Thanks for all your replies ladies
I still haven't decided yet and am going to see what happens the next week or so. Last night he was up at 1am so am confused as to how come he can sleep sometimes til 5am and then others be up at 1am?!
Just saw this reply hun. When kacey was 6 weeks old she started sleeping 12 hours a night. But we noticed that she sometimes slept 12 hours and sometimes woke at about 4am. She would have couple of oz then sleep till 8am. We wondered why sometimes she would wake up and other times not. Especially as she wasnt hungry. We then noticed that when she woke up it was cause she had kicked her blankets off and was cold. The nights she slept through she still had her blankets on. We got her a baby sleeping bag and i can now count on one hand the amount of times she has woke up since and she in almost 18 weeks old. She was born in march so im assuming your baby isnt cold however your baby could be waking due to some other discomfort. Maybe worth looking into. Kacey slept 12 hours before hungry baby so its not always about hunger. When she dropped one night feed at 5 weeks so was goinmg about 7-3am then till 730am i did give her an extra feed during the day as i was worried that she wasnt getting enough milk. I even tried waking her at night but she just fall asleep agagin. So i do wonder if the extra day feed was filling her up at night.