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I can't believe I'm over here. I'm so numb


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2014
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I figured I'd move over here. :cry:
My screening tested positive for Trisomy 18.
My daughter has measured about a week behind since the first ultrasound at 7 weeks. She had good growth so my doctor pushed back the due date one week. Atl my 11 week scan (12 if you go by LMP) she measured 10+4. At 15 weeks, she measured 14 weeks (doctor also said 14+4 so I don't know which to go by, but he's not optimistic anymore). If I go by my LMP, she would be measuring a week and a half small.
Then this ultrasound on Tuesday showed a heart arrhythmia.

Thursday I go for an amniocentesis. I'm so afraid for my baby girl. :cry:
:hugs: there are lots of stories on this forum where people have been told things are wrong and had an amnio to find out everything is perfect

Thinking of you and your little girl x
Peanut I have been following your story in the other thread. I am so sorry you are having to face this, I really hope Thursday comes quickly for you and it does bring good news. I am thinking if youx
:hugs: there are lots of stories on this forum where people have been told things are wrong and had an amnio to find out everything is perfect

Thinking of you and your little girl x

Thank you.
I hope it's a false positive. I hope, I hope, I hope. [-o<

Peanut I have been following your story in the other thread. I am so sorry you are having to face this, I really hope Thursday comes quickly for you and it does bring good news. I am thinking if youx

Thank you.

I figure this section is more applicable for everything.

I sold my bike yesterday so whatever comes, at least we won't go into debt for it, assuming there aren't serious complications.
If she's poorly, then I can pay for the termination and move on (please don't judge. If she's T18, I couldn't bear to watch her suffer). If she's well, then we can pay for her delivery and shower her with birthday gifts.
Hi, I terminated my t13 bubba at 13weeks, it was picked up from nuchal scan and confirmed by cvs.

I just wanna give you a massive cyber hug, I remember how tough it was, from getting the result to waiting to hear the diagnosis.

Stay positive! X
No judging here hun, to be honest I would do the same. It's such a difficult decision to make and I am really keeping my fingers crossed you don't have to go down that road. Tuesday is not to far away now. What time is your appointment? Please let us know how you get onx
:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:Sending love.It is a hard thing and I am so sorry you are going through this :cry:..Never any judging, ever :hugs::hugs::hugs:..Here always if you need a friend XOXO <3 <3
Keeping everything crossed for you - I lost my first to t13 after 2 yrs of trying and ivf. I now have a healthy 2.5yr and number 2 on the way (saw your last thread) hopefully you won't have to face t18 but if you do there are lots of us around xxx
Thinking of you :hugs: it's an awful situation to be in.

Our second daughter came back 1:79 for downs syndrome and measured 1.5 weeks behind (100% on dates). We never made it to the amnio but found out afterwards it was triploidy.
No judgement here as we probably would have done the same thing had she not passed before hand xx
No judging here hun, to be honest I would do the same. It's such a difficult decision to make and I am really keeping my fingers crossed you don't have to go down that road. Tuesday is not to far away now. What time is your appointment? Please let us know how you get onx

My appointment got moved to Thursday. My insurance and the doctor I was scheduled with couldn't agree about whether or not the doctor was in network for me. It seemed to depend on who called to verify. So I switched to a doctor who is in network no matter who calls. It's a difference between the procedure costing me a few hundred bucks or a few thousand.

I read a lot on T18. I know there are stories out there of babies making it past a year but it's incredibly rare. And I can't bear to put her through such a poor quality of life or sit around and wait for a miscarriage. My husband and I talked about it and we are on the same page.

I sort of wonder if all babies go through a period of a heart arrhythmia. They're busy building all of the electrical pathways while their heart is running. It'd make sense that at some point, it'll cause a small hiccup until it's complete. And perhaps many aren't getting an ultrasound during that particular phase?

I do have a couple of bright spots in life that appeared within the last few days.

I think we've found a name for her. Abigail Ruth, Abbie for short. It's at the top of our list. It's not official, but it sure sounds right. She's due on my late grandmother's birthday so we wanted her middle name to be my grandmother's. I hope naming her won't make this harder if things don't go our way but she's important to me. I've seen her wiggling on ultrasound. She deserves a name.

If I hadn't already mentioned, someone finally came and bought my motorcycle. This means we can pay off some medical bills from when I had to go to the emergency room before getting pregnant. If our daughter has T18, we can pay for the termination. If she's healthy, excluding any extenuating circumstances, we can pay for the delivery all without going into debt.
We can also pay for repairs to the car since my husband wrecked it last week and not struggle to pay bills.
Also, DH is due for a promotion and a position opened up near the coast. I've always wanted to live near the ocean so I have my fingers crossed.

I took up painting with watercolor as a way to try and control my anxiety and sadness about all of this. At times, it feels like I'm already grieving her loss which I feel guilty about because we don't have a solid answer. I know I shouldn't give up on her yet. Half the time I think she has T18. Then half the time I think she's okay.

You ladies have been a Godsend to me. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers and any appendages you're crossing for my little girl.
Hi peanutt, I was following your other thread and just wanted to send you :hugs: We lost our daughter to t18 in August. It's such a heartbreaking and difficult situation to be in.

I think the name you've picked for her is beautiful.

Thinking of you for thursday x
You are very brave to be going through this. I hope everything works out
Peanutt, Abbie is a beautiful name and such touching reasons behind the choice too.
I think having the feelings of grieving are probably completely normal, it's your body's way of trying to cope with such an emotional and stressful situation. In an understandable way it's easier to let yourself begin to feel sadness rather than live in the bubble of everything will be ok. I honestly pray that this is a mistake and everything is ok. You are all in my thoughts and I will be thinking of you on Thursday. Have they said how long you have to wait for the results of the amnio? Take care, reflect in your paintings to try to take your mind of this, I will be keeping tabs on this post so feel free to keep in touch with us, we are all right behind youxx
:hugs: Thinking of you, I truly hope things work out for you. Good luck for Thursday!
Woke up with a stomach bug. I hope I'm better tomorrow for the amnio.
Hey missy. I hope you're doing ok and hope the amino went ok. Just wanted to let you know you were in my thoughts xxxx I'm super worried about you. Let us know you're ok xxxx
Had the ultrasound and amnio.
Lots of birth defects showed up on the ultrasound. The doctor thinks the amnio will be positive for T18.

She couldn't find her stomach, bladder, brain and even couldn't find her face. She has a badly deformed leg. And she confirmed a heart arrhythmia.
We'll get FISH results by Tuesday which are pretty accurate. Then the formal results in 7-10 business days.

But it doesn't look good.
My heart sank. I feel so bad right now I can't stand it so your pain must be unbearable. There aren't any word. Please know we are all here for you. So heart breaking.

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