hungry baby milk


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
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My wee boy is 8 wks old and is part breastfed, part formula fed for this past 4 weeks. We use Aptamil formula for him. He seems to be a hungry baby, eg will take 11 oz formula in one go, he seems happy, wakes once (occasionally twic) for feed at night.

So 2 questions:
what made you decide to go onto hungry baby milk for your babes?


what is the difference between normal and hungry, as the calories etc on the packet look the same?
Hi there,
we went on aptamil hungrier baby from aptamil 1 when LO was about 3 weeks old. she seemed to be hungry all the time and HV worried me about her putting on too much weight, so we made the decision to change and since then she feeds wonderfully, she is now on 5, 6oz bottles a day, which seems perfect for her and since we changed to hungrier baby she has slept through the night, from 8/9pm to 7/8am.
when i asked the HV about the different i was told there is no difference in calories the hungrier baby just sits in their tummy more heavily and makes them feel fuller for longer.
hope this helps, and i can only praise aptamil hungry baby, but my HV would disagree!! :)
thank you!

How does 5 x 6 oz of hungry baby milk compare to how she was on the normal milk? And what is supposedly too much weight gain? My boy has been doing a lb a week, although to befair he was prob catching up after losing weight until wk5.
hungry baby milk is made from ingredients that make it thicker so baby feels full for longer.

Hungry baby milk does not agree with Chloe and makes her very sick and unsettled so we stick to the normal. She actually has now stopped wanting as much. QHen she was 6-8 weeks old I was worried she fed too much but she now has half what she used to
Hungry baby milk didn't agree with Maya either, made her really grouchy
maybe he will cut down his amounts when he gets to his optimum weight then like Chloe. I know the tin is only a rough guide, but it reckons 30 oz in a day, he regularly does that or more plus 6 oz expressed breast milk plus breastfeeding! maybe he will slow down soon but atm it seems he needs it all.....
If thats what he wants hun there is no harm feeding him that often and those quantities, every baby is different and like you said he is probably making up for losing weight early on :)
thank you!

How does 5 x 6 oz of hungry baby milk compare to how she was on the normal milk? And what is supposedly too much weight gain? My boy has been doing a lb a week, although to befair he was prob catching up after losing weight until wk5.

my LO was put on about a lb and half in the first couple of weeks, (each week, though she had lost quite a bit to begin with!) and the HV wasn't impressed! but to be honest and after speaking to other mum's with my HV she's not the best and when i've seen the other HV she said she was fine, but anyway! Prior to hungry baby her feeding was all over the place, on average i think 8 bottles a day, bless her she was hungry all the time and then we switch and it's been great.
but like other's have said it didn't agree with some. also i no you can just give it with the last feed to help them sleep better. but all babies are different. hope this helps and hope he's less hungry soon :) Feel free to PM/ask me cos as i said we've had great results, but like others have said, not all babies have :hugs: :hugs::hugs:
Well we tried him on a carton (7 oz) at bedtime last night, he slept about 4 and a half hours which is about normal for him and so far no bad side effects so gonna try it a few nights and see if it'll help (us get longer sleep that is!)

At the start I was so annoyed about having to give him formula feeds but now I'm gonna make it work for us if I can!
I changed to aptimil hungrier baby at about 6 weeks - and my LO went for longer between feeds and stopped waking in the night, also she took less milk in a feed which meant the tins lasted a lot longer! The reason it works is cos there is a different balance of the curd and whey. It is thicker and so it takes longer to digest making them fuller for longer.
At the baby clinic this morning for his injections and to be weighed, and that's another 2 lb in 2 weeks! I had made a note of all his feeds since Saturday and when I showed it to the HV even she said he could do with the hungry baby milk! He has seemed ok with the cartons so I've got him the big tin........... thanks for all your help.

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