HSG test and pain


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Hi - its been forever since I've posted here! Still trying but getting discouraged, and I have been quite stressed lately (both DH and I unemployed). Anyway after trying to get in for the HSG test since August I have it scheduled for Nov 9 which should hopefully be CD7.

Problem - they just sent me a letter which states "Please arrange a ride home". DH just started a temporary 3 week job which he looked at me like I was mad for suggesting trying to get the afternoon off. We only have one family member in the area who is currently not speaking to us (ah yet more stress) and unlikely to be resolved soon. We moved to our area a year or so ago and have not made any close friends yet.

I'm loathe to cancel the appt (though it would be nice if I had a good reason to but that seems unlikely) I have a few neighbours I can try and ask but I feel its such a big imposition (as it will kill 3-4 hours of a weekday based on travel time to hospital etc)

Oh ya and DH and I share one car and his job is 45 min drive away so to get the car I'd have to drive a LOT that day and if I feel like driving myself home and napping I probably have to drive to pick him up. I must also confess I drive infrequently, am nervous at at and not very good at it so driving on painkillers may be a bad idea anyway. The bus I would have to wait more than 3 hours to catch, and a taxi would be $80 which I can't really afford atm.

Googling HSG was a bad thing :) I did not need to read the details I think. I am pretty pain adverse to begin with and I've always had a really hard time with speculums to begin with (my cervix is tilted and noone can seem to figure out which way to put it in to not cause pain)

Plan A - is this completely a bad idea? Ride my bicycle to the appt (it will take 1h15 one way at minimum) and hope its not raining like a ******* with 80 kph winds (as would not be an atypical November day around here). Wait for sharp pain to subside after appt (hope it does not take long) then ride home slowly. If pain is too much text hubby and wait 3+ hours in the waiting room with a book for him to come and collect me and bike.

I could also just bank on killing the whole day, and take the bus in which I would need to arrive a couple hours early and then read/wait for hubby to pick me up, but will it be too uncomfortable to sit in a chair?

Obviously ideally would be find someone who could take me. SIGH.

Any comments about the HSG (hoping to hear some it was nothing! stories)?
Back away from Google!!!!

I had an HSG last month, my Dad drove me & DH came with me (DH doesn't drive) However, although it was uncomfortable and a bit pinchy at the time it didn't hurt at all afterwards and I could have quite happily have driven or got the bus home (I wouldn't have wanted to cycle but that just cause I don't like cycling!)

My best advice would be to take a couple of strong painkillers beforehand just incase but that it should be fine. I'm sorry there's no one to take you to the hospital - I would if I could!!
awww what a decision!

the problem is you dont really know how you are going to feel afterwards.....some people are fine after an hsg and some people are in pain. It all depends whats going on up there.....it seems to be if your tubes are blocked that where most of the pain comes in.

I had a sono which is very similar, it was a bit pinchy but no pain as my tubes were clear and I didnt need any pain medications. I felt a little woozy after just because I hate anything medical 'down there' and I had worried myself silly googling before.

personally I think the best option is to get a bus there and then wait for hubby to pick you up, or try and afford the cab. the bike ride home I think is a definite no no...you might bleed a little afterall.
Hi velo,
I second what twinkle said, and would much rather drive than bike-if for no other reason than the pevlic jostling- lol. I drove myself to and from my hsg (my doc didnt counter indicate driving after). I was also told to take 3 200mg Advil about an hour before, although i only took 2. I don't know if your procedure is going to be different, but there were no other painkillers or anything involved. For me at its worse the procedure felt like a strong sharp menstrual cramp. It was uncomfortable, but that was mostly in the beginning--after that it was just interesting to watch the video screen and see what was what. You might also take some crackers/cookies/juice for after, as a little blood sugar boost always seems to calm my nerves after a something I'm stressing over (also helps if the advil is giving a sour stomach)
I'm no help I'm afraid as not had a HSG done but the thought of a bike ride after a smear test is enough to make my eyes water.

So sorry for the stress in your life too :hugs:

I hope you find a solution but please back away from google like Twinkle says as it can be a wicked place :hugs:
Yep, back away from google, lol.
I got myself all worked up over lab results that my docs aren't even very interested in, lol.

