It took us 10 months and 11 cycles of serious trying with fertility monitors, supplements, drinking grapefruit juice, using preseed, all the 'usual' suspects!
It was 2nd cylce lucky for us both times. It didnt even occur to me that it could take a long time as all my friends are in their 30's and now starting families. (we were 32) We just decided we wanted to start trying and guess we were lucky. Hoping to have another 1 or 2 children - not expecting it to be so easy though!
6 months for us x I found it hard because my sister fell pregnant 1st month of trying with both her girls & stupidly I thought I would be the same x
I look back now & 6 months isnt that long compared to how long it has took others & for those still trying x I feel incredibly lucky x
14mths for us..on the Saturday i sat saying i that enough was enough and i was stopping as i had been trying for long enough so wanted a break..5 days later, theres 2 lines on a stick lol
8 years and finaly got accpted for fertility treatment then got bfp naturaly 3 days before my first fertility appointment, fate finaly decided it was my time
Hopfully the next one wont take as long but if a 2nd miricle doesnt happen then little monster munch is going to get so spoilt rotten
A good few months trying without any meds (I have PCOS), which was a bit silly - as I wasn't getting AF! Then a few with metformin, then three rounds of clomid...took a month break...and got pg that month! I was actually distraught in our docs office about how I knew AF was about to show, and we were discussing next steps. Little did I know DD was already implanted
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