I have no idea yet what Soy isoflavones are me neither, however they are natural and work as "nature's clomid". If you take it on a daily basis it can affect fertility but if you take it for 5 days only at the beginning of your cycle (you take double what you would clomid so to start of would be 100mg on days 3-7 for example) I am learning so much daily from being on here! If no BFP this month will you take clomid next month? Yep - I will leave it til about CD25 and if I haven't ovulated I will take my progesterone to bring on another period. Otherwise it can be months! Do you take clomid in tablet form? What are the side effects? Yep - they come in 50mg tablets. The side effects vary but quite frankly theyre nowt to write home about. I get a lot of hot flushes in the first week of my cycle and some ovary twinges (I enjoy them though, shows it's working and not really painful, just a bit sharp) and I had a headache for a few days one cycle but wasn't a bad one, jsut a niggle.Strangely, I am far more scared of taking drugs than I am any invasive procedure but like all of you ladies, I am sure that if and when the time comes, I will be begging the FS for clomid too ;-D Wishing you all the luck in the World, you have more than done your time and I hope you are out of this section very soon. X