Hi to everyone
I am finally getting around to posting after spending a few days reading over this wonderful thread & using all the great links supplied by all of you THANKS..
This is going to be long, sorry...
Anyway, im Lisa im 39 and this is my 3rd baby. My 2 DD's are 12 & 19 and were both born by C-section, the first for failure to progress after being induced (I believe that she wasnt anywhere near ready to be born) and the second by elective. When I was expecting my 1st DD, the normal practice in those days was to transfer 1st time mums to our nearest CLU (which is a 3.5 hour car journey from home) at roughly 2 weeks before their due date! I live in a small town where the hospital isnt even a real hospital lol, no anaethitist, theatre etc. People get transferred daily to Glasgow via helicopter or ambulance plane!! Anyway, there is only a small community midwife team attached to the hospital. I was duly sent away to Glasgow about 2 weeks before she was due & made the mistake of telling the horrible grumpy old consultant during one of his few visits that I was fed up - "We'll soon sort you out, start you in the morning" was his reply!!! I remember being given a couple of doses of gel very early the next morning then being strapped up to a monitor for hours, nothing was happening & at some point during that day they took me down to the labour ward & broke my waters & gave me an epidural?! I think I eventually progressed to about 3cm dialated?! I honestly dont remember great details, however, when more than 24 hours had passed they then told me I had to have a section and that was that..
7 years later when I was expecting DD no.2 I had to travel to Glasgow to see my consultant at about 37wks who promptly told me that from that minute on i was not allowed to be anymore than 20 mins from the hospital!! This meant I had to go lodge with a friend & also that my mum had to move into my house to look after my older daughter back at home. I had to attend the ante-natal clinic at the Glasgow hospital twice a week from that point and was told on 13th November that I could carry on as I was & wait for nature to take its course or they could section me the next day - I had been away from home & my little girl for almost 4 weeks by this point so agreed to a second section!!!
So here I am, almost 13 years later with baby no.3 due 19th June. This time round so far I have been told that it is "unlikely" that I will be "allowed" to even attempt VBAC (never mind doing it at home) but I have done extensive research & I know there is a far higher chance of me achieving the VBAC i so desperately want if I opt for a homebirth and physically there is no reason why I cant deliver normally. I told my midwife that there is no way they are sending me to Glasgow this time, however, she has advised me that they are not "allowed" to accept me for delivery at the local unit, she did say that homebirth was another option but I know I am going to have to fight tooth & nail to get this. The main thing against me is the whole distance thing - the fact that if something were to go wrong then they would need to organise emergency air transfer to Glasgow.
This is more than likely going to be my last baby & I know I will deeply regret it if I dont give her/him and myself the chance to do things naturally, however, there is still the niggle that I could endanger my baby or myself by going ahead with this..
Thanks very much for reading and if anyone has any advice etc it would be great to hear
Lisa x