My baby is 7 weeks & tiny only weighing just over 8lb (she was only 5.5lb at birth) She drinks 6oz 7 times per day
I am not sure if this is a good amount xx
My daughter is 11 weeks and has 150 ml 6 times a day (so roughly every 3-4 hours, we feed on demand). She's only recently made the switch from breastmilk though (which is smaller quantities) and is pretty tiny (10 lbs 10 oz) for 11 weeks.
The general recommendation is roughly 150-200 ml x baby's weight in kilos per day. So take that number and divide by how many feeds you normally have and that should give you an idea of the amount per feed. Of course, it's just a rough guide. Some babies eat more, some less and the amount per feed can vary lots depending on how hungry they are.
My baby turned 6 months just over a week ago. She has 6x8oz bottles (but in about 2 of those bottles she often leaves 2-3oz). We also introduced solids when she turned 6 months so she has 1 puree meal aswell. Xxx
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