The Dr said to mix into bottle but he doesn't really take bottles so is there any other way of giving ? He vomits too much and I just hope this can helps.
Mine had bad reflux and bloating. He improved within 2 weeks with probiotics and Lefax.
Many also swear by NatPhos but the starch free version was hard to get here (it should only contain lactose)
I also cut out dairy and gluten, which worsens the problem by a bit.
The best way I found was when I'm breastfeeding an I know that baby isn't taking in any milk, I'd keep them on the breast an using a syringe in the side of their mouth id 'feed it' through. This made sure they swallowed it down too because they're suckling. L
I was told start with one before bed then up to a maximum of 4 sachets in 24 hours if needed.I found one at night wasbt enough so soon did one in morning that was OK for a couple if weeks then noticed more milk was coming back again and discomfort so added another.this worked for a little while longer but she was still in discomfort and prescribed omeprazole but I still use the gaviscon along side it to help keep the puke down as it was coming up with such a force it was coming out her nose and distressing after my long story we use 3 a day now but each child's needs are different.
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