I definitely would want a home water birth, but unfortunately I don't think I will be able to because of my high BMI. I am going to try and have as natural a birth as possible and if allowed, will try for a water birth though and maybe by the time I am ready for #2 I will have lost enough weight to give a home birth a tryx
My hubby thinks that a home birth is too dangerous though, like Kristin's OH, he wants me to be in hospital. I hope that I would be able to educate him by then! x
A BMI over 35 is a contraindication for homebirth
Business trips must run in the family then , because my sisters husband also has to go on business trips vey now and then as does the husband of my mother.. (he only on one dayed ones though)
nah but I just don't like the idea of giving birth at home. with all the goo and stuff thats coming out of you with the baby xD. But that may also be because while I never liked the smell in Hospitals maybe I never disliked being or visiting someone in Hospitals . That could also be though because I was never in hospital longer than ambulant for my ear surgery for physical things in first place.
Unless you have other complications high BMI is no reason for them to say no to a home birth, they cant stop you anyway
A BMI over 35 is a contraindication for homebirth
But they cant deny you one for this alone
They cant deny you a homebirth full stop no matter what the contraindication is.
Iv never been in hospital for longer than a trip to a&e and i dont plan on changing that while im having children, im in labour, not ill so why go to hospital?
Iv never been in hospital for longer than a trip to a&e and i dont plan on changing that while im having children, im in labour, not ill so why go to hospital?
Because even though it's not an "illness", a birth can be a dangerous situation to be in for both mother and child. Not so long ago, a lot of mums and even more babies died during or following childbirth. And it is largely due to our improved medical care (in the event that something does go wrong) that this happens a lot less these days. Just because a pregnancy is "low risk" you can't be sure that nothing will go wrong. No such thing as a no-risk pregnancy.
And saying "I'm in labour, not ill so why go to hospital?" is like saying "why go to hospital for a boob job?". You're not ill there either, yet you wouldn't want that done without having equipment and expertise at hand?
I appreciate that home births can be a lovely experience and a lot less stressful IF nothing goes wrong. But if it does, I would want to know that I have the best possible care right there and no added risks like for example traffic.
Also, regarding the high BMI discussion: Of course they can't make you go to hospital. But they're not suggesting it just to be annoying. They're suggesting it because there is empirical evidence that hospital is the best place for you to give birth if you're in a risk group, high BMI being one of them.
I assume none of us have medical degrees. So as long as we don't have knowledge to the contrary ourselves, it's our best bet to go with what the majority of the experts on this topic are saying. Even if they're not infallible, they have more of an idea than we do. The majority of doctors will tell you that it's safest to be in a maternity ward when giving birth, so that's what I'm going with, untill proven wrong.
My ma is a midwife so I think I wouldn't panic either way - she's brill and she has already hand picked a team for me! Haha! Apparently there's some she wouldn't trust to 'carve sunday roast'... never mind doing intimate stitches!!
As we live in rented accommodation, I know this sounds ridiculous but I think I would poop myself regarding any mess on the carpets if we had a homebirthI quite fancy using the local midwifery led birthing pool centre. Failing that, most likely hospital. x