See if he sticks to your schedule. What usually happens is something will "come up" so he'll reschedule anyways. Even if you agreed to his schedule, most of the time something ALWAYS COMES UP.
You usually end up trying to make it convenient for them for awhile before you realize LETS JUST GO TO COURT.[/QUOTE]
Very true
He gets every Wednesday 1pm-5pm & Sat 10am-4pm
He wants more and is pushing for overnight stays.. he has made his application to court which was postponed as we're seeing if we can agree in mediation first. (We wont.. it'll go to court)
I have said no to overnights and will reconsider them when LO is over 18 months old. He only lives 1 mile down the road and until I can explain to her where she is going and when she will be back again I am not happy to agree to it. I am also still breast feeding her at night.. In fact, I can give a hundred reasons why it would be disruptive to her and not one reason as to why it would benefit her
When she is 18 months I will consider if I feel she will cope with it and take it from there. I know I have an argument on my hands in court but I am 100% doing right by my daughter and if FOB was doing the same thing he'd realise that overnight stays with him are not in her best interests at such a young age.
Anyone who agrees to overnight stays.. does the FOB work shift patterns and nights? How do you arrange overnight stays around his work patterns??
(I just LOVE the way he cheated and treated us like crap and now I'm still having to work my life around FOB..
what a d*ck!!)