Home Birthers & Hopefuls!

This is our first baby, too.

Well, my midwife left about an hour ago! I've had my home birth assessment. She said my home was plenty big (a 2-bedroom flat, in case anyone has the same and was wondering) and thought there was plenty of space in the front room and our bedroom both. We talked through everything, and we didn't get too specific about transferring to hospital, which I was happy with, as I'm not going to unless there's a really good reason. She even encouraged me to have a look through the bag she brought with all the bits in, which I did as soon as she left and explained it all to DH. I was really pleased that she liked a lot of the things that I have in my birth box, particularly the little torch that I got. She added some extra suggestions: a spritzer bottle to spray my face/neck if I felt hot, more maternity pads (I have 20) and to nick some tapers from Debenham's to put my aromatherapy stuff on (you know, the little strips of paper they spray perfume on?). She also really liked my birth plan that I'd tweaked for a home birth and asked for a copy to use as an example. There aren't any birthing stools at our birthing centre for me to borrow, but that's ok, as I can just sit on the toilet if I feel the need to be in that sort of position.

It all seems so real now! I'm so ready for this experience! The appointment itself went fine as well, and the baby is now 1-2/5 engaged (3-4/5 palpable). If it wasn't for the SPD and the ginormous bump out front (even though I'm measuring 37cm - how perfect!), I'd do a little dance! :happydance:
Manda it is all shaping up perfectly!! I am so excited for you!! You'll be brilliant and I cant wait for your birth story!!! :hugs:
This is our first baby too. The odds of there being any complications are very small, but the techniques I plan to use throughout labour should keep me really in tune and listening to my body and my baby. We'll also be able to draw on the experience and expertise of midwives. If we need extra help, we'll take it.

I am confident my body can do what its designed to do.

Yes, this! :) Feels so good to have that self-belief, doesn't it? :cloud9:

THIS IS IT GIRLS!! This is the crux of birth full stop IMO. Where ever you chose to or end up birthing, if you believe in yourself and your body's natural ability to do what it was designed to do, it's a very empowering feeling. :D

Look at us go, I am loving the positive vibe on this thread :happydance:

And Manda, so happy your assessment went well. That lovely homebirth is going to happen, I just know it.. :hugs: x x x
Its really interesting to see that, as its my first to and a lot of people are more negative for 1st. My fiance is perfectly supportive of a home birth and has told me whatever i decide he will support, he to has been doing his research as when i first suggested it he said he honeestly couldnt give me a decission as he didnt know enough about it. Since then he has researched it and i will continue to. I am just about to buy a copy of the Ina May book to read aswell.
I really want a home birth and am speakng to my midwife about on tuesday so hopefully she will be nice about the idea!! I know that its the right thing for me because of the way it makes me feel. The idea of hospital fills me with dread however when i think of having my baby at home, it makes me feel so happy and actually look forward to it!!
Jen x
That's great to hear that your assessment went well Manda! :)

This is also our first. I am trusting my body and hoping that all goes to plan. But I trust my MW so that I know if I need interventions, they were needed and not unnecessary.

My DH is supportive of a homebirth and most my friends who haven't had children are also supportive. My couple of friends who have had children are supportive but I am not telling any of my family (other than my sister) because they are 100% against it, they are also against me trying to have a natural birth too. I know it will be way too hard of a battle to deal with, dealing with their fears and insecurities, and then of course all their commenting, speeching, etc. So I will tell them all afterwards!
This is our first baby, too.

Well, my midwife left about an hour ago! I've had my home birth assessment. She said my home was plenty big (a 2-bedroom flat, in case anyone has the same and was wondering) and thought there was plenty of space in the front room and our bedroom both. We talked through everything, and we didn't get too specific about transferring to hospital, which I was happy with, as I'm not going to unless there's a really good reason. She even encouraged me to have a look through the bag she brought with all the bits in, which I did as soon as she left and explained it all to DH. I was really pleased that she liked a lot of the things that I have in my birth box, particularly the little torch that I got. She added some extra suggestions: a spritzer bottle to spray my face/neck if I felt hot, more maternity pads (I have 20) and to nick some tapers from Debenham's to put my aromatherapy stuff on (you know, the little strips of paper they spray perfume on?). She also really liked my birth plan that I'd tweaked for a home birth and asked for a copy to use as an example. There aren't any birthing stools at our birthing centre for me to borrow, but that's ok, as I can just sit on the toilet if I feel the need to be in that sort of position.

It all seems so real now! I'm so ready for this experience! The appointment itself went fine as well, and the baby is now 1-2/5 engaged (3-4/5 palpable). If it wasn't for the SPD and the ginormous bump out front (even though I'm measuring 37cm - how perfect!), I'd do a little dance! :happydance:

I'm sooooooo please for you, and very excited!!!! - this is brilliant news¬!! :happydance:

I found those little bottle sprays invaluable!!! I bought 2 from boots, filled them with water, and had them ready in the fridge for the birth - it was wonderfully refreshing! I did get really hot - it's was the physical nature of it, but also that the heating was blasting out, to keep everything warm for baba!!
Also I don't know if it was the heat, or the gas and air, but I was so thirsty throughout.. I drank pints and pints of orange squash - but it would have been really handy to have had straws to drink from. (I wanted to get some for ages before she was born, but couldn't find any in our supermarkets!! - not essential, but I think it would have helped)

I'll have a good think tonight, and then post up a list of things I had, and some that I wanted for my HB. Later, or tomorrow

Well done ladies, you are so supportive - this is a great group.. I onLy wish I had found it before I had my LO!!
Jen - have you sent the dad's links to your OH? They are all together on the first post :winkwink:

Nicola - I can see you being a HUGE help to us all in this group! :D
The encouragement from this thread is great! It has me looking forward to every bit!

