How much do you get pumping?


Expecting Baby #3
Sep 8, 2008
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I am just wondering what the norm is to be able to express from the pump? I know other working moms manage somehow! I really don't want to give him formula
Hey hunny its tough cos everyones flow is different, even throughout the day yours will be too.
I managed 30ml in 10 mins one day and only 10ml in 30 mins the next, but i'd say on average i manage 30ml/1oz in 30 mins. I've no idea if thats good or not.

for me it depends on how often I do it, but I dont breastfeed as he wont latch on. If I express every 3 hours then I get 50ml each time in about 20 mins. But if I only do it 2 or 3 times a day I can get up to 100ml each time in 30 minutes.
for me it depends on how often I do it, but I dont breastfeed as he wont latch on. If I express every 3 hours then I get 50ml each time in about 20 mins. But if I only do it 2 or 3 times a day I can get up to 100ml each time in 30 minutes.

Is that total or per side...?
When I exclusively expressed, I would get about 1000ml a day, over 8-10 sessions.

Now I'm breastfeeding, I can get 100ml first thing in the morning, or between 10-30ml the rest of the day.

It is normal for exclusively breastfeeding Mums to only get 10-30ml when they express.

Most Mums who pump at work have to add in extra morning, night or weekend pumping sessions to be able to keep up with LO's demand. It is also worth remembering that babies need to be bottle fed EBM differently than formula. Babies need about 1oz per hour, no matter what the age. They shouldn't be given more than 4oz at a time, and the bottle should take as long as a breast feed. The bottle should be paced with cuddles, burping and breaks to make it take 20 minutes or so.
ive been exclusivly expressing since roo was born, and now at day 13 i am getting 200ml in total (both sides) each session, and im doing that aprox every 4 hrs, i seem to be lucky tho and have loads of milk, i did have a day or two where it was more like 100ml per session, but it soon came back up again
I pump just after the first morning feed (on the other side:winkwink:) and i get 5oz in about 10 mins consistently each morning :thumbup:... this is the only pump i do though as i just stock up freezer for the odd feed when im not about.

Bubs feeds so quickly, he only takes about 5 mins, but hes putting on looooooaads of weight still (from 8lb5 to 13lb5 at 9 weeks!) so i think i might have fast flow. He also feeds quickly from a bottle and takes between 3 and 6oz depending on how hungry he is. :baby:
Oh this is so depressing me! I just went back to work this week and got a medela advanced from wic but am only getting 1 oz in 20 minutes.
Do you have a picture of your baby, and something that smells like him that you can have near you when you pump? Or a video on your mobile of his hungry cry? Things like that can all help your output.

Do you have a nice, quiet, and private place to pump? I'm not familiar with the Advance, is it a double or single pump?

What is your pumping schedule at work?
I pumped whilst Sofia was in hospital and wasn't allowed to bf, I would get between 130-200 off the right and 80-130 off the left. Now I hardly ever express, just to stock up the freezer and if I do it after her morning feed then I'll get about 100-130mls off (one side). If I do it any other time of the day I'll only get about 10-30mls.
It's a double electric. I just started back at work so so far...I have fed him at 7am, then pump at 9am,11am, go home for lunch and pump at 1pm, pump at 3 pm, get off at 4:30pm. He eats every 3 hrs 3 oz.
they told me at hosp that ur prolactin levels are highest during the night so you might get more if u try in the early hours?
I have the medela swing and I've been happy with it.

Maybe try pumping more often, just to get your supply up? You might end up with too much at first but it should regulate eventually. When I was exclusively pumping I was doing it every 2-3 hours in the day and every 3 at night. Good luck xxx
I exclusively BF, I get 2 oz in ten mins. Which is normally when I stop pumping as the flow slows down, but if I do keep going I get 3 oz in about half hour (thats one boob). xxxx
Im exclusively BF also, after reading this I feel alot better as I thought I wasnt getting alot out.

It usually takes me 20 mins for 3oz (thats both boobs). I have the manual Avent pump.

I can get 5oz in 25minutes from my leaky boob first thing in the morning whilst he feeds off the other.
I don't really ever get my breast pads wet, do you think I may have a low supply? Even when I put him to the breast he doesn't act full. I fed him from the breast for forty five minutes this afternoon and he still didn't act full. I even gave him an ounce of water and he still didn't feel full. I finally gave in and gave him formula and he ate 2 WHOLE ounces. I am getting so frustrated.
I have been pumping for almost nine months...ONLY pumping as my son is not able to safely eat orally due to aspiration issues. I usually pump 4-5 times day and in the morning I get over 200ml, and then every other pump I get about 60ml from one breast and 20-40ml from the other. I dont know why but I have a huge difference in supply in my breasts which is odd since the lesser one is the one I can BF him on a pre-pumped breast.
Please don't feel you have a low supply based on others' pumping outputs.

Did you ever pump before you returned to work? How are you feeling being back at work?

What is your LO's weight gain like? How many wet and dirty nappies a day?

My letdown is greatly affected by stress. If I am upset or worried, I get hardly anything from pumping, and breastfeeding isn't as easy for my LO.

Are you very worried about your supply? Do you think that is making you feel tense, and causing a slow letdown?

Another thing, long breastfeeding sessions are normal when you return home, your baby has missed you and feeding is a way to reconnect. Perhaps this explains his feeding in the afternoon? Cluster feeding is also normal, or a 6 week growth spurt.

Most working Mums have to pump more times than the baby feeds to keep up with thier demand. Many add in a night-time, early morning or weekend pumping session to provide enough EBM for the baby.

Getting 100ml or more at a session is not the norm, don't feel bad in comparison.

(Low supply is 300ml per day, Borderline is 500ml and Normal is 800ml - that is total pumping output with no breastfeeding. Personally, I had to pump 10 times a day to keep up with my LOs demand.)
Please don't feel you have a low supply based on others' pumping outputs.

Did you ever pump before you returned to work? How are you feeling being back at work?

What is your LO's weight gain like? How many wet and dirty nappies a day?

My letdown is greatly affected by stress. If I am upset or worried, I get hardly anything from pumping, and breastfeeding isn't as easy for my LO.

Are you very worried about your supply? Do you think that is making you feel tense, and causing a slow letdown?

Another thing, long breastfeeding sessions are normal when you return home, your baby has missed you and feeding is a way to reconnect. Perhaps this explains his feeding in the afternoon? Cluster feeding is also normal, or a 6 week growth spurt.

Most working Mums have to pump more times than the baby feeds to keep up with thier demand. Many add in a night-time, early morning or weekend pumping session to provide enough EBM for the baby.

Getting 100ml or more at a session is not the norm, don't feel bad in comparison.

(Low supply is 300ml per day, Borderline is 500ml and Normal is 800ml - that is total pumping output with no breastfeeding. Personally, I had to pump 10 times a day to keep up with my LOs demand.)

I pumped before work but not as much as I am having to now. I'm okay being back at work. I'm working at my father's company and it is literally just across the street not even two minutes. And I can come home for lunch and see my kids. He hasn't gained weight very quickly. At 6 weeks he was up to 9 lbs 3 oz, born at 7lbs 15 oz. He has quite a few wet ones, not too many dirty ones-- maybe one every couple of days.

I am totally dense and don't know much about the letdown. What exactly is that?

In ml's I only get about 30 each time I pump. maybe 50-60 if I do it early am. So I have to pump three times to get enough for one feed.

He never seems full even after feeding for 45 minutes and I usually end up supplementing formula.

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