How likely is it that I could be pregnant?

Mar 2, 2009
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God knows where this is meant to go - feel free to move!

I've been off the pill for the last 5 months (long story, tried to donate my eggs to a friend, didn't work out) and started back on the pill for the first time on the 22nd after I finished my period. I wasn't allowed to have sex with my boyfriend while I was donating my eggs ( I know right!) so we were pretty eager if you catch my drift and had sex on the 26th. I thought I was safe but my friend is now telling me that the pill will have only been effective if I took it on the first day of my last period, rather than the last day of my period. Google is telling me all sorts, does any one know the answer?
How likely is it that I could actually be pregnant?

Edit: forgot to mention there was blood after we had sex, not a lot (teaspoon full?) didn't know if that was something to do with my body being back on the pill or what...
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

Wow. This is your personal opinion, on something the op is not asking about. I'm sure this wasn't a decision that she made lightly with no research or understanding or without already having her own belief.

To answer your question, the nhs websites pretty good :

it says if it is the combined pill if you take it up to cd5 you would be protected right away, if its after cd5 you should use alternative protection for 7 days. My guess this is because it takes a few days to get into your system so the closer you take to ovulation there's a chance you may still have ovulated. Its probably unlikely hun but sounds as is there is a small chance. If you were donating eggs i guess you know what cd you ov? To give you an idea of when you can test to be sure. Good luck xx
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

Wow!! It's none of your business if she's donating eggs or not she asked for advise about if she could possibly be pregnant ... Not for advise about donating her eggs ....
If you have nothing nice to say scroll on past !!
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

Donation is a gift!
Finding you post hurtful :(. Expecially because myself and other women have no other route and so much appriciate this gift..
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

Wow, that was... Blunt. I'm curious as to why you think it's not a good idea?
It's moot anyway, turns out me and the would be father both have the CF carrier gene so I'm not allowed to have children with him, which has been a tragic blow to all three of us. But if I could do it all over again I would in a heartbeat.
How would it be for the sake of the child not to give it life and a mother and father who went through hell and back to give it life? Very strange opinion I'll be honest...

And as others pointed out, nothing to do with what I asked about...
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

There really was no need for this response at all :nope: Please keep in mind when posting that we have women from all walks of life on here some who *are* undergoing the egg donor process either as a donor or receiving an egg donation.

In the future please keep in mind these forum rules and TOS when posting:

•Rudeness, flaming or trolling is not tolerated on, or about, BabyandBump or its members. Any member who is intentionally disruptive may have their account restricted or banned without warning.
•Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.
I'm not sure hun, best thing to do would be to test.
Can't believe the one opinionated reply on this thread, the OP was looking for advice, not to be judged or what ever.
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

Wow, that was... Blunt. I'm curious as to why you think it's not a good idea?
It's moot anyway, turns out me and the would be father both have the CF carrier gene so I'm not allowed to have children with him, which has been a tragic blow to all three of us. But if I could do it all over again I would in a heartbeat.
How would it be for the sake of the child not to give it life and a mother and father who went through hell and back to give it life? Very strange opinion I'll be honest...

And as others pointed out, nothing to do with what I asked about...

I will answer because you asked. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but this is not really about infertility, this is about the children created through this process. I never really thought about gamete donation until it was suggested to me 4 years ago that I use an egg donor. I read a lot about it and did not pay much attention to the people who had used donor eggs or sperm, but I read up on the children who then turned to teenagers and then turned adults and their feelings etc. Many donor children feel that they have been wronged and if you read their stories and look at things from their point of view they have. Gamete donation severs children from their genetic family and this is very hurtful to many of the people born this way. It's easy to say that genetic ties do not matter but many donor conceived children do not feel this way. If genetics don't matter, then why don't they just hand out babies at random in the hospitals? If you found out that the person working in the office across from yours was actually your half brother or sister, would you just continue life as if they were just another person at the office? I can offer you many situations like this.

Saying the child was wanted is not an excuse. And really, who would use donor eggs or sperm if they could reproduce with their own? Would it be a first choice or the very last resort? So because of that a lot of donor conceived children feel that when others say they were " so wanted" that it is very insulting.

I know there are many children all over the world that do not know their parents, but usually this is not premeditated like donor conception. All over the world, donor conceived people are moving to stop others from doing this. If anyone has a say on whether or not this is right, it's them.

No system should exist to provide people with children who want them unless it's a medical procedure helping people reproduce with their own gametes. Children are not for sale and they are not painkillers for someone else's unfortunate situation. In reality I probably would think this was ok if it wasn't anonymous and places like the UK and others European countries have made anonymous donations illegal. People with more power that are smarter than me have clearly figured out there is something wrong with this otherwise they would not have changed the
laws. But many donor conceived children do not feel this is right regardless. Even if they love the people that loved them very much so. Read a website called anonymous us. When you see that hundreds of stories written by donor conceived people you would be heartbroken. I could not use donor eggs because I could never be responsible for making someone feel like this. Many of them genuinely are tormented with this. Like I said, even if they love the people that raised them very much. I could go on and on about this but I won't. I know this will be an unpopular opinion ( for those that need to use this to have a child or to those that know someone else who has to use this) but I am not saying these things to be mean. I know the pain of infertility so it's not like I can't relate. But should I pass my pain off to another human being? Because with donor conception a lot of the times the pain of the infertile couple is just passed onto the donor conceived person and that's not fair.

I didn't come up with these arguments by myself to hurt others. This is what I have discovered to be true for so many donor conceived people after extensive research over the last 4 years. Repeating what I have known to be true from the very people born of this practice is not cold and cruel and rude.

