If your pg does your lh surge normaly carry on!! Ive got an opk left might try it xxxI'm 7dpo, so it's 3 days for me lol. I have to wait until the weekend, I can't get into town to get any tests until then. I have 1opk I'm gona use Thursday to see if a line comes up. If it doesn't then I probs won't bother getting any tests tbh. I really don't want to waste money this month lol
This was fmu aswell which i know ure not suppose to use because lh is made in ure body during the day!! So am a little hopefull now heehee xxxok so i googled the opk thing last nite and its true that opks can pick up hgc to but its not accurate and u normaly only get a pos on the same day u get a pos bfp!! So any way i tried it this morning just did a opk and this is wat i got!! Wooo i hope it means something this is wat i normaly get day before surge xxx
Im so sorry for ure loss and wishing u all the best 4 ure xxxHi ladies, I'm 6DPO and on my first month of charting. It;s weird because I didn't think I'd OV'd yet but Fertilityfriend put me down as OVing on CD18, since then I've been symptom spotting like mad! I think its all in my head lol
I'm absolutely exhausted! I almost fell to sleep at work yesterday, and went to bed early but could have slept in much longer. I'm going to wait until CD30 (12DPO) to test, although I do have a cheapie Tesco test in the cupboard. I'm pinning all my hopes on a BFP this month because the baby I MC in Feb would have been due on 26th September, and 4 friends inc my sister are all due within a week or so of me and I'm already finding that hard