Nicola, I got a six pack (now only five, due to me having to try one!) of cherry Lucozade (new flavour and absolutely lovely) for fluid and energy during labour. And I got a pack of straws at the same time.

I also forgot to say that my midwife mentioned me getting some talcum powder, as frequent rubbing of my back by OH may make it tender and the same for if I'm in a kneeling position for a while. She also mentioned ice to chew on, which I love anyway and had forgotten about. So, I' going to get some of those ice bag thingies, as I don't have room in my freezer for lots of trays.
Hi Everyone,

I just posted a message in the Third Tri forum and was invited here instead! I didn't know this group existed, so thanks!

I'm 38 weeks and 1 day today (due 20th feb) and hoping to have a homebirth. This is my first baby and am so scared, but the prospect of being in hospital scares me even more! I have a very supportive husband and midwife and want to believe that i can do this, but am getting more and more nervous everyday!

The only thing that reassures me is the fact that i can change my mind at anytime and go to the hospital.

We only completed decided on a homebirth at 36 weeks but had been thinking about it for a while.

We had our homebirth kit delivered on Monday and think we have everything else that we might need:

Shower curtains for the floor
Old sheets and towels
Birth ball
Tens Machine
Dry Nites mattress protectors (to go underneath me)

Has anybody got any tips or suggestions for anything else? Or any tips on pain relief?

Thanks and best wishes/good luck to all!
Welcome to the group Marie! Sounds like you have everything you might need. Have you got some music to help relax to and some scented candles so you can set a nice chilled out mood :) If you have chance have a flick back through the thread for lots more encouragement and great suggestions and some useful links on the first page :winkwink:
Thanks Mervs Mum. I will definitely look through these posts. Could you please add me to the Due date list? We are on team yellow.
Oooh, I'm so excited about tomorrow's MW appointment!!
And thankfully, my nesting has kicked in soooooo strongly today (hence why I'm still up at this unearthly hour!!)
I have been ironing and cleaning all night and don't feel remotely tired - it's fab :)
oooh let us know how it goes!?

I found myself on all fours cleaning the skirting boards in the week before Bronwyn was born. I had never been so fastidious, as that's not something that I wouldn't normally do!! :wacko:

wow can I join? Just watched the video posted on the first post soo beautiful. My boy is due 20th May, and I am having a homebirth however my midwife is very unsupportive - may end up being an unassisted birth at this rate :) I'm very relaxed about the whole thing and don't think I want a waterbirth, anyone having a non-waterbirth homebirth?
:hi: Hi LolaAnn :)

In the links at the start you'll find info about dealing with unsupportive MWs and other health care professionals. You have the right to have your baby where you want and they are obliged to attend you - they can only advice but there's no such thing (in the UK) as not being 'allowed' to have a homebirth.

Have a look at the homebirth.org site - that's really useful with that type of thing and in the meantime I'll add you to our list! :D
still going ahead with the home birth. hiring a doula and I have decided to just have gas and air and not diamorphine.... Hope it's enough! I am just thinking it would be a better experience to be more with it and also baby should be more alert. I am going to have a water birth if everything goes to plan. Just been reading about what to do with the placenta and I think that I am definitely going to keep it and bury it in the garden under a tree or something like that. I read as well that some people make art prints from the placenta.. on to paper and then framed!! can you imagine on your baby's nursery wall!!! No doubt I'll try it out! I have been reading a little bit about lotus births and I like the sound of them too although I can't imagine actually going through with it. How would you dress your LO with the placenta attached in a little placenta bag!
Hey LolaAnn, and welcome!!!

Fantantic you have decided to have a home birth! Having a relaxed attitude towards your birth, is the best way, as there is nothing to be scared of, and you are more likley to labour easier, and have less complications.
I'm sorry you are finding your MW unsupportive. If you have no clinical reasons to be in a hospital environment - believe in yourself and your body and you will have the birth you plan and wish for.

I did post a while back to another lady experiancing problems, (here's a link) so I totally agree with MervsMum. Check out all the info.

There are lots of information out there for you to make your own decisions, and other homebirithers and homebirth hopefulls (both water and non-water) are here to support you.
Me and OH were talking 'placentas' the other evening. I asked if he'd mind taking a picture of it for me....he asked why and I said just in case I dont have chance to look at it. I wished I'd seen Hebe's - it kept her alive for 9 months so I thinka bit of respect is due! :lol: After him being a bit 'eeewww' at first he actually thought that planting it with a tree or plant for Sid might be nice. We planted a hebe bush for Hebe (obviously) and so it's only right that we do something similar for Sid....the placenta can go underneath it :)
Blythe's birth story is in this month's Pregnancy and Birth magazine. ;)

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