Hospitals no longer providing milk !!

So it's ok to give alcoholics extra cash each week to fund their drinking (YES this really happens) but not a few bottles of milk for a newborn?
I was out of hospital in less than 24 hours with each of my kids, not many in the uk are in for days now unless there's complications so no I think it should be free,
No different to the free milk kids get in nursery school!

Sorry I agree - its a principle thing. If you are gonna cut back formula provision, the do the same with other things where people have "chosen" to do things that require medical care as a result (ie smoking etc etc) .....there are plenty of them! Of course this is not going to happen but I particularly have an issue with the principle of more and more things being taken away for those that work hard each and every year and pay thousands out (quite literally) each and every month on tax and NI to subsides everyone else and get anything I would of got taken away. Such is life and taxes etc etc I know just gets me!! grr
So it's ok to give alcoholics extra cash each week to fund their drinking (YES this really happens) but not a few bottles of milk for a newborn?
I was out of hospital in less than 24 hours with each of my kids, not many in the uk are in for days now unless there's complications so no I think it should be free,
No different to the free milk kids get in nursery school!

Sorry I agree - its a principle thing. If you are gonna cut back formula provision, the do the same with other things where people have "chosen" to do things that require medical care as a result (ie smoking etc etc) .....there are plenty of them! Of course this is not going to happen but I particularly have an issue with the principle of more and more things being taken away for those that work hard each and every year and pay thousands out (quite literally) each and every month on tax and NI to subsides everyone else and get anything I would of got taken away. Such is life and taxes etc etc I know just gets me!! grr

There are many contradictions within the health care system in every country and someone is always going to be left unhappy/angry etc.

Life choices such as smoking and bad diet etc. contributing to severe health outcomes and causing a great strain on the healthcare system are massive ethical issues. As are issues that the public system/NHS is a "pool" system and while you and I pay literally thousands in tax, another individual is proverbially popping out babies without a second thought and draining the system intentionally. It's something that grates me too, Charlie.

I feel we should keep the discussion here to the topic - the fact that formula will no longer be given in hospitals to promote BF and to cut costs.

I have opinions both for and against withholding treatment for patients who have made choices which have impacted their health, but this isn't the place for it.

Don't get me wrong, your opinion absolutely matters; it's just the subject matter that I'm hoping keeps on track in this thread. So far we've done well to keep this as a calm debate and I really hope we can keep the discussion going :) But that's just me.
Sorry but I don't want to breastfeed, yes that's my choice so yes I will provide formula....
But where does the buck stop? Are they going to stop milk tokens for formula fed babies of mothers who don't work??

This is more than just to promote breastfeeding, the best way to feed a baby is one that both mum and baby are happy with.
Good, brest feeding mamas provide there own milk, why should planned bottle feeding mamas get a freebie and not brestfeeding mamas, its a personal choice to do eather, and its not fair one gets something free and the other gets nothing.

I supply everything for my baby, my midwife tryd to put a hospital nappie on my baby and i refused handing her one of my own, told her to keep that for someone who needed it more.

No1 brings me a free bottle of brestmilk because im breastfeeding, this goes to the babys in the neonatial unit, where its needed more, the money saved not supplying foruma could be going twards new things needed in neonatal to alow another mama to take there baby home just like you did!. some people views are just selfish. your bottle of milk may of cost pence, but pence put into a incubator could save a life!
just want to add that tesco and boots do the sterilised bottles of formula all sealed and ready to go if the hospital dosent provide them personally im not bothered in the slightest if they dont but the midwives should tell you in advance as the whole things confusing im more worried that i go into hospital thinking they provide them and not bringing my own only to find they dont also what if you go in wanting to breastfeed but find that you cant for whatever reason then id be panicking! lol i think i might just buy a couple for my hospital bag just in case then send a family member out for more if it turns out they dont as someone else said just be prepared! also if they do stop supplying it whats next i spose since they dont want to feed babies they will stop feeding everyone in hospital lol then again that wouldnt bother me either thier food is awful al i got was a bit of toast in the morning and some slop in the evening nothing else wondering what the heck we pay taxes for!
just want to add that tesco and boots do the sterilised bottles of formula all sealed and ready to go if the hospital dosent provide them personally im not bothered in the slightest if they dont but the midwives should tell you in advance as the whole things confusing im more worried that i go into hospital thinking they provide them and not bringing my own only to find they dont also what if you go in wanting to breastfeed but find that you cant for whatever reason then id be panicking! lol i think i might just buy a couple for my hospital bag just in case then send a family member out for more if it turns out they dont as someone else said just be prepared! also if they do stop supplying it whats next i spose since they dont want to feed babies they will stop feeding everyone in hospital lol then again that wouldnt bother me either thier food is awful al i got was a bit of toast in the morning and some slop in the evening nothing else wondering what the heck we pay taxes for!

