How much does your OH's opinion matter?


Jun 28, 2010
Reaction score
In things such as how you look, dress, what you do, etc.?
Ummm. I guess it depends. DH wouldn't give me an opinion unless really, he's right. (Like the time i put horrible false lashes on, at the time I liked them but he thought it was awful. He doesn't normally voice an opinion like that so I realised he had a point. Most of the time he likes my style and what I do though and always pushes me to go try something if I'm hesitant.

I've found his opinions changed on a lot of things - he didnt like the idea of bright pink hair, but now i have it he refuses to accept any idea of changing it now. He even dyes it for me. Same with tattoos - let me tell you, he hated them. Now he just loves them, but he wouldnt get one himself. He's the one in MAC telling me what i should buy :rofl:

He has opinions on some of my friends, in fairness, he's right.
We go shopping together looool. I went from blue black hair to light brown with highlights 2 months back, I hated it but he liked it as it suits my hazel eyes, I didnt change it although I still hate it :p

2 yrs back I went for bright red highlights with black hair, he hated it but I liked it, I changed it after a month although he didn't ask me as I wasn't comfortable with it knowing that he didn't like it.

As for outfits, I love going shopping with him, he has patience & he knows what suits me, I get bored easily while shopping. Even when I get dressed at home I ask him to help with choosing my accessories, shoes & bags.

I even took him with me for foundation matching loooool
He hated it when I had bright red hair. After a while I hated it too and dyed it to a brown red. Looks much better now and doesn't need dying every 3 weeks.

He also doesn't like my tattoos and doesn't want me to get anymore - but we have compromised on me getting a final one of a Russian doll on my thigh and a cover up of one on my wrist.

If he has an opinion about anything else then I tell him where to shove that opinion. If he doesn't like it he knows where the door is :p
I respect his opinion and would consider it before deciding what to buy/ wear / do but ultimately I will do what I am comfortable with.
I will listen to his opinion and think about it, but I usually do what I feel is best, if he really really hated something I wouldn't do it, and I hope he would do the same. But if is my body my choice and I will do something if I really want to.
It matters but I don't always listen, he hates it when I straighten my hair but I still do it at times
My oh is really good. He gives opinions and honest ones and they are usually right. If we go shopping together he is usually the one that spots/ finds the clothes I like and end up buying :thumbup: he knows my taste, and will say oh there's an Aileen dress :haha:
His opinion matters to me but I still kind of wear what I want etc. He'll be honest with me and tell me if something looks terrible.

Hair wise he told me right away he isn't attracted to platinum blonde so we often discuss 'how light' he wouldn't mind me being :lol:.
Tbh I am very safe with what I wear and do with my hair so he never needs to give a negative opinion. But I would listen if he did.
Not that much I guess. He wouldn't like it if I dressed super trashy, and he would hate it if I got a really short hair cut (but I would hate it if he did that too). Otherwise, he's pretty relaxed, and I pretty much wear what I want.
I respect his opinion and would consider it before deciding what to buy/ wear / do but ultimately I will do what I am comfortable with.

WSS ^^

For everyday clothes I choose myself as hubby's taste isn't really mine. He will say I look nice in something I choose myself but if he was to choose I'd be wearing a tartan mini skirt and hello kitty hoody or something. Which I probably would've worn once upon a time but I'm a size 14 woman pushing 40 now!

When we got married I really fancied a lace dress but hubby hates lace so I went with something else (which I still loved). I had some flowers on the hip with silvery lace behind them so got a bit of my lace in there!
Not much really. I wear what I want. But I'd hope I wouldn't ever end up with somebody who dictates what I should wear or should/shouldn't do all the time. I'd never tell somebody what they could/couldn't wear, if they like it/feel comfortable in it then fair enough.
He has never put any input into how I dress. I got my hair cut short once and he said he preferred it short but I prefer it long so it's back to long now.

When it comes to things like uni and jobs he's pretty opinionated in that he always tells me off for slacking etc but only because he cares so I always know that in that situation he is right so I always listen to him than my naughty self who is telling me to be lazy :lol:

Anything else I always ask and value his opinion but ultimately it is up to me.
I respect his opinion and i do take him into account. He isn't big into blondes so i've always veered from that color and he loved my natural red so i took that massively into account when i decided to go back. He isn't a tattoo fan but i have one and do plan to get more as ultimately, it is my body. I don't love shaved hair on him and he knows but sometimes he will have it because again, that's his body. He also has a couple of tops i despiseeeeeeee.

I trust his instincts on people aswell, he is always right, although i tend to find out for myself anyway.

The only problem is he tends to tell me if he doesn't like something, after i've already worn it! He'll say like three weeks later "i didn't massively love that dress, it didn't suit you" and i'll be like oh bloody thanks for telling me now!" but looking back on photos, i realise hes so right!
My oh doesnt like that i have short hair lol. I had long hair for the first 5 and half years being together lol. I like it short makes me feel better.
Sometimes he thinks I have too much fake tan on when I'm going out (not often) but then he sees pictures of me and my friends and thinks I looked the most natural in colour and decides it's not that bad.
He's never really mentioned if he thinks things look bad on me but I would appreciate him telling me as don't want to go out looking like shit.

I on the other hand do slightly moan about him. He is the type of person who would go and get a mowhawk shaved when drunk, one day he turned up to meet me after work with a Hitler moustache!! So I let him know I seriously don't want to be around him when he does this. * he has actually stopped doing things like this the past few years thank god.
Erm. I never thought about it! My other half hates blonde hair.. I now have very blonde hair and have done for a year! Other than that he doesn't really comment on what I do. He'll tell me I look nice.. He won't tell me not to wear anything! I'd be offended if he did.

He also lets me get on with my own thing, he wouldn't dream of telling me not to do something, opinion wise or else wise. He trusts my judgement and let's me get on with it! X
I always take into account what he likes and I want to look nice for him but there are a lot of clothes he would prefer I didn't wear (like skinny jeans) but a lot of the time when he sees me in what I'm wearing he quite regularly says I look really nice.
We both have tattoos so it doesn't matter too much. I plan on one more and I would only get it with his blessing as well.
He would like me to b a red head tbh but I won't do that. He wants my hair long and I have been attempting to grow it.
Tbh he is quite easy going with a lot of stuff though
I value his opinion, but I also tend to wear what I like and style as I like regardless of whether he cares for it, unless he has an actual valid reason for disliking it. The only things he has ever truly objected to are outfits he thought were too revealing, which I'm okay with and stopped wearing because he truly hated them. I no longer wear anything like that, so its not even an issue anymore. He doesn't like me coloring my hair at all, as he thinks hair color should just be natural. I used to highlight my hair or color it red, even though he preferred it natural. he didn't hate it, but he would comment that he preferred it brown. Now I just color it the natural color to cover grays. He is okay with this, as at least I'm sticking with the natural color. He prefers my hair long, but I think my hair looks like crap when it gets too long. I just got an angled bob, which he says looks nice, but he still prefers it long.

I guess to me, it depends how much something bothers him. If he really, really hates it, I would not wear it or would not do it, etc. But if its just something he doesn't prefer, then I'm still going to do what makes me most comfortable.

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