So our little man came early....
5 and a half weeks early to be precise!
Tobias Edgar Marks was born on Friday 12th August at 20.45 weighing 4lbs 6 oz. (34 +5). He is 1 week and 1 day old today.
My waters broke at 34 +3 so unfortunately I knew I would have to be monitored throughout and that my hopes for a water birth had gone out the window. But I knew that if he came before they started threatening induction I would still have a shot at trying Hypnobirthing my way.
As it panned out I birthed 48 hours later in just under 5 and a half hours with the help of just 2 paracetamol. I refused all other drugs including gas and air and breathed deeply throughout. Even though they had to perform a blood test on the baby's head whilst he was still inside me and try to turn him a couple of times as he was a right wriggler.
They lost trace of his heartbeat a few times and it slowed dramatically towards the end so I ended up with an episiotomy and forceps delivery...and my leg started to cramp as they had put me in which point I think I may have sworn, otherwise I remained silent throughout all the surges.
I did ask the relief midwife if she could stop talking as she was a bit of an annoying chatterbox and I was very grateful when my main midwife came back who clearly understood, without needing to be told, what sort of birth I had in mind. (I was going to write my birth plan that week, but never got that far!)
I know that none of the above is part of any ideal hypnobirthing plan but because of the circumstances it became necessary to do whatever possible to deliver the little man safely in one piece. Which fortunately they did - he is on the NICU ward now and will be there for at least another week, but thankfully he is doing well.
I am very proud that I managed with no drugs and kept strong with my breathing throughout (I was listening to my birth affirmations and Maggie Howells Birth preparation CD on my i-pod all the way through and they definitely made all the difference).
The bit I found the most tricky was the "pushing stage" as it was so contrary to what I had learned, but when I dilated it happened really fast and because his heart rate had dipped at the end they needed him to come out quickly.
I am really glad that I found out about hypnobirthing and would never have been so calm going into this birthing without it. I think the Doctor and midwife who delivered him were very impressed that a drug free birth could be achieved with a forceps delivery. I heard them say in an impressed tone "Hypnobirthing with forceps?" The midwife also told me that when she gave birth she wanted to be just like me. Bit of a compliment!
Hope this is useful to someone and doesn't frighten anyone. I fully intend to have the proper hypnobirthing experience next time (cos I am hoping very much there will be a next time).