how did you meet your oh


mummy of 2 an 2 angels x
Nov 20, 2008
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ok so i am in a really soppy mood today an i was wondering if anyone has any really romantic stories bout how they met their oh's or how they proposed!!
i met my oh when we were 11 at secondary school! we didnt see each other when we left an then i went out to celebrate my birthday with the girls one night an there he was we talked til silly time in the mornin i went on holiday the next day! so he had stolen my number off my fone! and he text me! he came over when i got back an never went home an we are getting married next week and the way he proposed was he got down on one knee in the middle of our lounge buck naked ok so my story is not all that romantic! but there has to be some romance some where?
I dont think mine is romantic...
I was working in a shoe shop,OH was the stockroom guy and my very close friends brother.I was living with someone who was treating me very badly and cheating,we became very good friends and eventually I got the guts to break up with my terrible boyfriend.OH was my 'rebound guy' which turned into luuuuurrrrve and the rest,as they say,is history.
I hope you have the wedding of your dreams :hugs:
romantic spin you left shitty ex after you met over a crowded stock room!! thats romantic
I met him at 6th form :)

He was quite popular and I always heard about this guy called Rich. I talked to him a tiny bit in the common room. Then at a party, got his number and texted him all the time hehe. We then started going on dates (except we didn't really call them dates, we went as 'friends') and he asked me out in pizza hut tee hee. 4 years and 2 months ago!
Mine is not romantic and defo not classy.

I met my hubby walking down to a nightclub.....It sounds soooo awful but I was 16 lol and I am not very romantic myself.

However he did propose on the millennium at midnight and we got married two years later. Thats about as romantic as it gets :rofl:
I met my OH at school, we were both dirttty grungers and we hung out in the same crowd and started 'going out'. I had lots of problems at home and moved into my first flat at 16 after leaving foster care and i told him time and time again i didn't want him to move in because i was too young and wasnt ready.

Well.. he didnt move in, but he just came round one day and never left. lol. Nearly 8 years later we're still going strong. Getting married on 6th June.
awr Drazic, thats well cute! 8 years is a very very long time, I hope that when OH and I get to 8 years we can be as happy as u!

Mines pretty soppy!!! (Sorry in advance!!!!!!)

I was really into flying, as I wanted to join the RAF, and one day I managed to get a trip at my local airfield. Anyway, there were 5 Planes lined up and I got put into 'XX' (the tail plate) and saw this bloody GORGEOUS man in there. Thought nothing of it, but was rather embarrased about my bright pink fluffy socks i was wearing at the time. Anyway, we flew around, and I told him about how I wanted to join the RAF and things, and he listened and did a few cool maneovers (i.e. Run in and break, loop the loop, barrol roll) and then we went back after an extended trip. As we were taxying in he said, hed got a bit of information on the RAF, and asked me for an email address. (Seeming as he was in the RAF anyway i gave him an email addy (old one - just in case hes was a wierdo)) and forgot about him...

Checked my emails a few days later, (on msn,) and he was online, so we started talking and he told me that he thought I was beautiful from my pictures and that I made his day when I got into his plane -pink socks and all. (I was mortified he remembered!!) And that he was trying his best to think of ways to get my number! (LOL)

Well i suppose things just took off from there. (Excuse the cheesy pun!)

sorry about the absolute soppyness - but I loved how we met and wouldnt change it for the entire world. :blush:

Looking forward to reading more soppy stories, this is such a feel good post! Well done!!

cant say that it is romantic, nor is it classy.
more of the storybook/film way
(now blushing)
yay you have all made my day completly soppy! love it thank you ladies!!!!
Beware this is going to be kind of long. Mine is kind of cheesy because I'm a die hard romantic and I love the sappy stuff as long as I'm in the right mood. So here's my gushy love story....

