Leah regularly takes 6-8 ozs every 2-3 hrs during the day so i tried the hungry baby milk before bed a few nights ago - big mistake! Instead of taking 8 ozs which she always does before bed, she only took 6 1/2 and refused any more - thought great, it's filled her up quicker without her getting so full (it still amazes me how her little tummy can fit in 8ozs milk!) - half an hour later, screaming her head off (she always goes to bed without a problem) - tried winding her, cuddling her, soothing her, changed her bum - nope, she wanted more food and took 4 more ozs of the normal milk and bobs your uncle, went straight to sleep after that. so in my eyes, i'm sticking to feeding her normal milk how ever often she feels she needs it, i just have one hungry baby!!! xxx