How did you meet OH/DH - LONG

Hey, I didn't think internet was such a common way to meet people!!! Thanks girls for sharing your story, some of you have had to have a lot of patience to be together and finally made it. Congratz!!! xxxxxx
I met my OH in a nightclub lol.

I was out with my best friend, and we were waiting for her boyfriend (whom i worked with) and all his mates, they turned up and i left her with all them to talk to a boy a went to school with (in the same club) we were kinda flirting etc. Next thing my friend comes over and says one of Flynn's(her BF) friends likes you, and showed me a text on her boyfriends phone from his mate :rofl:, so i was like "Cant you see i'm busy with Mark" :rofl: i was kinda drunk... so she begged me to come over and meet him, which i did. He pointed out my foot was bleeding, and the rest is history!
After that night we became inseperatable, we met up to go cinema, meals or just for a drive.
Im so happy i listened to my friend in the end and went to meet him :cloud9:
It's a bit of a 'fate' story I guess!

OH and I were both member on a well known military forum. I messaged him to tell him off about something, and I generally found him annoying and arrogant. I added him to MSN and tried to talk to him a few times, but he always ignored me as generally he thought I was annoying too! (No idea why he didn't just block me!) So one day I'd had enough of him ignoring me, and said something on MSN that made him laugh so much he decided to start chatting :blush: We then found out we had mutual friends, but had never met so he arranged to come and meet me a few months later.

Soon as I opened the door I knew he was different, and special. Within a week I knew I was in love with him, and within a month we were engaged. :)

Now the 'fate' bit I guess.

Two years before I met him, I worked in a pub in North Scotland. He was living in Wales, and was on a weekend visit to Scotland to see a mate. They both came into my pub and I was their waitress. I fancied the pants off him at the time, but never said anything and he felt the same about me. but never did anything at the time. He even said to his mate that he was going to get me to go out with him.

Five years later, on our wedding day he rang his mate and told him he married that beautiful waitress :blush:
It's a bit of a 'fate' story I guess!

OH and I were both member on a well known military forum. I messaged him to tell him off about something, and I generally found him annoying and arrogant. I added him to MSN and tried to talk to him a few times, but he always ignored me as generally he thought I was annoying too! (No idea why he didn't just block me!) So one day I'd had enough of him ignoring me, and said something on MSN that made him laugh so much he decided to start chatting :blush: We then found out we had mutual friends, but had never met so he arranged to come and meet me a few months later.

Soon as I opened the door I knew he was different, and special. Within a week I knew I was in love with him, and within a month we were engaged. :)

Now the 'fate' bit I guess.

Two years before I met him, I worked in a pub in North Scotland. He was living in Wales, and was on a weekend visit to Scotland to see a mate. They both came into my pub and I was their waitress. I fancied the pants off him at the time, but never said anything and he felt the same about me. but never did anything at the time. He even said to his mate that he was going to get me to go out with him.

Five years later, on our wedding day he rang his mate and told him he married that beautiful waitress :blush:

Thats such a lovely story!

Mines pretty boring. I was working in a nightclub, OH was visiting his housemare who was the sound engineer at the nightclub and a good friend of mine. He came up to the bar and asked for a bottle of water and I gave it to him for free.. and was apparently giving him 'the look' over the bar.. but I dont remember this part!
i met my oh through my ex boyfriend lol he called my oh off my phone on the saturday nite and on the sunday he called me asking who i was as he didnt recognise the number. i had also split with my bf that day too so got talking to him about that lol i'd never met him.
i told him i was going to have a go at tae kwondo the next day and he told me not to as its not lady like lol.

i went but broke my ankle and two toes :blush:lol

i text him saying he was right i should have never gone lol,

after talking all week on the phone and me feeling sorry for myself as i were in a wheelchair lol, he felt sorry for me drove 80 miles to take me out for sunday lunch i didnt expect anything to come of it at all but we started dating and have been together ever since that was 8 yrs ago.

its so cliche but true.
Well, Hubby and I met at work. He already worked there and when I dropped off a resume I caught a glimpse of him and thought he was super cute. :blush: I ended up getting hired but we never had any shifts together aside from once or twice but it was super busy each time so we hardly even spoke to each other. I was able to see him as he was though, funny and friendly and upbeat while helping customers, so I liked him even more than I did at first. He moved though, completely out of Province, shortly after I was hired. I figured there was nothing to it, just a crush and there you have it. Since he had moved though I confessed to another coworker I thought he was cute. To my utter horror I found out a couple of months later he was moving back and coming back to work. I was soooooo embarrassed and wished I hadn't said anything to anyone!! I just crossed my fingers no one would say anything and I still don't know if anyone did. Anyways, he came back and I continued to like him more and more. I had always told myself if I liked someone I would buck up and ask him out instead of whining to my friends that he didn't ask me and I wanted him to. So I sucked it up and very awkwardly (red in the face and everything!) asked if he'd like to go see a movie. I was 19, almost 20, and he was 20. He told me later he wanted to ask me out but the move had left him completely broke and he was just waiting for payday, which would have been two days after I'd asked him!! :dohh: He was only back from Alberta for a couple of weeks before I asked him. Neither of us drove so we bussed to the theatre, watched the movie, and then we decided the heck with it and we walked to two miles from the theatre to take me home, it was out of his way by half a mile but he said he didn't mind. It was a wonderful walk, we talked the whole time, and it started raining very lightly but neither of us cared. I kissed him on the cheek in the rain outside my apartment building, it was really romantic haha! From that day on we've been inseparable. We did have a proper kiss soon after, but it wasn't as romantic as neither of us had kissed anyone before so it was more awkward than anything. :dohh: Moved in together 10 months later, and Eloped last summer. He's away during the week at the moment for school in the city, this is the longest we've been apart in over 5 years, thank goodness I get to see him on weekends, but every time I see him off to the Ferry to go back for Monday, my heart feels like it literally goes with him, it aches so bad. :sad1:
Love some of these stories!

