How Often Does Your OH Go Out

Im not sure id be to chuffed if my oh wanted to go out every weekend and we had loads of problems to start with, nearly split up a few times.

In the 5 years we had been together he very rarely wanted to go out without me and then almost overnight he wanted to go out ALL the time with his mates (they had all just become single and going out loads) and obviously I didn't want to go out and even if i did I always looked to rough to go through with it lol

He actually wanted to go out clubbing on new years eve and leave me on my own, even bought the tickets without telling me, i went mental and pretty much forbid him to go !! (He didn't in the end)

I can imagine that for someone that is used to going out every weekend then it would be very hard to stay in and go to bed early BUT its a joint decision to have children and you have to make sacrifices so I do think leaving you every weekend is a bit excessive !
my OH never goes out, we are just the type of people that do things together and if we do go out its for a family meal/drink xx
My OH had his last night out in December with his work, I wouldnt mind him going out but not every weekend, We both wanted this baby so why should he go out all the time!

He will go out to wet the babies head and probably not much once babies here! x
Mine doesn't go out all that often, but when he does, I think it's good that he gets a chance to do that. He's a flight attendant, so he's on the road 13 days out of the month anyway, so that's kinda being out right?

We didn't really do to much going out before I got pregnant anyway. Us and our friends would all rather just meet at our place, or someone else's. We still all do that now. We mostly have mutual friends, but if he gets a chance to go out with his buddy, then great!

My OH works evenings and it's a bit different as we don't get a lot of time together as it is....he's not really into to going out for a big night out though. But occasionally he'll stay after work for a beer...which doesn't bother me. Or once a month he'll go over to his buddies to watch hockey/football! I don't mind too much...if I have notice! I HATE when he just surprises me...and it's last minute. That drives me nuts....
my oh never goes out unless i kick him out the door as he doesnt think its fair that i cant go out and drink your oh sounds really selfish...he should listen to you
My Bf probs goes out once a fortnight alone then once together. He's only 18 and i feel like im holding him back if i don't let him go out, but then again i want to be able to go to my mates house for the evening or go round to my mums.
I havent got the option of going with him its a football thing and they dont want women there, he would go out everywk if he had the choice! we share money so thats a issue too
sorry but i don't understand why so many ladies on here are saying that they can't go out? fair enough you can't drink but i don't see that as a reason to stay home. my husband goes out about every other weekend sometimes more sometimes less, but i go with him. we have always gone out with our friends at the weekends not ness out drinking but doing something, obviously once babies here that will change but i don't see why until he is here we should stop. and even once he is we intend to still go out with friends just doing different things, or having friends over our house.

we went out last night and i did come home earlier that DH but that doesn't bother me in the slightest as i just wasn't in the mood.

i can see how it could be irritating if your always being left home alone, and this is a selfish thing for your oh to do. hope i haven't offended anyone just my opinion!

I agree hun. Just coz were pregnant does that mean we are house bound or banned from going out......i think not. I have been out a few times, not loads but a few times. I just take the car. I admit i leave earlier most times due to tiredness, uncomfortable or just not in the mood but i still go out!

I think its different for woman than it is for blokes. A woman is a mother and responsable for a baby from becoming pregnant. We feel the baby, we love the baby, its real to us. I think some men don't realise they are fathers until the baby is born. As long as my OH don't take the pi$$ i'm happy for him to go out and enjoy himself coz once baby is here, things will be so different. I do sometimes wish my OH was more aware of how i feel and how difficult pregnancy can be at times but at the end of the day he is but a man lol and he's a proper bloke man IFKWIM and i think its unrealistic to expect the average man to be very sensetive or to bother his ass to read a book to get an understanding of what were going through unless every other chapter is about footy :rofl: xx
Oh this is a hot topic for me this weekend!

Generally I don't have a problem with DH going out to the pub and quite often he does go out without me, but did even before I was pregnant. A lot of the time it's just a boys night in the pub and he's home about 1am ish. Suits me as I get a quiet night in the house and can watch whatever I want on the telly without being moaned at :rofl:

Lately we've been going out a couple of time a month for a meal which has been really nice, nothing fancy just cheap pub grub but at least I've been getting out too. So we did that on Friday and had an impromtu meet up with a couple of friends who were also out for a meal as their daughter was with the grandparents. So they weren't out for long either. Just after they left the pub I was ready to go home but DH decided that as he'd finished up on Friday for a week's holiday he'd stay out for a little longer, fine I thought, you're on holiday!

No problem really, until Saturday morning!!! We had planned to get up early, finish decorating the baby's room and hopefully get some shopping done later on too! But he had a stinking hangover so the decorating didn't get started until after lunch and we finally stopped at 6pm, after being in a bad mood with each other most of the the afternoon.

Then his friend, who is up visiting from Southport, decided that they should go to the pub! So another night out, fine didn't really bother me. I was tired anyway so they came to ours for an hour or so then went to the pub and I went to my bed :) But he came home, stinking drunk and ended up still in bed until 3.30pm today!!!!! So no decorating getting finished today :hissy:

Sorry that turned into a bit of rant :blush: Needed to get it off my chest. Can you tell I'm in a bad mood with my DH today :rofl:
We don't drink and have never gone to bars. OH goes golfing etc. every once in a while. If we do anything, it's together usually. Just our lifestyle. He's got some guys he hangs out with sometimes, but he's always home before like 9:00 - lol.
Wow You Ladies Are Alot Of Help With This Situation Its Really Given Me Alot Of Different View Points ... Well I Let Him Go For The Last 7 Months But I Asked Him If He Can Kind Of Cool It Until The Baby Gets Here ... He Gets Offened When I Bring It Up And I Dont Understand Why When I've Given Him 7 Months ... I Have Fibroids Also So Lately I've Been Going Back And Forth To The Hospital But Just My Luck My Fibroids Have Been Growing Due To Hormone Changes So I Really Dont Have A Due Date They Doctors Told Me That if I Go Into Emergency And Somethings Wrong I Might Have To Deliver I Just Thought That Maybe Him Seeing Me In Pain And Dealing With Everything Would Make Him Want To Be A Little More Considerate Because Sometimes I Cant Even Get Around
My OH goes out to work that's it. I don't stop him, he just prefers to stay in with me..Awwww....He's gone out tonight to watch Wrestlemania at his friends as he's been wroking all weekend on our flooring, I literally had to push him out the door, he didn't want to go out, but he made sure I had everything before he went. Will be a long time before he does it again xx
my OH has been out drinking alone once since we've been together and that was to celebrate our sons birth hes the sit at home type man we've been out a couple of times together though since.

i would be a little upset if he went out and partied while i stayed home.

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