I don't feel like anyone is entitled to a child that is not theirs at the expense of that's child's identity. I'm sorry if this is hurtful it's just the truth. In the eyes of the people who have the most right to speak on this subject.

To all the others commenting on how horrible I am for giving her my opinion, this is a public forum. When you post things on a public forum like this, you are going to get opinions and advice even if it wasn't asked for. That's the nature of the internet.
Brokenoven, while i appreciate year point of view and agree some of it is relevant, i think to make such a sweeping coment like dondon't donate is very hurtful. I agee donation should not be anonymous,and think donation is a beautiful thing that someone can to to help those who are unable use their own eggs/sperm. Yes there will be children who resent it, probably similar to adopted children, but I can't see you being against adoption. Donation and adoption are pretty very similar when you think about it.

And telling a cancer survivor who can now not have kids because chemo killed their eggs, or similar, and that its basically tough luck is incredibly inhumane and shows you lack empathy.
Brokenoven, while i appreciate year point of view and agree some of it is relevant, i think to make such a sweeping coment like dondon't donate is very hurtful. I agee donation should not be anonymous,and think donation is a beautiful thing that someone can to to help those who are unable use their own eggs/sperm. Yes there will be children who resent it, probably similar to adopted children, but I can't see you being against adoption. Donation and adoption are pretty very similar when you think about it.

And telling a cancer survivor who can now not have kids because chemo killed their eggs, or similar, and that its basically tough luck is incredibly inhumane and shows you lack empathy.

It's very sad if someone went through chemo therapy and amazing that they survived cancer. Fortunately, science has come far enough to enable a patient who goes though chemo to use the same procedure that egg donors go through and freeze her eggs before chemo :) It's probably a lot cheaper.

It's don't believe it's Inhumane for me to consider the feelings of many donor conceived children have and bring it up in a disagreement one may have with my opinion. If we as a society should listen to anyone about this it should be them.

I do not agree that gamete donation is similar to adoption at all. Adoption is taking a child away from their genetic family after the child has already been created and born. It is taking the child out of an unfortunate situation, whether it be abuse, neglect, death of parents etc and doing the best for the child under the circumstances. There are many reasons for adoption. Gamete donation is intentionally creating a situation that the person born from it may struggle with all their life. Also adopted people are some of the biggest activists for the donor conceived and their mission as they can relate to how they feel.

I am sorry if you don't agree with any of this but these are the feelings of so many in this group and that is how I came to my conclusion. They are people too and have a right to be heard. I'm not going to come back and argue with anyone about this. You can't really argue against the feelings of the people that this affects directly. I don't want to hurt anyone, I know the pain of infertility. I tried for 11 years and did many rounds of IVF to conceive the baby I have now. I can sympathize with infertility, I just sympathize with donor conceived more.
I wouldn't donate my eggs if I were you, I don't encourage this at matter how much someone wants a baby, no matter how much they have suffered, for the sake of the child, but to answer your question, I doubt you're pregnant.

There really was no need for this response at all :nope: Please keep in mind when posting that we have women from all walks of life on here some who *are* undergoing the egg donor process either as a donor or receiving an egg donation.

In the future please keep in mind these forum rules and TOS when posting:

•Rudeness, flaming or trolling is not tolerated on, or about, BabyandBump or its members. Any member who is intentionally disruptive may have their account restricted or banned without warning.
•Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.

I am sorry I didn't think I was being mean or intentionally disruptive, I just told her I didn't think she should do it, because of the feelings many donor conceived people have, and that's all I said. I didn't say I thought she was mean, or evil or stupid or a bad person for considering egg donation. I just said I didn't think she should do it. She asked me why I felt this way and I answered, and my answer only spoke of what I have learned from the very group of people this affects the most. I didn't make any of this up to he hurtful and I would never go out of my way to hurt someone struggling with infertility. There are so many articles, blogs and forums with people born of this procedure who are very hurt and all I was saying is that I don't think she should do it for that reason. Even the people who love the people who raised them think this practice is deeply flawed and that's all I said. If my comments are inappropriate I know you have the ability to delete them. I won't be offended at all. I know that anyone who opposes this gets a lot of anger and hate towards them, even if they simply express that the feelings of the donor conceived should be considered and they don't attack anyone. It's ok if my comments are removed.
To answer your question op yes it is possible ds3 is proof of this.
Unless you take the pill on the first day of your last period you will not have any protection for the first seven days.
I would take a pregnancy test, how long do you have till your break?
To answer your question op yes it is possible ds3 is proof of this.
Unless you take the pill on the first day of your last period you will not have any protection for the first seven days.
I would take a pregnancy test, how long do you have till your break?

Another 7 days now...

So if i wasn't protected but I had had 5 days of the pill would I have been still 100% not protected or are the chances just lessened a little? Like I would have been 75% protected? Lol, does that make any sense?

I'm also a little worried that if I could actually be pregnant, does me continuing taking the pill now harm the fetus in any way?
Brokenoven an admin has told you not to have this debate here and you continued despite the request. Please do not continue this by posting on bloodbinds thread. I ask every one to only reply to bloodbinds question so not to increase the hurt and upset by an irrelevant post.

I will also be requesting that admin further review this thread and the activity in it.

Bloodbinds, it sounds like a very small chance.
I would imagine less and less, we dtd a little earlier I believe. I got a bfp on the last day of my break. I also never bled during the break which is what prompted me to test.
I guess see how it goes and have a test ready just in case. I hope you get the answer you want
No matter what you will not have protection the first week in the pill if u where not on the pill before..that is why the docs always say use back up the very first week if u never been on it..
So when u think ur due and ur nervous take a test..we will all be here for you no matter what..

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