Mines a bit crap but nevermind, here goes...

I was seeing another guy (only casually, might I add!) and the place where we used to go all the time, Kieren (my OH) used to go too. He was always there when we were there. He got on really well with the guy I was seeing but I hated him! :rofl: always thought he got in the way and just generally peed me off being around him. He was quite young and typical cocky young lad at the time too! I must paint such a good picture of him! lol

Anyway, when me and this guy stopped seeing eachother, I still used to go to the same place as id made a lot of friends there and kieren used to talk to me (but I still hated him at this time) and he eventually asked me out. I told him quite bluntly that I didnt like him and would never change my mind and he was like 'yeah ok, we'll see! ;) in his cocky little way!

So about 3 months later, it was christmas eve and I was out in town with my friends, got more drunk than I think ive ever been before and ended up losing my bag and my friends :dohh: so I was stuck in town with no phone, no money, no friends and no way of getting home - on what was now the early hours of christmas morning. I decided I was gonna walk home (which would never have happened as it was about 6 miles away and I had killer heels on!) and who comes to my rescue... Kieren! lol

I got in the car and begged him not to take me straight home until id sobered up because I was still living with my mum at the time and we had all the family coming over for christmas dinner - she would have killed me!

We drove around for ages and just talked about the most random things. We found out so much about eachother that night and I decided I actually really liked him! Yeah he was cocky in front of his mates but he had this other side to him that I loved!

So that was the beginning and here we are now!
Aww Ive LOVED reading these stories :) What a great thread cinnamon! If I may be so bold as to tell my story even tho im not wtt...
I met my dh online too! My previous bf i had met online and we had just broken up so i was NOT interested in dating just being friendly, dh was having girl troubles and was new in town so i kept saying we could meet up one day 4 coffee - and I hate ppl that say that and dont mean it so we met up a few times and saw some movies and he was into me but I was not into him at all.

It took me 6 months to realise what a fab man he is and realised id be jealous as hell if he stopped liking me and went for someone else- i thought wow he would really make some girl happy, and i wanted to be that girl! so 3 days b4 my 21st i asked him why he didnt have a gf..and he said well there is this girl but she isnt interested in I asked are you sure? and he said he thinks so, so i told him prehaps he should try to ask her out again and he did :)
I will be 28 in July which will mark us 7 years togather (a quarter of my life!) almost 3 years of marriage and a baby boy due next month :)
Such beautiful stories girls, I honestly think, things happen when we're ready for them and not before. If DH would have asked me out before the Christmas dinner I'm sure i would have said no. Not only because of the pain of my previous relationship but also he wasn't my type. But after seeing all he went through just to stay with me, it makes a big difference. That first night he had to take the bus for half an hour at six in the morning because of getting out of the car when he was initially leaving and therefor having no transport... That and many other things made me change my mind...

Everything happens in the right time don't you think?? xxxx
I first met my DH when i was 16. I was in the last year of high school, and my best friend had started drum lessons. I was waiting for her to get back from her lesson at lunchtime, and she burst into the room all red and flustered and said "oh. my. god. I have just met the fittest lad ever!!!" (my hubby!) So next week, i went along to have a peek! Of course i fancied him like mad, but you cant admit to that when ur friend has called dibs on them first! He was in the first year of 6th form. When we went up to 6th form, my friend had got to know him a bit better, but she has this weird habit of making friends with the ppl she fancies and then going off them because they end up feeling like a brother to her! So she went about introducing us with the hope of match-making. Meanwhile, my sister was on the same bus as my hubby. Every day she would sit next to him (she would have been 13!) punch him on the leg and say "go out with my sister".

He fancied me, and wanted to ask me out, but was very shy and wanted to know what his chances were 1st! So my best friend "secretly" (although i saw her doing it and didnt let on!) recorded me saying i fancy him & showed it to him! Then he asked me out, and we've been together ever since- nearly 9 years now. We were engaged at 2 years, moved in together at 6years and married at 8!
Met in a nightclub, he hit on me, I said no.. so he went home with my cousin, two weeks later we got together
I also met my OH in a nightclub, I had gone out for a few quiet drinks and ended up in a club, now I am more into rock music than dance and he just stuck out like a sore thumb in the club as my kinda guy by what he was wearing.