I had an HSG. I was alone and drove myself there and back no problem. The test itself was uncomfortable, but after I was mildly crampy and had some discharge. Motrin worked (or try some other NSAID) and I needed a panty liner.

I'm not sure if riding a bike would have been comfortable though. Possible? Well, anything is possible. But, I think it would be PREFERABLE to walk, drive, take a bus home. Sitting on a bike seat when you are crampy just doesn't sound like fun, and I'm a pretty fit and active person.

Good luck.
I drove myself too! My clinic told me if I wasn't up to driving that I could sit and wait as long as it took until I was ready to leave. I wish I would have taken Ibuprofen before the procedure but I didn't take anything. The only thing painful was the procedure itself that quickly subsided. The rest of the evening I had period like cramps.
I had an HSG done as well..I found the procedure uncomfortable, but it was temporary. I had a lot of residual gassiness and the saline kept coming out later. They suggest you take painkillers (tylenol) a few hours in advance, take them - it will take the edge off. They also prescribe antibiotics [regimens vary] take them as well! Also, I drove myself to and from.

Good luck on things settling down... I hope the stresses ease up... good luck with the tests.
Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences! I must point out that I ride a recumbent bicycle with comfy chair instead of a painful saddle, so no jostling involved! I think my current plan is:
- see if any of my neighbours are going shopping in town that day so the pickup would be out of their way but not a huge imposition
- if not, and weather is halfway decent ride my bike in, wait at the clinic as long as I need to, and then bike home if I feel like it, or if not find hopefully I feel okay to sit and read somewhere nearby (library?) while waiting for DH to get done work and pick me up. If weather sucks, take the bus and I'll just have more time to kill and less space to kill it in :)
Thought I would post an update, went for the HSG yesterday. The worst part was probably just that I felt like crap that day and hadn't slept well, as the night before I had gone to a social gathering where there was some awkwardness and ended up having a bit more wine than I should have.

I rode my bike there, it was rainy and windy (but fortunately most of the way the wind was at my back) but didn't really have any other options. Slept in too late to take the bus. Took 3 ibuprofen after I got off the bike.

The test was uncomfortable but not so much more so than a pap smear and there was about a 10-15 sec "owww" part but after I was done its like that was it? I was expecting so much worse. I had no cramping at all after the test was done. The radiologist was a super sweet and lovely lady who made the whole process much more comfortable.

I could have biked home but I had arranged for DH to pick me up (he did ending up asking for a few hours off work) in case it was worse, so that was good as the wind would have been in my face on the way home and I was rather groggy from the ibuprofen. (note to self: 2 would have sufficient!)

Oh and of course, the results: my tubes are open and uterus is normal. So its good to know that its all good and hopefully this month will be a good one from the added bonus of the test clearing any potential minor blockages. The doc said to rebook an appt with him to discuss next options after my DH repeats his SA. (the original one came back with excellent count, and normal motility/morphology, but evidence of infection which caused the sperm to stick together - his GP thought it was fine as he had just finished antibiotics, but the specialist just now got the results into his hands and thought it best to repeat to ENSURE that the infection is actually gone)
I agree with you Velo. I just had the HSG test done yesterday. I was very scared from reading posts online saying how painful it was and they would never do it again. The procedure itself took not even 10 mins and I did not feel a thing. I just flinched once when my Dr. put the clamp on my cervix, it didn't hurt just wasn't expecting it when it happened. You find out your results right away. Thankfully mine was normal, no blockage. Anyway, just try not to get yourself worked up like I did for nothing. Wishing you all the best!
I agree with you Velo. I just had the HSG test done yesterday. I was very scared from reading posts online saying how painful it was and they would never do it again. The procedure itself took not even 10 mins and I did not feel a thing. I just flinched once when my Dr. put the clamp on my cervix, it didn't hurt just wasn't expecting it when it happened. You find out your results right away. Thankfully mine was normal, no blockage. Anyway, just try not to get yourself worked up like I did for nothing. Wishing you all the best!

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