How did you meet OH/DH - LONG


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2009
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Well, I had just come out of a relationship that really got to me so I decided I didn't want to date anyone for a year... Strange but it made me feel free somehow and I stuck to that.

Anyway, I started working in the hotel I work for and he was and is a gardener there. I was in the animation team and had to announce the activities during the day to get people to come. We had to do it in spanish, english, german and french about 3 times in the morning and another two after lunch. He one day came up to me and said he liked the way I speak english, we talked a little ( I was soaking, in my work bikini and carrying my clothes and trainers into the hotel) so my boss called me over and we had to stop talking...
I completely forgot about him and he seems to have tried to talk to me on other ocasions ( one day he saw me walking down the street while he was skateboarding down, stopped off to talk to me further down the street and I turned off home before where he was stood. He didn't see me turn off, just stood there for about 15 mins before realising I wasn't coming, bless).
Then he tried to speak to me at work on a few other ocasions but I was always rushing by with the kids (used to do the kids mini-club) and just got to wave or nod.

He decided to take his chance at the Christmas employees dinner and started talking to me once the drinks started dancing in our glasses. He even asked me if I'd seen him going by the pool when I was there with the kids and when I said no he said, yeah, when you see bananas walking by I'm the one that's carrying them!!!:rofl:
We then went out clubbing and strangely, this guy I'd only spoken to once wouldn't leave my side!!! Kept saying how pretty I was:cloud9:, that I was really interesting etc...:blush: He even left the club with his workmates that had taken him to the party, got in the car, rode for five secs and stopped the car to come back to the club. What a surprise!!!!:happydance:

He asked for my mobile number and called and called but I didn't answer... :telephone: I'd given him the wrong number by mistake... Bloody Rum!!! :dohh::drunk::wine:
Anyway, he asked his friend if he and his gf, who was casually my workmate, could all go out on New Years Eve... She told me her bf had told her he'd (DH)bought himself a whole set of clothes and shoes for our first "double date". He was so handsome, interesting and doting all night and, after talking for hours (his mate kept asking my friend: what are they talking so much about?), I was asking him everything about himself and getting to know him as he still didn't convince me too much. Then, just as we were leaving the club, our friends went up the stairs first, then us, him first and then me, he suddenly turned around and before I could stop the step I was taking he kissed me!!! :wohoo: A very soft and sweet kiss that swept me off my feet. I guess I can say since then I've never looked back!!! :happydance::cloud9::hugs:

I know this thread is going to make people write a lot but can be fun and I'm interested in your stories ladies!!! xxxxx
awww cinnamon, thats sooo cute!! Its so cute how he perservered no matter what! Keep hold of him hunni!

My OH was a pilot, and one day it was arranged for me to go flying at our local airfield (always been interested in flying.)

Anyway, there were about 6 planes lined up ready to go and someone took me over to the plane with the tail plate (XX) and in it was this absolutely STUNNING man... i was so nervous, especially when I noticed I was wearing Bright pink fluffy socks... felt like such an idiot...

Anyway, 40mins late we were landing and i finally gave him my email address (gave him the wrong one on purpose just in case he was a wierdo) but after 4months of going for drinks etc, we finally decided that we'd get slightly more serious... 3 and a bit years later here we are...

Even to this day I still find him absolutely GORGEOUS in his uniform... (weak at the knees sort of thing...)

so cheesey I know... but thats what we need on a May bank holiday! Cute thread hunni!

Thanks, that sounds so exciting, like the film where the oficial sweeps his girl off her feet, loved it!!!
I know what you mean about your pink fluffy socks, I have a "bad hair day" most days and it's so embarrasing to look like 6 year old that didn't brush her hair before going to school/work, thing is, if I don't pay extra attention to let it dry calmly it goes all over the place and there's nothing to be done...

I know about uniforms/suits having that effect on men, I remember my wedding day, I think I've never seen him looking so handsome and in love!!! It was wonderful!!! xxx
well basically I met my husband online! We met in a chatroom, but I had just been turned down by someone in "the real world" and so decided I didn't want to think about relationships for a while. So when we were talking in a chatroom, we exchanged email addresses and stuff but I basically said I would only be interested in friendship, which he was fine with. We talked by email and stuff and became good friends, chatting about everything and anything really. Then one day we were talking late on MSN and he just said "i think I am falling in love with you"! He was drunk at the time so I just put it down to that and went to bed. Anyway, the next day, we were talking again and I said "did you mean what you said last night?" he said yeh :) so we decided to take it further and actually meet up! So nearly 4 months after we originally started chatting, we met up and hit it off immediately. Decided on the first day of meeting up that we definitely wanted to be bf/gf and had a lovely weekend together. Then after that we spoke every single day on the phone for hours! We met up as often as we could, either he'd drive down to me or I'd catch the train up to him.

Then about 3 months after we'd started going out officially, I was up at his house, he went to drop me off at the train station but I just didn't want to leave him! So we pretended that we'd got stuck in traffic and missed the train!!!! We went back to his mum and dad's (he was still living at home) and asked if I could move in. They said yes :happydance: so I just had to go back and explain to my dad that I wanted to move in with him! By this point we were already engaged too!! And we got married 13 months after we first met up!