That's a joke, right?

Your taxes are paying for the midwives and doctors that are looking after you. They're paying for the standard issue bed you're in and to clean the sheets. The cleaners that clean up all the blood and other bodily fluids that are expelled during birth also need an income.
If it comes down to an emergency - they're paying for your c-section - The OR, the oxygen, the anaethetics and anaesthetist themselves, the obstetrician etc.
If your baby is born early or with any issues, they're paying for bub's life support and care, sometimes for more than 12 weeks.

I couldn't give two hoots about how bad the food is. As I stand there and help resuscitate babies and their mothers in worst case scenarios I'm thankful that anyone works in the public system. It is under-appreciated and underfunded. The patient is not the only one that gets treated less-than-adequately (in regards to luxury, hopefully not care). Doctors and midwives do 48 hr shifts and no joke, the QLD health policy here is "drink more coffee to keep you awake".

Glad you're preping yourself - true though that they should pre-warn you; our antenatal classes prep us for those sorts of things - do you guys get classes too?
no its not a joke food is a part of getting healthy again and im not a huge fan of the nhs as i have been mistreated by them more than once
I knew back when I was 10 weeks that my hospital no longer provides milk. To be honest I dont think they should have too. I have a feeling they keep some emergency so if they dont take to breastfeeding they will give you one bottle, so that you partner or family can nip to the shops and get a supply for you.

can i ask which hospital this is please as im from birmingham to :)
no its not a joke food is a part of getting healthy again and im not a huge fan of the nhs as i have been mistreated by them more than once

That's unfortunate :( Of course the NHS and public system are flawed in some ways - like I said, overworked and underfunded. I'm also one of those patients who have been rushed through an appointment due to the massive demand. It's not nice but I feel privileged to be seen for "free" in the first place.

Perhaps if you're unhappy with the NHS, you should opt to go private?
I'm pretty sure their other alternative is to raise taxes to cover the cost of formula in the hospitals plus all the other additional needs they have - which would cause more outrage?
i wasnt mistreated with a rushed apointment i had a brain virus which was killing me an d instead of sending me for a brain scan they sectioned me in a mental hospital because i couldnt stop screaming and blacking out from pain they left me like that for two weeks before my family convinced them to do a scan i spent al that time suffering in agony because they couldnt be bothered to even investigate the problem dont get me wrong its not the individual doctors and nurses i would ever blame its the whole system if i could afford to i would go private but i dont have that luxary lucky ive found a good maternity ward where i live (sorry ive gone totally off topic here lol) x
Fine by me. I EFF my last 3 babies and I would never have minded taking in my own formula whether its to save money or promote breastfeeding. They are our babies and it's our responsibility to feed them.
i wasnt mistreated with a rushed apointment i had a brain virus which was killing me an d instead of sending me for a brain scan they sectioned me in a mental hospital because i couldnt stop screaming and blacking out from pain they left me like that for two weeks before my family convinced them to do a scan i spent al that time suffering in agony because they couldnt be bothered to even investigate the problem dont get me wrong its not the individual doctors and nurses i would ever blame its the whole system if i could afford to i would go private but i dont have that luxary lucky ive found a good maternity ward where i live (sorry ive gone totally off topic here lol) x

Oh I wasn't saying you had a rushed appointment, I was using my example. I'm sorry to hear of your terrible situation :hugs:. Yes, the system struggles; but this is a good example of needing to re-route funds. Take away from the non-essentials and put it into things like NICUs, scans etc. Scans aren't cheap and that's what probably caused the delay in your case - they need very convincing indications to perform them otherwise the hospital's cost will not be covered for the scan. In the US private system (and in the Aussie private system) they're very scan-happy because they can afford it.

