I can relate to quite a few of you here! My OH was in agreement when I came off the pill, ostensibly because of the effect it had on my libido. He said back then that we should wait to have a baby, but has never initiated contraception, even when I've told him when I'm due to ov.
He doesn't mind my (occasional, but nonetheless crazy) thing of buying baby stuff, and is definitely not preventing anything! He seems pleased that my sex drive has returned, but hasn't asked about ov or anything.
Recently I thought I might be pg (turned out to be a really long cycle) and he said "well, if you're not we'll just have to try again won't we?". I think he wants an "oops", as the sensible thing is to wait, but he knows how much I want a baby, and how much his daughter wants to be a big sister. I actually think in his heart he wants one too, because he has always said we'll make babies together ^_^