And here we are 8.5 years later ready to have our first baby :D xx
Aww girls what fantastic stories.

Mines just simple, Meet OH through a friend, we got talking lots, i had seen him before but he was already dating. Luckily for me, he left her and we got talking lots, it was love at first sight, and as they say the rest is history! its 3 years 4 months since we meet and each day i love him more than the last
That's such a nice commited story, wow, 8.5 years, way to go!!! I've only been with DH 5.5 years dating but 10 months of that time married... I just so want it to last forever!!! Have to work on it!! xxxxxxx
Aww girls what fantastic stories.

Mines just simple, Meet OH through a friend, we got talking lots, i had seen him before but he was already dating. Luckily for me, he left her and we got talking lots, it was love at first sight, and as they say the rest is history! its 3 years 4 months since we meet and each day i love him more than the last

It's still a nice story, I often think "what if" if anything would have gone in a different way, would we still be where we are??? It's such a wonderful thing to see how things/love works out in the end... xxxx
I moved house from a village into a town at 12 and made loads of friends when i moved in. One of my best mates introduced me to a lad she went to school with and had known since she was 5. He was always very quiet and didn't really say much, and to be honest i really didn't like him. But he always tagged along and i got to know him. The one night we were all in the town and he asked me out, i was a bit horrible and said no. He persevered and kept trying and at 14 i eventually said yes and we are still together now. It sounds horrible but he really grew on me when we got talking, he was sweet and really cared about me and was nothing like the other boys at his age. And now he's 24 and im 22 and we are engaged, living together and kind of trying for our first baby.
Me and my OH met online through a video game haha - sound so silly imo
But anyway, we were playing on there everyday together for about a year and we became like best friends. He decided for his birthday he would fly over and meet a few friends he knows in the UK - inc me :D (as he lived in Sweden). He stayed at my house for 2 weeks and we decided then that we wanted to be together, when he went back home I found out I was pregnant and we were both really happy as we had talked about having kids together. A few weeks later he came back to the UK to live with me and a year after that he proposed. We are now planning to all move to Sweden together and get a house, another baby and married :D
Strange how things turn out! <3
I nnew my oh from my cricket club, and so we got talking anyway.
We only together about 1 1/2 year after we first met, because first we were only crciket buddies, first time he invited me o a beer after the cricket practice when it was football world cup 2006. so because he lived on the route back home he also took me in his car to a station that was closer (to my home)or we just met at a pub, ,
So we met after cricket and he also invited for cricket and rugby on big screen at pubs, . In that year I also started Uni, and because his old apartment was pretty cloose to Uni, I was allowed to stay in there a couple of days a week, while he was away on business trips(to shipyards as he is a superintendent in a ship management company)
I stayed in his flat and later he also invited me round to his cousin (new years eve ,skiing holiday) which is basically where we got together in early january of last year. )
so after I made myself comfy with a few stuff of mine he decided it cant go on like that and looked for a bigger apartment for us two to live in. (the old one was only a 1 room apartment, but it was only 5 min away from uni by bike) so we basically never had this traditional we get together we live together as I was basically already living in from the start xD, so now after having a short stint in another apartment which was only temporary fromt he site of the landlord, we moved here in the detached house in the suburbs :D
(I know i am not a good story teller xD)

(On short we got toegther after two years of knowing each other)
Me and my OH met online through a video game haha - sound so silly imo
But anyway, we were playing on there everyday together for about a year and we became like best friends. He decided for his birthday he would fly over and meet a few friends he knows in the UK - inc me :D (as he lived in Sweden). He stayed at my house for 2 weeks and we decided then that we wanted to be together, when he went back home I found out I was pregnant and we were both really happy as we had talked about having kids together. A few weeks later he came back to the UK to live with me and a year after that he proposed. We are now planning to all move to Sweden together and get a house, another baby and married :D
Strange how things turn out! <3

That is so amazing!! I would never have guessed you could meet your OH through a video game!!!

Isn't it surprising how things end up?!

Morri, your story is quite unusual too, living in from the start, I would have avoided a lot of trouble that way:rofl:.xxxxx
I met my DH online in 2002. I searched the profiles on AOL, saw he was online, so started talking to him. We spoke for about 3 weeks, and then met up at pizza hut!! After our meal, we went for a game of bowling, then sat outisde a pub talking. Then we came inseperable. I was a student at the time and he stayed over nearly every night. We moved into our own flat in july 2003, married in 2004, got preg in 2005 and had jack in 2006!! 2007 we had a rest!!! :rofl:
And hes still the love of my life! :cloud9:
I saw Darren on a friends Myspace friend's and fell in love with his smile. I added him and we got talking and exchanged emails. We started to talk every single day on the phone, internet and by texts. He was having a bad time dating and I would comfort him, I knew he fancied me and I liked him too but I thought it was too strange to meet up with him as he was off the internet. I told him I was going on a date (with babies biological dad) but my mum had forbidden me as she knew him and he was bad news. Darren begged me to go out with him instead and not to go out with (BioDad) I never listened and the next day I conceived!

