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Apr 9, 2008
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I'm looking into hypnobirthing and wondering if anyone had any thoughts/experiences to share?

I had a very traumatic labour ending with an emergency c-section with DS. This time I'm determined it's going to be different and I'm considering if hypnobirthing is the way to go.

I've ordered a few books off amazon about it to try and find out more about it, but would love to hear any stories anyone has.
I've also seen the Bradley Method be very effective.
Not sure if you have them in Wales, but here we have Doula's....

A doula is a woman who is trained to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to mothers-to-be and their partners before, during labour and birth, and postpartum.

Doulas work alongside physicians, midwives, nurses, and birth partners, and are endorsed by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Experienced, certified doulas are considered part of the obstetric team, as they help couples minimize obstetrical intervention through informational and emotional support, and maximize their satisfaction with their birth experiences.

The reason I hired one is because I wanted a "pleasant" birthing experience and when I met mine she was everything I knew I needed to achieve this.

Maybe look into something like this.

Thanks jaylene - I looked into them a few months back, but the ones I contacted in my area weren't available and other were taking exams so haven't looked around since. Think I'll read through the books and then see if I can find any more if I think it'll be useful.
ooh i was interested in this aswell, it looks expensive though and im a student aswell as about to have a baby so not exactly in a position to be spending loads of money hehe, i am thinkin of buyin a relaxation cd to play, i guess it will have kind of the same effect?

if u have any tips from ur books feel free to share hun :p

I've been wondering about both hypnobirthing and doulas lately too, so looking forward to any other responses here :)
There are hypnobirthing courses around my area for £200 for 12 hours of classes and a lot of material to work from, but I thought I would invest in the books first and see what it's all about. I doubt I'll be able to scrape enough money together for the course. These are the books I've ordered.

Hypnobirthing: The Breakthrough to Safer, Easier, More Comfortable Childbirth [Paperback]

Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth [Paperback]
By: Grantly Dick-Read (Author), Michel Odent (Foreword)
There are hypnobirthing courses around my area for £200 for 12 hours of classes and a lot of material to work from, but I thought I would invest in the books first and see what it's all about. I doubt I'll be able to scrape enough money together for the course. These are the books I've ordered.

Hypnobirthing: The Breakthrough to Safer, Easier, More Comfortable Childbirth [Paperback]

Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth [Paperback]
By: Grantly Dick-Read (Author), Michel Odent (Foreword)

Let us know how you get on with the books, I might pick up a book or two myself. Good to get recommendations!
Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practice of Natural Childbirth [Paperback]
By: Grantly Dick-Read (Author), Michel Odent (Foreword)

This book was recommended to me actually; it's meant to be very good.
Well expecting the books to be delivered today so will let u all know how it goes. I though t there would be some more people on here with stories to tell tho, perhaps I should post in the post pg thread and see if anyone has any there.
Hi guys
I used hypnobirthing Cd's in the run up to my Dd's birth and at the time I didnt think they would help BUT turned out they did!
In labour I was able to focus better and take myself away from the pain (if that makes sense) Well untill it was time to push anyway!


There are lots of Cd's and books on ebay
Hey everyone, just thought I would update u all on the books. I'm a few chapters into the hypnobirthing one and it is fab. My outlook on giving birth is completely changing already and I'm starting to look forward to it! OMG - I never thought I would say that after last time! Def recommend any pg woman to read these books. Will fill you in when I've read a bit more x
Thanks for this topic, it sounds really interesting. :)

I just looked it up on the net and came across this link which I thought might be helpful https://www.hypnobirthing.co.uk/hypnobirthing_classes.shtml :)
Just thought I'd keep my hypnobirthing journey updated. Been trying to practise the technigues at home, but finding it quite difficult. Trying to convice DH to treat me to the course, I think £200 is a bargain if it prevents me from going through what I did last time :rofl:

Anyway, I was practising it the other night and I don't know whether it was coincidence or not, but something freaky happened :rofl:

When you get into the deep relaxation there is a glove technique where u visualise having a silver glove on and it turns ur arm and hand numb - much like anesthetic - so u can then pass it on to other parts of ur body. Well, I was thinking about this when I fell asleep and woke up an hour later, my hand was resting on my leg and my leg was completely dead. It was like a piece of lead, I could not do a thing with it. Didn't dawn on me at first about the hypnobirthing thing, but I tried using the technique in the book about coming out of the relaxed state, so did this and my leg came back to life within a few seconds and was completely normal - this has never happened before and I wasn't sleeping in a position that could make my leg go dead. So freaky!!!!
Just thought I'd keep my hypnobirthing journey updated. Been trying to practise the technigues at home, but finding it quite difficult. Trying to convice DH to treat me to the course, I think £200 is a bargain if it prevents me from going through what I did last time :rofl:

Anyway, I was practising it the other night and I don't know whether it was coincidence or not, but something freaky happened :rofl:

When you get into the deep relaxation there is a glove technique where u visualise having a silver glove on and it turns ur arm and hand numb - much like anesthetic - so u can then pass it on to other parts of ur body. Well, I was thinking about this when I fell asleep and woke up an hour later, my hand was resting on my leg and my leg was completely dead. It was like a piece of lead, I could not do a thing with it. Didn't dawn on me at first about the hypnobirthing thing, but I tried using the technique in the book about coming out of the relaxed state, so did this and my leg came back to life within a few seconds and was completely normal - this has never happened before and I wasn't sleeping in a position that could make my leg go dead. So freaky!!!!

Wow. That's really interesting :)
I'd be interested to hear what you think about the 'Childbirth Without Fear' book.
Just started the childbirth without fear book - finding it a bit harder to get into than the hypnobirthing book. I usually read before going to sleep and finding the childbirth without fear one really difficult to keep track of what they're talking about - it's def a sit and concentrate book :rofl:

But going to continue with it and see where it goes. I loved the hypnobirthing book tho and recommend it to everyone.
Ooo... cool thread. Just yesterday I signed up to some Hypnobirthing classes in Derby and I'm actually really excited to see what there like. I'm usually a bit sceptical about all the 'hippy' stuff, but people have operations without anaesthetic using hypnotherapy so I figger there must be something to it. The price did seem a little steep to me too (£230 for 12.5 hours), but thats for both me and my OH and I was speaking to the women who runs them and she said they teach your partner how to coach you during birth, so I think it'll be good for him to have something to do :D I'll let you knwo how it goes.
I bought the Childbirth without Fear book the day after I saw this thread actually - you're right, it's a wee bit hard going isn't it?? Once he gets going though it does all seem to make sense - am going to give the Hypnobirthing one a go too :D
Yeah :happydance: We've decided to book the classes - can't wait now :happydance:

Still working my way through the childbirth without fear book - it's worth the effort as it explains pregnancy and childbirth in a very good way that makes sense. The hypnobirthing one explains the same thing but on simpler terms and with exercises to practise to enable a natural birth. If I had to choose between the 2 books, I would def recommend the hypnobirthing one.

The only thing I don't understand is why this information isn't widely available to all pg women. I would have loved to have known all this on my 1st pg and really do believe I wouldn't have had to go through such a rough time in labour. The government throw so much money at equipment, if they just spent it hiring people to cope psychologically with pg women they wouldn't need half the equipment :rofl:

Anyway, I shall let u all know when I have my first class booked - just waiting for the woman to get back to me with a date :happydance:

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