Hi guys, I am new here, but have read so many threads about artificial insemination before me and my partner started trying. My partner is also a member here. We are only on cycle 2, but I'm already finding it hard to balance expectations with being realistic. AF is due today. Last cycle I was almost convinced we were pregnant because I had so many signs, but I think I was just hypersensitive to any body changes, it being our first try. This time, I've not had any signs for AF or BFP, apart from the odd sharp pain. This morning I feel as though AF is on her way and although I havent tested yet, I am already feeling the disappointment! It has been a busy few weeks. We inseminated twice during my fertile window and then moved house. The move has meant lots of lifting and being really busy, also helped keep me distracted. Last month I did everything 'by the book', yoga for 2ww every day, no caffeine, sleeping well etc, this time, the opposite due to the move. Worried that I could have jeopardised our chances?
How many cycles have people endured so far and how do you deal with the constant disappointment and losing hope? Is there anything more I can do?
Thanks x
How many cycles have people endured so far and how do you deal with the constant disappointment and losing hope? Is there anything more I can do?
Thanks x