First time I ever 'saw' OH was one day two summers ago. I was with one of my friends getting ready to go babysit and on the phone with my bf at the time. The doorbell rang and it was this kid who used to live around here come over looking for my brother. (The guy is a year younger than me. I'm almost 18, my brother is 16, so yeah). And he had the cutest boy with him wearing this sexy beanie cap with trimmed facial hair and a very prominent jaw line. OMG. I lost my self for a second. Not kidding, forgot what to say, where I was, who I was talking to.

told them my brother wasn't home and ran off with my friend to go baby sit. Talking about how CUTE that guy was. Apparently he was saying the same about me, except he told his friend (my brothers friend) that I'd be really hot when I got older. He thought I was like 12. Then his friend was like "no, dude, she's your age".

So about a month later, I go to school. And guess who just happens to have moved to MY TOWN!! We could stop staring at each other. We had like 5/8 classes together. While we didn't actually say anything to each other for a few days, we couldn't keep our eyes away. Chemistry class everyday, we'd be staring across the room just trying to think up some way to start up a conversation. Psychology class one day during the 2nd week back at school, he asked me if I wanted to do our homework together. So I said sure and hung out at his house for the first time.

Sure enough, one of those days we were supposed to be doing homework, we figured out how to hold hands and then we kissed. And at our back to school dance he and I were inseparable (but still not together) and this is a conversation we had.
girl: "so are you two dating?"
(i just look at him)
him: "No we're not."
girl: "are you gonna ask her out?"
him: "I don' t know."
me: "then what are you doing?"
him: "making up my mind."

And at the next slow dance, he very well did ask me to be his girlfriend.

We've been on and off for a year and a half now. Currently off, but not necessarily in a bad way even though it's stressful. He just needs some time to do his own thing and not have to worry about me. One day, he and I are going to get married and have a baby girl named Kaliah Layne. Haha.
Aww! I met my OH at school, we were in the same 'House' and in lots of classes together... Started talking properly in Year 8 (When we were 12/13) he got me in trouble because he made me laugh so much in Geography, went out for a weekend and I decided I oughtn't be going out with him (mostly due to peer pressure) he thought I didn't like him anymore and stopped talking to me all that much throughout the rest of school.. After school, a few terms into College he...or I started talking to me...or him on MSN.. I'm pretty sure it was him. I was being a hussy, he asked if he could come over my house and I was scared he was going to rape me...or try it on at least....was talking to my friends who agreed it was a bit weird.. He bloody managed to stay round anyway (I said no, but he would've had to cycle home - a fairly long way - in the pitch black so I felt sorry for him) and I left a big bucket of paint against my door so he couldn't sneak in. We met up a couple of times after that, then he came round mine and (sleeping in seperate beds of course) he pulled me into his bed and "played your (my) bum like bongos" :dohh: and that's when he first kissed me.

I say HE first kissed ME rather than that was 'our' first kiss...because I had no clue how to react (never intended to 'date' him as such). I just stared at him and recently he told me it scared the poo out of him because he thought he'd messed up. Lol!

Anyway, we had a bit of experimenting and decided that we were officially going out now and almost 2 years on, here we are! :)

My husband and I first met about 8-9 years ago at a pickup street hockey game. We had a few friends in common and ended up being best friends as I was seeing someone else at the time. After a few years he lost his job and moved out of state. Then about 2 years later he had the opportunity to move back and I encouraged it because I'd realized how much I missed hanging out with him. After he moved back, I decided I wanted to give dating him a try. The opportunity to be his 'date' to his cousin's wedding came up and that night I seduced him and we started dating for real. About one year after that he proposed and we got married last June.
My oh was working with my cusin and she introduced us, thats about it realy. We texted for a week or so and then i got invited to a party, we spent all night chatting and then a week later we went on out first official date and nearly 3 years later here we are.
my cousin dragged me to a night out in town and then promptly left me next to the bar with a strange lass who then said stay with him till dannii gets bk, and pointed david out to me, i stayed with him til closin!!!! we swapped numbers that nite and started going out a month later, that was 6 years ago yesterday. were now married (sept08)
Awwwww I love this thread!! Makes me feel all warm inside! :)

