Hoping in November - 148 testers so far, 31 BFP, 4 angel babies

poppy - :/ I guess. I'd be a little disappointed with that result. I'd figure you did enough waiting on your own already... but hey - if you're patient, that sounds ok. :)

I'd be pissed! HAHAHA

I have an appointment with my Maya Abdominal Therapy doctor on Tuesday, and I'm hoping that I get to tell her I'm pregnant, but if not I have lots of good data to show her.

What is a maya abdominal therapy doctor?

Got my BFP today at 10dpo :)
Hope this is a sticky one!

Loads of baby dust all around!!!!

Congrats!! You must be on :cloud9:
Here's the home site for the training of the techniques:


Some highlights: "The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external non invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi."

"Benefits for Women

Normally the uterus leans slightly over the bladder in the center of the pelvis, about one and a half inches above the pubic bone. It is held in this position by muscles, the vaginal wall and ligaments that attach it to the back, front, and sides of the pelvis. Uterine ligaments are made to stretch to accommodate a growing fetus inside and to move freely when the bladder or bowel is full. The ligaments and muscles can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to fall downward, forward, backward or to either side.

A uterus in any of these positions is called tilted or prolapsed. Modern medicine has little or nothing to offer women with this problem. Options may include using the birth control pill, muscle relaxants, or surgery and women are generally told, "your uterus is tipped, but that is normal and don't worry about it." Yet women have a laundry list of physical and emotional symptoms that can be addressed and prevented with these simple, noninvasive massage techniques. When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections. Just a few extra ounces sitting on blood and lymph vessels can cause havoc throughout the different systems in the body. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, and cesarean delivery are diminished when addressed by uterine massage. In addition, digestion, urinary and bladder problems can be helped."

So my doctor has all levels of certification from these guys and uses these techniques to help my uterus - it likes to be retroverted. She also is able to tell how healthy my intestines are and stuff (when I first started going, before doing my elimination diet + probiotices it was pretty bad, but now they feel very healthy).
Well I'm new here and I will join in, I have started another tww and should know by the end of the month whether I am testing or not, I am a shift worker, so can't do temps and have no chart. I wish everyone luck for the rest of the month!

Just keep us updated, and I'll get you in when you know more.

ok just wanted to tell everyone what im going thru here,
im on 25mg clomid day 3-7 , i dint experience any side effects at all , maybe a night of mild hot flashes but nothingmore, and on o day my face broke out a bit which doesnt happen .
what i HAVE noticed is my right side (lower abdomen) around o hurt a bit with a bit of cramps maybe its gearing for O .... but now about 4 days post O im feeling fluttering feeling in uterus area !!!
any one on a clomid cycle get this ????
i keep telling myself its the clomid and dont want to get my hopes high since dh has low count and we just bd once on + opk day ... but cant help to think anything is possible.

I haven't been on clomid, but I have experienced the cramping and fluttering feeling when I got my BFP last month.

You don't have to kick them to get a good affect. Just a tap works wonders!! My DH was being a butt a few days ago and wouldn't give me any blanket and when I'd get some he'd pull it back away, so I 'accidentallyonpurpose' tapped his nuts when I was 'reaching' for the blanket.

That's hilarious!! Gave me a great chuckle

Hi all...I got my bfp this morning on a digi...eek xxx


I do believe I am one good temp away from a triphasic chart...

Let's hope so!! I'm so excited for you!

Saw my regular doc today. He tested my thyroid, but other than that he says wait out one more cycle and if no af still then we will try progesterone and check some other hormone levels. Atleast I got some answers I guess.

I too would be pissed at that answer. There has to be a reason you have basically had 2 periods so far after ovulation. Can you find a new doctor?

So I don't know what to think. This morning I took a dollar tree test. I looked at it from every angle. And I swear it was negative. Now I come home from work and I see a line. What the heck os going on?. It is a faint line and I think it has some pink. I know it is way past the indicated time but this has never hapened...

I never got a positive pregnancy test using the dollar store ones. I think they are crap to be honest....maybe that's why they are only a dollar. Can you get an FRER?

Here's the home site for the training of the techniques:


Some highlights: "The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy™ are founded on the ancient Mayan technique of abdominal massage which is an external non invasive manipulation that repositions internal organs that have shifted, thereby restricting the flow of blood, lymph, nerve and chi."

"Benefits for Women

Normally the uterus leans slightly over the bladder in the center of the pelvis, about one and a half inches above the pubic bone. It is held in this position by muscles, the vaginal wall and ligaments that attach it to the back, front, and sides of the pelvis. Uterine ligaments are made to stretch to accommodate a growing fetus inside and to move freely when the bladder or bowel is full. The ligaments and muscles can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to fall downward, forward, backward or to either side.

