I was 18 when I got pregnant and was at that time, living far away from my parents. My mom always expressed to me that I would make a great mother, and that she would love more grandchildren and what-not, but certainly didn't expect me to become pregnant this young, just as she had done.
When I first told my mom, I called her RIGHT after taking the test (my mom is the best, very easy to talk to) and all I could say was, "Mom. I think I might be pregnant" I was super shakey in my voice as it was still setting in for me. She said "Why do you think that?"
Bahahaha.... I told her, "Well I took a pregnancy test and it's a plus. I think I'm pregnant" Then I just walked around the room going "Oh my god. oh my god. oh my god" She laughed and said congratulations.
My DH and I moved back to where my parents live and both of us grew up and settled into our own home. My dad still hadn't known yet, I was TERRIFIED of telling him. Since he and my mom started having children when they were 18, he didn't want us to do the same because financially, it was hard for them. At least until we all left home :laugh: Maybe we were spoiled..
Anyways, my dad got home from work and it was the first time he'd seen me since I moved back, I sat downstairs with my parents and blurted out, "I found out I'm pregnant, dad" and he quickly turned his smile into a stern face. He said "Is this one of your jokes?" I reassured him it wasn't and that I had just been to the doctors to confirm it. He was upset, he didn't say much, and that's how I knew. It's taken him until almost now to get comfortable with the idea that he'll be a granddad again, but he's very happy about it now. He insists if it's a boy, he's going to be a professional golfer and his name will be Lion because Lion's are bigger than Tiger's... bahaha!