How much pocket money for a 15 year old??

i was staying with my gran so got given the £20 child benefit and that was to buy my lunch at school and the left overs to buy snacks or pay for buses i also could earn more by doing chores like hoovering the downstairs was £2, washing the dinner dishes for the whole week (only if i ate there) was £5
Jake gets nothing as he as stopped doing his jobs ...he was getting £15 a week for washing up
Ahh, well i was 15, 3 years ago, so not that long ago..

Personally, my mum said she'd do the same system, as you, because it was getting too expensive to give me money everytime i askd.. but told me to make a REASONABLE case for how much i think i needed and what i was going to get out of it, and what she'd buy... and to present it to her..

so being the teenager i was i made a silly case, then she told me to revise, then i decided i wanted to get my clothes, shampoo, lunch money and everything out of it, and i said how much things would cost, she sat down with me and we worked out how much i REALLY needed for each thing, and ended up with a much more reasonable amount and that was it, she didn't let me put things like shampoo in the trolley when we went shopping, if i wanted to spend more on certain things, i'd end up loosing out on other things..

She also said that i was EXPECTED to do certain things, as my household duty, not to get money, but because it was part of growing up and if i didn't she'd deduct money..

personally i thought it was a good system, because we agreed the amount together, we agreed what it would cover together, and i realised that if i did something wrong, or didn't do my part for the house, then my mum didn't have to do hers, and i lacked more and more by being lazy
I was given £20 a month from about 13 till about 17. I had a paper round for some of that time, then I got a proper job at 17 so stopped getting pocket money.
Also, I was never given money for doing chores. I just did them, my mum said that was part of being part of a family and everyone had to do their fair share :shrug:
we got £30 a week, from about 14,

£10 for pocket money which was what we got if we had done our jobs, £10 towards our clothes cus we had to buy our own, and £10 for our dinners at school,

my dad has a shop and a market stall too so if we wanted extra we had to work in the shop or on the stall all day if we did we got an extra £20 per day we worked,


he still gives me a tenner a week and im 21 now lol x
I got £17 a week at 15 and I used to cook for my parents once a week, keep my room clean and generally help out when needed x
I got what my mum had spare/felt i deserved when i was about 15. I used to cook dinner every day because i was home first and it would be on the table for her when she got home every day and help with food shopping and cleaning etc. Generally £10/£20 a week (the bus is very expensive around my area) and id have to buy phone credit too. I wasnt let out without phone credit, she always insisted that im able to call her if i needed to if i was going out. I also worked in a fish and chip shop since i was 13 and i saved that money and have worked ever since.
My eldest son is 14 and gets given £5 to take to school with him on a Monday for the trip out they have every Thursday. (He weekly boards) He then gets a bit of money at the weekends to pop to the shops or if we go out we might buy him a new game for the PS3 or something, or some 'special' converse he wants or something.

He doesn't do set jobs at home, but he helps a lot, including babysitting his younger brothers. He more than earns what he gets. He'd like a weekend job too, but because of where we live, that's not really possible. He does sometimes babysit for my friend/next door neighbour though and she pays him £20 for that.

He's great with money and has just saved up £70 for some new game he's asked us to put on pre-order for him. He is also very kind and often buys his brothers something if he's saved up. He's better with money than I am... :blush:
I had £40 a month at that age but I had to buy my own stuff with it, so if I wanted a new top or trousers I had to use my own allowance.

I have always sat my children down and talked about what chores need to be done around the house (and what chores they would like to do) - I write the chores down in a little note book so as my children know what they are suppose to do and when they are suppose to complete the chore. (I do try and make all the chores fun and ALWAYS praise them )

Some chores they do for pocket money, others are just chores they are expected to do for no money I.E making their bed, setting the dinner table ETC.

On every Friday afternoon (without fail) we sit down and go through what chores they have done and how much money they have made - I then pay them

I hope this helps



My daughter is 15 next month and normally we just give her money when she needs it. Weekends she goes to her friends houses or into town so we give her bus fair and money for something to eat. Then through the week shes getting £1 here £2 there and its all adding up to a lot some weeks!

So we have said she can have pocket money every saturday but she has to make it last the week. If she runs out there will be nomore until the next saturday. So even if she wants to go to a friends and shes spent it all she will have to walk there and back.

Does this sound fair?? And how much would you give? We were thinking maybe £10. This is all on top of her dinner money everyday for school which is £2.50/£3 which obviously she has to have regardless. Shes costing us a fortune at the moment and doesnt really appreciate it half the time so thinking maybe this will start to make her realise that money DOESNT gown on trees!!
I didn't have an allowance, my parents would just give me money if I was going somewhere like the movies or mall until I got a job.
We got £5 a week if we worked for it!
My kids wont get "pocket" money
if they are going out they can do some extra chores and earn some
but no money to have just for the sake of having it
I am tooo mean

I agree with this concept too. We save money regardless so if he wasn't going out I wouldn't give him it.

Up until I got a job I had to earn my pocket money and I think this is very important in establishing respect.
I started working at 15 on top of allowance I got for doing chores at home. I plan to do the same for my kids. Even now, my 6 year old earns allowance for helping with minor tasks at home. I think whether you can afford it or not, kids need to learn how to earn their own way to help contribute to society as they become adults. Especially now more than ever, when adults have a hard enough time finding jobs/making money, kids need to realize nothing should be handed to them. Anything not having to do with school I would not pay for without work being done.
When I was 15, me and my step-brother had set chores. I have the clothes washing, he had the vaccuuming (upstairs and down) and we both washed up dishes after the evening meals.

We each got £5 a week for doing our chores which went towards phone credit and treats for doing a good job (usually snacks for between meals as mum never bought any)

If we didn't do our main chore (clothes washing or vaccuuming), we didn't get our pocket money. Mine had the added bit of, if it isn't done then no-one had clean clothes.
I had 25 Mark as pocket money , and consodering inflation etc 40 pound a month should be alright?

(we didnt get money for chores because it was seen we had to learn that it goes without saying that we help in the house hold, we rather get the allowance so we learn in time how to deal with money)
Wow I hope my DD doesnt read this :haha::haha: She was getting £5 a week (shes 11) IF she did the dusting and vaccuming, if she didnt then no money!! She stopped doing it when we moved so no pennies. I never got anything for nothing. She gets a monthly bus pass for school @ £29.50 and £2 a day dinner money but no more.
I would be skint if I gave her £15 or more a week :haha::haha:
My daughter has got herself a little job since i made this post! YAY!!

Shes stacking skittles in a local community centre for a team she plays for and shes getting £10 a week! She loves it, i said i would do it for £10 a week lol, shes only there for about 2 hours!

She still gets a bit of pocket money from us now an then but shes not really asking for money anymore so no more arguments! :thumbup:

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