HV told me off!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Lo is 5 weeks old and weighs 9lb 2oz (6lb 4oz born) She is fed 4oz every 3 hours or so.. on the advice of ladies on here I was told that you cant over feed bubs and to feed on demand wether that every 2 hours or every 3.

Told HV what lo was having which works out at 32 oz a day approx and she told me off saying I was over feeding her and that she only needed approx 23 oz a day and that I would make her fat! And that I WILL drop her down to a 3oz bottle every 3 hours or if I INSIST on giving her 4oz then I MUST make her wait till 4 hours has passed!

Totally gobsmacked!
:wacko: I would ignore her and continue to do what you're doing. You're not going to make your baby fat by feeding on demand :wacko:
Cheek! My LO was on 6oz every 4-5 hours at 5 weeks, because he wanted that much! And he's a healthy size and weight and always has been. I'd be so annoyed if my HV said that!

Fancy letting your baby scream and cry for milk for an hour! Gaahhh.
My dear lord, my HV is gunna be told to piss off after her first visit tbh.. never ever had a single good experience with one, and certainly dont wish to listen to the crap they come out with!!
I'd be making a formal complaint - she is talking utter rubbish!!
my lo is 6 weeks on saturday, so a very simular age was 7.5 at birth & 9.14 last thursday & hv was very pleased. my lo is also having more feeds then it says on the tin & hv happy with that, although only found out this week that if a baby has indegestion they can act hungry (as they think they are) this was the case with my lo she has reflux. I wish there was more support for FF but hv are reluctant to give it.

I am not from the UK so no experience with HVs or anything. But honestly? These people seem overbearing and way out of line. They can be suggestive at the most, but do not need to be telling you off like that. I would probably tell them where they could shove their advice.

My son ate every 3 hours and by 5 weeks I am almost positive he was eating 4 oz a bottle. So screw them.
I wouldn't worry, the chances are she's just having a growth spurt and will drop a bottle or two in the coming weeks. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Out of interest, which formula are you using? I only ask because lately it's seemed that all the babies I know that gain weight quickly seem to be on SMA, and ones on others gain more slowly. Dunno what that's all about!
Ignore her. I'm getting so sick of hearing about HVs who think that they are the sole authority on raising children. It's not even as if they are consistent within their own area, never mind across the whole of the NHS!

Our HV got on at us about my LO "snacking" when she was very small, because we were feeding on demand and that meant she was eating little and often. She stretched it out herself, without us doing anything to change her habits.
Thanks everyone! I couldnt believe her tbh.. I dont think at 5 weeks old 9lb is bad!

Baby is on cow&gate and has been since she was 2 weeks old, if she wants feeding after 2 hours I do give her water incase she just has wind
Feeding on demand is about giving your baby what they cry for. If they are young enough (certainly under 6 months old), they don't know the concept of greed, and if they cry for food, it's because they need it.

I have been told many things by many professionals. The MWs in the hospital told me I was not to feed more than 3oz no matter how much she cried, and never to feed more than every 3 hours.

I went to see the HV, saying that she was crying for more despite her 4oz feeds, and without even looking at her or weighing her, they told me to up the feeds to 5oz each. But they didn't listen to me when I said that sometimes she doesn't even finish her 4oz, so what's the point in permanently upping her to 5oz?

In the end I went home and just started demand feeding. As it turns out she eats less per day when we demand feed than when she had her structured feeds before, and she's still gaining weight.
Thanks everyone! I couldnt believe her tbh.. I dont think at 5 weeks old 9lb is bad!

Baby is on cow&gate and has been since she was 2 weeks old, if she wants feeding after 2 hours I do give her water incase she just has wind

Well that's blown my theory out of the water!! :dohh:

Unless it's a hot day or she has constipation, I wouldn't give her water at this stage. I'd just make sure she isn't crying for some other reason first, and if not give her another bottle! Water doesn't usually make much/any difference to wind.
Tell her to Pee off, my Lo weighed 10lb 12 oz at 5 weeks and was on same as your LO. Some babies need more than the recommended feed! My HV with my son was the same but luckily the nurse i see with Elle is lovely
I'd hate to run into her, she'd kill me! Daisy was weighed last week at 5 weeks and was 13lbs 5oz :lol:
I'd hate to run into her, she'd kill me! Daisy was weighed last week at 5 weeks and was 13lbs 5oz :lol:

Oh bless her! she is lovely! my daughter weighs 15lbs 13oz and everyone is always like ooh she's so big. I think they can all stuff it!

If your baby is hungry feed her! You cannot overfeed little baby's! they only want what they need and a bit of love:) that's what makes them so sweet! you are doing a wonderful job and don't forget it's your child! your hv should be giving you advice and guidelines not berating you for your personal decisions!
Dont listen to the rubbish! You carry on doing as you are, your baby will tell you what they need and when.

Noah was born 9lb 2.5oz and came out 'starving' and has been ever since. He was on 3 - 4oz every 3 hours at a few days old and has guzzled when he needs to since, he's now found his own feeding pattern and he has gained weight at a nice steady pace.

In all my time as a mum and a social worker, Ive only ever come across one 'normal' HV that didnt spout utter tripe!!!
I was told off by the HV when I got my little boy weighed. At 15 weeks he weighed 19lbs 4oz and she said I was over feeding him as he was on 8oz every 4 hours but sleeping all night. I left the centre fuming cause she made me feel like shit, when I got home I checked the guidelines on the tin and he was having less over a 24 hour period than suggested. Never again will I ask for advice. Busy bodies the lot of them rather go it alone.
Sounds just like what my LO was having at that stage. I hate HV sometimes, they really don't know what they're talking about! If your baby is crying for food then you should feed her. To suggest otherwise is bonkers! My son is 4 months now and sometimes he won't even go 4 hours. Sometimes he drinks 6 ozs, sometimes will have 8ozs. We don't eat the same amount, at exactly the same time each day do we? So why should babies? HV's!!!
my LO was on 6oz every 4hours at 5 weeks dont listen to her you know whats right for your baby xxx
when i had my son he was soooo greedy he used to have 8oz bottles every 4 hours at only 5 weeks old (im not kidding hed have had more if i let him) anyway as he was my first i said to the hv hes eating to much she told me you cant overfeed a baby so i carried on then 6 weeks later when i went to have him weighed she had a go at me saying he was getting too fat i went mad at her especially as he was still on the 75% line that he had been on at the last weigh in 4 weeks before. yes he was quite a chunky baby but he is now almost 22 months and is a perfect size. I totally ignore what they tell me now about beth i have no respect for them and think the questions they ask are stupid

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