I was feeling fairly confident as was a bit tipsy :rofl: and luckily someone I was with knew the girl that he was actually with that night, he had just broken up with his ex of 6 years and had met this girl the week before and was sort of on a date with her but I managed to chat him up and well he came home with me (ahem!).

I didn't think I would see him again but we got on really well, went on some dates and have now been together over 6 years and living together for 5 and hopefully will be having a baby soon!
I'm thinking this was Cinnamon's sneaky way to skip a few pages ahead on my journal :-=:-=:friends: HEHEHE! :rofl:

However, the cat is out of the bag there so I will now post here.

I met my Husband, my best friend, online when I was looking for a bit of fun :blush:

We've been together 4 years now and been married almost 18 months and I love him more every day that passes :cloud9:

Thank you Cinnamon for starting this thread, it is lovely to hear everyones stories x
I met him in a night club. Was on a night out for my bro's birthday, my dad had told me not to meet any one and fall in love as we were moving to dorset in the march. I spotted him in the club but wouldn't go and talk to him as I'm quite shy and he had all his friends with him so I sent my friend over to find out if he had a gf, he told her he did so I left it. After a few more drinks I thought what the hell and walked over to him and told him it was a shame he had a gf, he looked at me totally confused and I walked away he then realised my friend was asking for me so he came over and offered to buy me a drink. After a little while he asked me to go back to his but I said no and we just exchanged numbers. We arranged to meet up the week after he was 2hours LATE!!! luckily my bro was with me so didn't look like a div on my own. I did forgive him and we actually became a couple that night but still wouldn't go home with him. We spent 3 weeks texting as we lived in different towns and after those 3 weeks I eventually told him I was moving 200 miles away in 2weeks. the night before I left he told me he loved me. Every time we spoke on the phone for 6 months he told me he loved me and that we would be together. I eventually moved back in the september and we've pretty much lived together since
I first met my DH when i was 16. I was in the last year of high school, and my best friend had started drum lessons. I was waiting for her to get back from her lesson at lunchtime, and she burst into the room all red and flustered and said "oh. my. god. I have just met the fittest lad ever!!!" (my hubby!) So next week, i went along to have a peek! Of course i fancied him like mad, but you cant admit to that when ur friend has called dibs on them first! He was in the first year of 6th form. When we went up to 6th form, my friend had got to know him a bit better, but she has this weird habit of making friends with the ppl she fancies and then going off them because they end up feeling like a brother to her! So she went about introducing us with the hope of match-making. Meanwhile, my sister was on the same bus as my hubby. Every day she would sit next to him (she would have been 13!) punch him on the leg and say "go out with my sister".

He fancied me, and wanted to ask me out, but was very shy and wanted to know what his chances were 1st! So my best friend "secretly" (although i saw her doing it and didnt let on!) recorded me saying i fancy him & showed it to him! Then he asked me out, and we've been together ever since- nearly 9 years now. We were engaged at 2 years, moved in together at 6years and married at 8!

That sounds so exciting, so high school like!!! Weren't those some of the best "beginnings" of relationships you've had?!? Mine were all that exciting with friends going to and fro in between us, or notes flying by or even being teased to get more attention and then go for it... Everything was sooo exciting!!! So cheesy I know:dohh:

Dimbo, what can I say...:blush: Will pop over to your journal later...

Girlies, your stories go to show LUV always wins the battle!!!

OH and I met working at McDonalds really. :blush:

We met briefly before that at prom when I was in grade 12, and he was a year older but dating someone else that was in my grade. We went to the prom in the same limo, with our exes.. :rofl:)
OH was working with zarababy1 and used to go on night's out together. The first time i met him was in a club but we were both plasterd and it was nothing more than a drunken hi. A few months later zara fancy'd one of his mates and wated a number, so he said jokingly well i want a number, so zara said i was his tipe and gave him my number but he was to chicken to txt so zara made me txt him. It was literaly "hi its laura, zara said i had to txt you" We txted for about a week and he invited me to a party that a lad from work was having, i made zara get an invite and went to the party.
He was sooo shy he would only talk to me when every one was out for a fag so i went and sat in the front room, hoping he would take the hint, well he dident so zara made him go in :rofl: We talked for hours, started kissing and ended up doing rudys on his mates front room floor and fell asleep hugging. We both had to be up early the next morning so he walked me home and it was one of them acward is this going some where or was it just a drunken fumble so i just hugged him and spent all day talking about him and txting him. We went on a propper date the next weekend and the weekend after that we were official. 3 years later and im still stuck with him.
I met my DP online, I knew before I met him in person that he was the one :)
I had split from a ex of 3 yrs and was finaly starting to enjoy being single n going out everynight when one night in a club i saw my now dh standing at the bar i thought he was cute so went over and chatted him up hah we then ended up having what i thougt was just a one night stand but he then kept askin me to text him in the week and that weekend to go watch him march through the town (hes in the army).

So i ended up texting him and then saw him march n weve been together ever since lol

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