How do I know when I OV'd?


Mummy of 2
Sep 23, 2008
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Hi all,

So I got my firts ever positive OPK on Friday (Clearblue) but don't they just detect your surge, and you OV sometime in the next 48 hrs? I think I felt some twinges Friday evening, but that could've been symptom watching, all in my head (or wind :rofl:)

So, how do I know how many DPO I am? If I count from Friday (my surge day)I am now 5DPO? But do I count from sometime slightly after then?

I would count the next day after a + opk as ov and the day after as 1 dpo. Normally you ov 12-36 hours after a +.

Good luck, hun.
Hi Angel
I got my surge last wed evening so I counted my ov date as friday, they say when you get a positive OPK that you ov between the nx 24 to 48 hrs, sounds like we are nearly on the same cycle, how long have you been ttc?
:hug: xx
This is month number 1 Aquarius. I don't think I cought it this time, well I say that, I DTD on Thursday, got pos OPK Friday, and DTD again Sat morning. Then it all got a bit hectic and I started working nights, so no more BD since. I suppose there's a chance, but I think we could've BD'd more to cover all bases! How long have you been TTC?

Omi, so you'd say 4dpo? I was thinking I would count just after surge day. Why does the 2ww go so slow?!
Think I read somewhere on FF that you OV the day 'after' you get your first +opk... the first +opk will detect the surge and anything else after that will only confirm it.

So if you had a +opk on Friday, poss OV on Saturday would that make you... 4dpo?!?!
This is month number 1 Aquarius. I don't think I cought it this time, well I say that, I DTD on Thursday, got pos OPK Friday, and DTD again Sat morning. Then it all got a bit hectic and I started working nights, so no more BD since. I suppose there's a chance, but I think we could've BD'd more to cover all bases! How long have you been TTC?


YOu never know it only takes once! We have been ttc since Jan, but my periods have been irregular since stopping BC, so I was always doing it at the wrong time. I just read 'the sperm meets egg' plan and was reassured though! I used OPK kit this month and BD once a day for 3 days, missed and day and did again - now im hoping for a :bfp: Its hard not to get your hopes up but Im secretly wishing im in the club! Have you got any more kids or is this no 1?:hug:
I would count the next day after a + opk as ov and the day after as 1 dpo. Normally you ov 12-36 hours after a +.

Good luck, hun.

I do the same so if get pos ov test on Fri for example assume will ov on Sat so sun is 1dpo. Its nearon impossible to know exactly but this is what I do.

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