OH and I met through work. I'd heard loads about this really nice funny guy in another building but I didn't work with his dept so we never met. Eventually I was on a first date with another guy from work(!) about 5 years ago and we bumped into OH in town. My first impressions weren't great, but I thought he seemed nice. Anyway, the other guy turned out to be a loser, but OH and I became really good friends during the regular Friday night works drinks in a local pub. After a while I realised I fancied him, couldn't believe it cos he was soooo not my type, but before I knew it we kissing at the Christmas party! :blush:

And that was that, not looked back since and now can't believe my luck to be engaged to such a cute, kind, loving, funny, all-round great guy! And yes we just got engaged two weeks ago so I'm still in soppy mode too! :cloud9:

Best wishes for the wedding, hope you have the perfect day
what an awesome thread!

I met my OH online! :blush: We were both members of a community forum board, (NOT a dating site! :rofl:) and we hardly spoke to each other. One day I emailed him to ask him something random and we just got to emailing/msning every day. We used to spend 5 or 6 hrs a day chatting online to each other. Within a couple of weeks we knew there was a 'spark' there and decided to meet up, it was intentionally just going to be for a bit of hanky panky! :blush::rofl: neither of us were looking for anything serious and both just wanted some fun with someone we clicked with.
We met in person and spent the next 3 nights together, and then every 2nd weekend after that until after 3months I moved in with him. I had to move back to Australia (from England) 5months later and so we were apart to 'see how it would go'. 3months later we got engaged over the phone, and he flew to oz for the wedding in march last year! I'm now back in the UK and we celebrate our 1yr anniversary in about 5 weeks. :happydance:

My hanky panky no strings attached internet hookup is now the most amazing and wonderful man I know. :cloud9:
I met my Hubby online, I was going through a really tough time at home and decided one night to sign up to a dating site just for a giggle, to laugh at some of the losers that were supposed to be on there, My now hubby was the first one on the "Who's Online Now" page, his profile was hilarious so I had to say hello.

He was my hero, and helped me out when i was going through a really hard time, I moved from North Wales to Kent to be with him within a month of meeting him.
He is my Soul Mate, I know some people are dubious about online dating, but tbh we didnt get much chance to date "online" because after that evening we phoned each other every night for 4 hours minimum and met up 2 weeks later.

That was in August 2007, we got married November 2008, 3 months ago :)
I wouldnt change anything about how we met, I only wish we had sooner!
We met in an MSN chatroom 7 years ago. I was 14 and he was 17. I convinced my Mum to let us meet up and the rest is history. Got married 3 years later and have got 3 kiddies!
My Oh and I had known each other for about 2 years, he was good friends with some of my good friends but I only met him a handleful of times. I'd always been kind of wary of him in a sense, he was a bit of a womanizer.. So I always just saw him as a friend.

One night we went to a party together and then out clubbing *cringe*... We had such a fun night, didnt kiss or anything, I didnt stay at his house and the next day I went interstate for 3 weeks.

The whole time we were messaging and calling each other and I knew he had the biggest crush on me! Hahahaa.. I liked him but was just comign out of a really hard time in my life and wasn't sure If i was ready to commit....

I talked to my bestfriend about it and basically she said "YOU HAVE TO LIKE HIM HE IS GOOD AND HE LIKES YOU.." hahahaha...

When I got home from Perth we went to the football and then back to a friend of mines house. (Turns out the whole time at the football my OH was text messaging his friend who was there saying "arg im not sure if she likes me what do you think?!" and he was like "oh dont worry ehr friend lagged her in, she likes you")

Then that night we kissed and shared a bed, we did not have sex or anything just cuddeled and I said to him "I like you :)" Which he was confused about.

Since then we were inseperable, I was staying over every second night and eventually he got up the courage to..."ask me to be his girlfriend"

He was SO clearly nervous it was the cutest thing ever...n____n!!!

We've been together for close to 7months now and still are inseperable and soo in love!

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