A uterus in any of these positions is called tilted or prolapsed. Modern medicine has little or nothing to offer women with this problem. Options may include using the birth control pill, muscle relaxants, or surgery and women are generally told, "your uterus is tipped, but that is normal and don't worry about it." Yet women have a laundry list of physical and emotional symptoms that can be addressed and prevented with these simple, noninvasive massage techniques. When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections. Just a few extra ounces sitting on blood and lymph vessels can cause havoc throughout the different systems in the body. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, and cesarean delivery are diminished when addressed by uterine massage. In addition, digestion, urinary and bladder problems can be helped."

So my doctor has all levels of certification from these guys and uses these techniques to help my uterus - it likes to be retroverted. She also is able to tell how healthy my intestines are and stuff (when I first started going, before doing my elimination diet + probiotices it was pretty bad, but now they feel very healthy).

That sounds like what I am doing with a pelvic pain specialist. I have a week pelvic floor.



I think I am in my 2ww. Not exactly sure when i ovulated however i did feel one or two ovulation twinges Sunday. Hubby and I have been trying but not as often as I would like. I should get af between the 25-27 if she is supposed to come.
Hahaha! Had to try the morph thing! Here's mine :p


:cry: Temperature plummeted this morning. I am gutted. AF will be on her way! I knew I'd be in the unlucky 5% that get a Triphasic chart and isn't pregnant!!
What is this morph thing?
I wanna try it and see if it looks remotely like my baby! Lol
Hi ladies!

Welcome to the ladies that just signed up! :dust: to you all, and to those still waiting to test. Sticky :dust: to those that have already gotten a BFP.

ATM: I left work early today (thank goodness for a nonstudent contact day. I'm about to take a nap, as I feel like I haven't slept all night. My fun parts were very wet earlier, and I was afraid to go see what it was. Finally couldn't hold it anymore, and it was just more watery CM. I'm so confused about the cm! It's been watery for about 4 days now. My cervix is almost out of reach, but if I bear down I can get to it. It is soft and definitely closed. My breasts are sensitive and my nipples look like they have been bruised. (I'd post a picture but that might be borderline porn) The little bumps are definitely more predominant as well. I have noticed a slight tugging in my pelvic area for a few days now, and whenever I have to pee my abdomen gets rock hard. I'm quite bloated and constipated as well.

I had that one brown smudge in my panties at 8dpo, after having temp drops on 6dpo and 7dpo. I don't quite know how long after implantation, spotting happens as last month I didn't have any, and don't know 100% that it was implantation bleeding. Since then my temps have increased and are still way above coverline. I had read online that an hpt would become positive 4-5 days after implantation spotting so I'm thinking possibly Thursday. I don't know when AF will arrive post miscarriage, but ovufriend and fertility friend put me starting on either Friday or Saturday.

How is everyone else doing?

iv been seeing u across the boards for a while now while i was lurkng and im really praying u get ur bfp.
2 ww sux
ok, i guess i cant help my self, im symptom spotting again:dohh:
i went on clomid 25mgs with no side effects at all, and now after o i get cramps around my right side and fluttering feelings in lower abdomen and NOW increased creamy cm and when i tried to reach inside to take a sample its soooo soft inside (very scwishy ) TMI :blush:
i dont get that i monitor my cm but mostly after o i get very dry down there ... could this be the clomid???? i thought clomid dried us up???im 5-6dpo

what do u ladies think???
Rofl I did the morph thing forever ago. These were mine.


I made my mom sign up (although she's hitting menopause) and got 5 free days of free VIP. I highly dislike FF, even more so now that I'm using ovufriend

I hate FF to now that I have OvuFriend. The only thing FF is good for is spotting a triphasic.

Saw my regular doc today. He tested my thyroid, but other than that he says wait out one more cycle and if no af still then we will try progesterone and check some other hormone levels. Atleast I got some answers I guess.

Your doctors would piss me off royally.

What is this morph thing?
I wanna try it and see if it looks remotely like my baby! Lol


ok, i guess i cant help my self, im symptom spotting again:dohh:
i went on clomid 25mgs with no side effects at all, and now after o i get cramps around my right side and fluttering feelings in lower abdomen and NOW increased creamy cm and when i tried to reach inside to take a sample its soooo soft inside (very scwishy ) TMI :blush:
i dont get that i monitor my cm but mostly after o i get very dry down there ... could this be the clomid???? i thought clomid dried us up???im 5-6dpo

what do u ladies think???

Could be Clomid, or could be symptoms I really wish I knew :/
I did mine, both a boy and a girl, and it gave me two blonde haired kids. M is Armenian, I'm Portguese. We already have one kid, and she is soooooo dark haired and brown eyes, it was not accurate at all, lol
Hi, I got a bfp this morning! Yippee xx

Baby dust to everyone xxx

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