit it says "Clary sage can be used as it is a sedative, with analgesic properties. It can be dropped onto a handkerchief for inhalations, although it is not recommended if you are using gas and air." I take it this is because gas & air is an analgesic as well, so you would be overdosing if you used both? Just wanted to share..x x
Found this on a site as I wanted to know what each oil does..

Found this on here too..https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...herapy-oils-uses-during-labour-pregnancy.html

Which oils?

When choosing essential oils you will get what you pay for. Some synthetic oils masquerade as aromatherapy oils and will not have the same therapeutic effect. The key is to look for the Latin name of the herb on the bottle.

Certain oils work better in labour than others. The Oxford study used essential oils such as lavender, frankincense, camomile, rose, jasmine, eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon, mandarin and clary sage. Each one works in a specific way.

Lavender (Lavandula augustifolia or Lavandula officinalis) is a versatile oil which can be emotionally calming, sedating, relaxing in labour. It can help regulate contractions and is also a good antiseptic. (Some manufacturers recommend that you do not use lavender during pregnancy)

Clary sage (Salva sclarea) can help ease stress and tension and make contractions more efficient. It is an anti-spasmodic oil so can relieve cramp.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is cooling and refreshing. Useful in relieving headache, nausea and vomiting.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) has many of the same properties as peppermint and mixing the two is often very effective particularly for headaches. Alone it can help relieve nasal congestion and is an effective antiseptic.

Camomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is an anti-inflammatory. It can calm and soothe the emotions.

Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) is useful in cases of hyperventilation as it slows and deepens breathing. It can calm anxiety and is useful for asthmatics.

Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) is a potent antidepressant and relaxant.

Rose (Rosa damascena) is also an antidepressant and calming for frayed nerves.

Lemon (Citrus limon) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata) are refreshing, uplifting, and cooling they can be mixed with other oils to enhance their effect.

If you are mixing essential oils, keep it simple - no more than five oils in a single mixture. Every women responds better to some oils than others. Try experimenting before labour so you know which ones work best for you.

I just did a quick search on Aromatherapy oils for labour and this site came up,https://www.naturalchildbirth.co.uk/aromatherapy.shtml if you scroll down to the bottom a bit it says "Clary sage can be used as it is a sedative, with analgesic properties. It can be dropped onto a handkerchief for inhalations, although it is not recommended if you are using gas and air." I take it this is because gas & air is an analgesic as well, so you would be overdosing if you used both? Just wanted to share..x x

That's my hypnobirthing practioner's website! :) I can drop her an email and find out for you if you want? I do remember her saying it's quite a 'heady' oil, so maybe it can make you a bit out of it if you use gas and air too. :shrug:
Hello! Can I join in?

I'm planning a home water birth. I'm due 20th May, and this is my first baby.

I went to my first hypnobirthing class last week and am looking forward to the rest.

In my city we have a homebirth midwife team, so I am under their care (just 2 midwives at the moment, they are trying to recruit more as it is proving so popular!). They seem really chilled and receptive to most things, for example when I was asking about placenta delivery options the midwife started telling me about a lotus birth she had recently attended, and she was really positive about hypnobirthing and water births.

I'm just trying to figure out the practicalities now, like booking a pool and working out what else I might need/want. Any suggestions?

I had looked at this place for a pool as we have space to keep it up for a while (big bay window!) and you can get a heater to keep it at the right temp. I'm lazy and like the idea of that rather than have to keep topping it up via a hose or buckets. https://www.birthworks.co.uk/ Has anybody used them?

hi all .. i had home birth with my 5th baby and i must say it was so much easier and relaxing,. my contractions started at bout 1 am but they wasnt painfull and i rung midwife at 6 as they got bit painfull then lol and she turned up at 7 and said i was 8-9 cm dilated and i had baby at 8.17 am. didnt get much gas as the 2nd midwife turned up at last miute with gas lol . but it was so much better than being stuck in hospital and my daughter and her friend was sleep upstairs wen i give birth and they was shocked wen they got up lol.. id give it thumbs up all the way ..
I just did a quick search on Aromatherapy oils for labour and this site came up,https://www.naturalchildbirth.co.uk/aromatherapy.shtml if you scroll down to the bottom a bit it says "Clary sage can be used as it is a sedative, with analgesic properties. It can be dropped onto a handkerchief for inhalations, although it is not recommended if you are using gas and air." I take it this is because gas & air is an analgesic as well, so you would be overdosing if you used both? Just wanted to share..x x

That's my hypnobirthing practioner's website! :) I can drop her an email and find out for you if you want? I do remember her saying it's quite a 'heady' oil, so maybe it can make you a bit out of it if you use gas and air too. :shrug:

That would be great if you could do that Nattie :)

Welcome Urban...have you checked out this link for birthing pools? https://www.birthsupport.org.uk/ourshop/cat_134796-Birth-Pool-La-Bassine.html It was the one I was going to buy but have decided to have a dryland birth. I think Mervs Mum has it as well. Definately reccomend ploughing through this thread when you have a chance, so much useful info and advice on here..
hi all .. i had home birth with my 5th baby and i must say it was so much easier and relaxing,. my contractions started at bout 1 am but they wasnt painfull and i rung midwife at 6 as they got bit painfull then lol and she turned up at 7 and said i was 8-9 cm dilated and i had baby at 8.17 am. didnt get much gas as the 2nd midwife turned up at last miute with gas lol . but it was so much better than being stuck in hospital and my daughter and her friend was sleep upstairs wen i give birth and they was shocked wen they got up lol.. id give it thumbs up all the way ..

Wow, that must have been a lovely surprise for your daughter hun! Do you have any advice or tips to offer since you have had a homebirth before? :hugs: x x x

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