I was gutted as I really wanted to be with Darren, but Darren still remained my friend via texts, phone and emails, 3 months down the line in a very bad relationship he convinced me to leave my ex. & that he would be there for me if i needed help. So one day we were sitting on the PC moaning about are lives to each other (he had no car, no job etc) and he picked me up and we met for the first time in the Job Centre :blush: I helped him apply for a few things then we drove to the prom and laughed for 5 hours straight! I knew at that point I needed to be with him and he was the one for me. Over the next month or so he was saying how much he wanted to be with me but was terrified that he would get scared when LO was born and didnt want to upset me by walking out. I went to USA for 4 weeks over the holidays and we emailed every day, serious stuff though, I got back on January 10th 08, to Darren saying 'I'd rather give it a bloody good try than to always think what if' the next week Darren got offered a great job as a Football Development Officer his dream job, bought a fab car and that was the start of our look.

April 21st 08, my 18th birthday I had Hallie. Darren came back to the hospital at midnight, sneaking in saying I needed some stuff and gave me a diamond eternity ring saying that he will ALWAYS be there for me & Hallie.

After 15 months together we now live together and are happy as ever :)
My OH and I worked together when we got together but in different departments. He and my closest friend had gone to college together though and knew each other quite well. We were rota'd to work together a few times and met up as a bigger group and I thought he was really funny! Unbeknown to me, my friends were plotting to set us up (another friend was engaged to one of his mates!) and he started turning up everywhere, thinking Id invited him :rofl:
Anyways, we started to see a lot of each other, he loved my dog (very important), we never ran out of things to talk about and when he went away on a weeks holiday, I realised just how much I missed having him around. We've been together ever since, three year anniversary next week. :happydance:
We actually met via internet. We met up a year later as we lived on different sides of Spain, but after that we met up every 2 o 3 weeks, and all the hols together. At the time was doing a PhD, but got to a point I said, sod it, went to madrid, and we lived together in mil house and I got a job at a school teaching. The next year we moved to a rented flat, and put in for marriage. The paperwork took ages, but after another year or so, we were married. We have been together nearly 9 years now, 6 properly living together. A long time to WTT...
We met in school aged 16. I thought he was a bit of a prat, but he started dating my friend so we hung out. We got to know each other and at 17 he started asking me out. I always said no because I'd just split up with someone and was enjoying the single life. He'd also by this stage split up with my friend, but I wasn't sure he was over her. By the time we were 18, we were spending all our time together, neither of us were interested in dating other people, we were acting like a couple and even kissing when noone was around. I eventually had to face the fact that without me even knowing it, he had become my boyfriend. So next time he asked, I agreed to make if official. We got engaged at 19 and married at 23. :D
I met my DH a year and a half ago through a mutual friend I worked with.

Our friend started working with me in late 2006, Alex moved in with this mutual friend in December 2007. He decided to quit in December 2007, goodness knows why!! But I had been crushing on him for the longest time, and because he was leaving I didnt know when I would see him again. Me being shy I slipped him a letter at the end of my shift with my cellphone number and said text me some time. Well I started talking to him more and he asked me out, well that lasted 4 days lmao. :rofl:

About 2 weeks later I was having a tough time at my parents house and ran away, not having anywhere to go, I called Alex and his friend (my ex) and stayed at their place. The next morning Alex asked me to go out with him. I was very hesitant because
1. I didnt really know him, as we have only hung out once and
2. he was a little geeky for my likes lol, and I have told him that too, he just laughs!
So anyways after about an hour of debate and sitting in silence, I said yes... We started dating and this really ticked Alex's friend off and he stopped talking to both of us. We continued our relationship on February 3rd, moved in together in April 2008 and got engaged in May 2008 engaged and will be married on August 15, 2009

On a side note, the friend and both of us are now on talking terms and he has put the past behind him :)
aww these stories are so cute :cloud9:

toyah i'm loving
in 2007 we had a rest
really made me laugh!! so lovely though :D

well i actually met james in a night club in aug 2005, at 2am in the morning! we got chatting, i was drunk, we exchanged numbers and kissed! met up with him the following night, and the following weekend, and from there we became inseparable! we were living together by nov 2005! and i think more in love each day :cloud9:
I meet OH when i was at uni, he managed the student union and i met him the first night i went in there. He was really drunk and told me his name was bruce and i actually thought he was a bit of a prat!!

I went back to the SU a few days later and i got chatting to him again (it turned out his name was tony :dohh:) He gave me LOADS of free drinks and then and there i new we had something special!!! :D:cloud9:
Met OH at high school in 2003. Was going out with his best friend at the time and we used to tease each other rotten. He did seem geeky lol. Towards the end of that relationship in 2007, my OH had become my best friend and after it ended, I realised I loved him. Luckily he felt the same and we've been together since.

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