Don't get me wrong - the whole system is unfortunate. In a perfect world we could give everyone everything - from formula to high end nappies and excellent food for Mummies; the fact is, we can't and I think cutting optional formula is a good step to re-route needed funds.
i must admit it is a little irritating that SOME people pay thousands and thousands in taxes and national insurance and then the NHS is classed as 'free'.. many of you ladies have stated that we get free healthcare.. maybe we do if we don't work our whole lives and still have 5 babies but i personally have already paid in taxes (i am self employed and get stung every year for trying my hardest to keep a small business going) more than what it would cost to have children if you were to pay for your own healthcare. I have heard that it costs around £6000 to give birth.. well i have damn sure paid more than that in taxes in one year alone never mind in my lifetime!

but then there is the other side of things as i said, the people who do not work and so have never contributed to the healthcare system. This is a very touchy subject but i just don't like it when people say the NHS is free healthcare when for most of us hardworking citizens we have more than paid our right to give birth and have an ok experience!

i really do not care about having to take my own milk, as miss cakes said i just want to know beforehand that they don't provide formula anymore, as i will take some pre made bottles for if i cannot breastfeed.. it's not a case of wanting to take as much as i can from the hospital it's just about preperation! i think taking away formula, except in emergency situations, is probably for the best in the long run as long as they still provide the support for those who decide to formula feed.

Sorry for the rant!
tbh with my first baby i was actually surprised they did give you formula for free and even nappies n last time i was there i saw a couple of women helping themselves to loads of them which i thought was outrageous!
I plan on breast feeding my boy, or trying my damn hardest too. I have no idea if there is free formula given in my hospital, have never thought of checking because I was planning to take my own. Premade formula bottles in anyways so I can use them if I need too so im not caught short. Why should somebody else be responsible for feeding my child?
Oh time,I feel you!!oh pays upwards of $30,000 tax a year!!and we had our second child in a private hospital paid for by our private insurance and our kids are going to private schools!
I think that if ff is planned it should be provided by the parents,there should obviously be stocks there for emergencies and for when a mother decides its too much and needs formula at 3am in the morning but after that it should be on you I think.i bf both kids til 6 months so this wasn't an issue for me but if I had have planned formula feeding I would have expected to provide the milk
im pregnant with twins this time round so dont really know how i feel about it . twins was unexpected i had everythink i need for one baby as my son is olmsot 2 and we kept everythink but now theres twins we really are struggling to afford everythink . so if we cant take powderd milk in ill have to buy those already made up bottles which will cost a fortune aving to buy for 2 babies especially if ill have to be in there longer than i expect and you cant use milk tokens to buy them . i would like to try n breastfeed but with my son i couldnt do it after a 16 hr labour i was tired and hadnt slept for days so bottle was the best for me im affriad as my partner could take over so i kind of know i wont be able to with twins . double the work but double the fun :D but i can see the reason in why thy are doing it its okay if your going to be in there for 24 hrs or less but 48 hours or more will be an expensive game xx
im pregnant with twins this time round so dont really know how i feel about it . twins was unexpected i had everythink i need for one baby as my son is olmsot 2 and we kept everythink but now theres twins we really are struggling to afford everythink . so if we cant take powderd milk in ill have to buy those already made up bottles which will cost a fortune aving to buy for 2 babies especially if ill have to be in there longer than i expect and you cant use milk tokens to buy them . i would like to try n breastfeed but with my son i couldnt do it after a 16 hr labour i was tired and hadnt slept for days so bottle was the best for me im affriad as my partner could take over so i kind of know i wont be able to with twins . double the work but double the fun :D but i can see the reason in why thy are doing it its okay if your going to be in there for 24 hrs or less but 48 hours or more will be an expensive game xx

You can use milk tokens to buy them xx
im pregnant with twins this time round so dont really know how i feel about it . twins was unexpected i had everythink i need for one baby as my son is olmsot 2 and we kept everythink but now theres twins we really are struggling to afford everythink . so if we cant take powderd milk in ill have to buy those already made up bottles which will cost a fortune aving to buy for 2 babies especially if ill have to be in there longer than i expect and you cant use milk tokens to buy them . i would like to try n breastfeed but with my son i couldnt do it after a 16 hr labour i was tired and hadnt slept for days so bottle was the best for me im affriad as my partner could take over so i kind of know i wont be able to with twins . double the work but double the fun :D but i can see the reason in why thy are doing it its okay if your going to be in there for 24 hrs or less but 48 hours or more will be an expensive game xx

You can use milk tokens to buy them xx

i tried about a year ago and they only let you buy powderd milk formula . maybe theyve changed this ill have to query it x

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