Lo is 5 weeks old and weighs 9lb 2oz (6lb 4oz born) She is fed 4oz every 3 hours or so.. on the advice of ladies on here I was told that you cant over feed bubs and to feed on demand wether that every 2 hours or every 3.
Told HV what lo was having which works out at 32 oz a day approx and she told me off saying I was over feeding her and that she only needed approx 23 oz a day and that I would make her fat! And that I WILL drop her down to a 3oz bottle every 3 hours or if I INSIST on giving her 4oz then I MUST make her wait till 4 hours has passed!
Totally gobsmacked!
Told HV what lo was having which works out at 32 oz a day approx and she told me off saying I was over feeding her and that she only needed approx 23 oz a day and that I would make her fat! And that I WILL drop her down to a 3oz bottle every 3 hours or if I INSIST on giving her 4oz then I MUST make her wait till 4 hours has passed!
Totally gobsmacked!